~Chapter 1~

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"Oi! You the kid that lives one floor up?"
(Name) jolted as she timidly pivoted on her heel, she faced a lean man; who bore the classic detective getup. "Y-yes! But...what happened here?"
"Shut yer yap! Actin' all innocent makes me queas—"
"Warrod, I'll take it from here." A tall, voluptuous woman pushed the man to the side, "Are you (Name) (Last Name)?"
        (Name) slowly nodded, her mind still processing her situation, "How am I acting innocent? What happened to Tanaka?!"
       "Please stay calm, do not do anything rash..." The woman started, "My Hero Name is Midnight, and I am currently investigating the murder of Tanaka Ken."
       "Murder...Of Tanaka Ken?" (Name) mumbled. Her being trembled, she stumbled before suspending herself on the wall, "H-how? We were watching movies together less then an hour ago!"
      "So it is true, you were there when the murder took place." A second form appeared marginal to Midnight, "We have enough information to detain her Midnight-dono."
      "Kamui-san, she's as old as my students. I can't help but doubt the evidence, let's do a swept of her room and a background check. There is zero possibility that she could be the culprit!"
       'Kamui' nodded his helmeted head, "Whatever you say."
Midnight, whom (Name) now recognized as the R-Rated hero, placed a hand on her shoulder, "We do not have a search warrant, but is it alright if we inspect your apartment, especially your room?"
(Name) quickly nodded, her breath erratic, "Y-yes! Anything...to prove my innocence!" She fumbled with her pockets, eventually pulling out her key, "H-here!"
Midnight gingerly took the keys and nodded, "Thank you. I'm sure this is all just a coincidence."

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      Following Midnight as if she were a lost puppy, (Name) awkwardly twitched under the penetrating gazes of Kamui and Warrod. They were resolute in their belief that she had killed Tanaka.
      Midnight examined her darkly painted room. The U.A symbol eventually caught her eye. She made her way to a wooden desk and lifted the envelope. The R-rated hero then frowned, realizing it was a rejection letter.
      "You applied to U.A, (Name)-san?"
      "Oh...that," An embarrassed blush coated her cheeks, "I was too sick to take the hero practical, and I wasn't able to focus on the written portion."
      Midnight solemnly nodded before motioning to her many posters, "You enjoy American horror?"
      "Yes! Its amazing!" (Name) grinned, a quick switch from her previous mood.
      Her room's inspection continued, until the detective huffed, "Everything seems normal, Let's check her computer."
      (Name) shuffled to her computer and unlocked it, "Excuse any weird searches...I'm currently writing a horror novel!"
      Warrod's eyes became slits as he clicked on the search history option. He scrolled...and scrolled; eventually his eyes lighting up.
      "Aha!"  Warrod smirked, "Murder weapons, Murder scenes, stab wounds, gun types...the list goes on!"
      (Name) visibly began to panic, "I-I needed it for writing..."
      "(Name)-san...don't worry, please calm down! I believe you!" Midnight cooed, "We still haven't done a background check...we won't arrest you!"
      (Name) violently shook, "I-I would never! Tanaka was o-one of my only friends!"
      Midnight glowered at Warrod before tearing a piece of her costume. A pink mist swirled out, soon being inhaled by (Name). Her glowing (E/C) eyes flickered, before she collapsed in a heap.

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      "(Name) (Last Name), age fourteen. Currently attending her neighborhood's high school. Her quirk is 'Inkling' which allows her to manipulate ink. Thus explaining her ink colored skin and white tattoos.
      She is currently in custody for the murder of Tanaka Ken. Does this sound like your daughter?"
      Piña (Last Name) anxiously clutched her husband's hand, "Indeed, that's my daughter! She would never harm anyone of anything!"
      Her husband, Saeyoung, caressed Piña's chocolatey hand, "That is correct. (Name) is indeed an oddball, but she would never hurt a fly."
      Skimming through the girl's file once more, Midnight grimly sighed, "Listen, your daughter seems to be a nice girl...but all evidence points in her direction. The most incriminating was her computer search history and the fact she was seen leaving Tanaka's apartment around the time he was murdered."
      "Listen, my daughter would never do such a thing!"
      "Miss, all evidence points to her."
      Piña rubbed her temples, her eyebrows furrowed. "She wants to be a hero! That damn mono kept her from her dream school, and now it's incriminating her."
      "What do you mean?"
      "Tanaka was watching her! She had a fever...! Please, she can't go to jail! She just wants to be a hero!"
      Saeyoung, whom had kept quiet, coughed, "Perhaps you can watch her at U.A? We saw you at the sports festival, surely there's some strings you can pull!"
      Midnight deeply frowned, "I'll see what I can do."

Published- July 5th, 2018

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