~Side Story: The Pool~

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Even though class 1.A's trip to the mall was a total bust, that didn't mean the class couldn't enjoy their summer.
      Overhearing the, majority of the, girls in class 1.A, Kaminari and Mineta plotted an impenetrable plan. A plan to spend a relaxing summer day watching eye candy.
The duo planned to exploit Midoriya's innocence, but that had ultimately backfired. The entirety of class 1.A had arrived at the school's pool.

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      "I don't understand why you had to bring my mom into this..."
      Kirishima heartily chuckled, "Piña-san saw me at the door and forced me to get you out of the house, which what I was gonna do either way!"
      (Name) groaned, as she placed her satchel over her shoulders. "I was doing pretty well with my investigation..."
       "It's summer! You gotta balance your work and play!!" Kirishima gave a thumbs up, "But don't you have a pool uniform?" He motioned to her yellow shawl, and bikini.
      "W-wait...there's a pool uniform?" (Name) fiddled with her shawl after echoing his words, "Aizawa never told me..."
       "If you feel embarrassed, don't, you look cute!" Kirishima grinned, as he flicked her sunhat.
        "I'm not embarrassed." She deadpanned, "I really like this two piece."
       Kirishima shrugged, as he continued walking, "Now we just hafta pick up Bakubro!"
      (Name) shook her head rapidly, "N-not the rapid beast!"
       "He's alright. I promise he won't bite you head off."
        "Yea, s-Sure."
        The friends continued to idly chat, as the sauntered towards the Bakugou Residence. Kirishima dragged a reluctant Bakugou out, and the trio left to the school.
      "Why the fuck you wearing that shit?"
      (Name) adjusted her bag, and pushed up her sunglasses, "I b-burn easily, and I...um- don't have the school swim suit."
      "Damn robot extra is gonna bother the fuck outta ya."

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      "Sorry we're late!" Kirishima called, "I had to get (Name), and Bakugou!"
      "K-Kaminari...at least (Last Name) didn't get the school swimsuit memo..." Mineta bawled, as he blew his nose into Kaminari's shirt, "I-inky goodness!"
      (Name)'s nose crinkled in disgust, she excused herself from Kirishima and left for a seat. She retrieved a bottle of sun screen, and lathered it onto herself.
She then huddled herself in the corner, merely observing the class. She knew she wasn't welcomed, after all none of the girl's had invited her, and she hadn't gotten the memo until Kirishima showed up at her house.
The class eventually opted to have a race tournament. Having groups of four face off, until only a few remained.
     It was definitely an interesting swimming race, a majority avoided actual contact with the water.
      "(Last Name), you should join the next race!" Mina cheered, "You've been moping in the corner!"
      Ida speed-walked to where Mina was, "Mina is correct! (Last Name), as class president, I've ignored your atrocious neglect of the pool uniform, to make up for it, you should participate in the endurance training!"
      After absorbing Ida's long-winded speech on her attire, (Name) rapidly shook her head, "I'd rather not."
      Mina pouted, "You should! You're the only one who hasn't been in the pool! You can race against me and a couple others!" The pinkette slowly stalked towards (Name), ushering her in the direction of the pool.
      "She really shouldn't...don't force her Mina!" Kirishima coaxed, "We don't want Mineta to get what he wanted..."
      "Aww...(Name)! You shouldn't let some dumb pervert ruin your fun! And you're wearing black, you must be so hot!"
      (Name) raised an eyebrow in question, she looked at her two-piece, then back at Mina. "I-I'm wearing yellow, um...if you're referencing my skin—"
      "Do it!" Mina repeatedly chanted, as she clapped her hands. Eventually, more of the students
joined in pressuring (Name).
      Unfortunately, the loud chant had been effective. (Name), with a heavy blush, threw off her sunglasses and sunhat; after retrieving some vials of ink from her bag. She shamefully walked to the dive-boards and awaited her competition.
      "(Last Name), you don't have to." Todoroki stepped out from the crowd of students, "We can leave together if you want."
(Name) bitterly smiled, "I wish I could do that, but thank you." She truly did, but anxiety, and fear dominated any other feeling.
Aoyama, Mina, Sero, and (Name) soon stood marginal to one another. They each bent over, waiting for Momo's signal to begin. With her 'start', the group set off.
Mina dived into the water, not taking advantage of her quirk. Sero, and Aoyama jumped into the air flying off. Finally, (Name) dumped vials of ink into the pool; using her quirk to form a kickboard.
She meekly stood on it, then allowed one of her tattoos to slither off her arm. She clung onto the dragon, as it flew foward. At a steady pace she went forward. The board quivered beneath her, causing her to sway. At this point, to (Name), it wasn't about winning but avoiding the water. Yet, it seemed like lady-luck wasn't on her side.
Aoyama had surpassed his quirk's limit, causing him to crash into Sero. The duo fell back, colliding into an unsuspecting (Name).
In slow motion, (Name) attempted to cling onto her dragon. As if tripping on a banana, she instead fell back; her body hitting the water.
Mina, not surprisingly, had long won the race. The pair of boys rose to the surface, them chucking at the occurrence. But, the inky form had yet to resurface.
"D-does she not know how to swim?" Mina, with wide eyes, pivoted to an anxious Kirishima, "What's wrong?"
"It's much worse..." With Kirishima's vague, and cryptic sentence, the students of 1.A turned to an inky puddle that formed in the pool.
An arm shot out of the pool, causing the class to flinch in surprise. The arm climbed out, revealing an inky mess. (Name)'s once fit form had melted into a pile of diluted ink. Her eyes drooped, while her hair sagged behind her oozing form.
"What the actual fuck..." Bakugou had stole the words out of every students' mouth.
"S-she looks like that Pokémon, muk?" Kaminari gaped.
"C...ra...p..." (Name) choked out, "H...elp."
Several students (including Kirishima, Todoroki, and Momo), rushed to (Name)'s aid.
"T...han...ks" Her melting mouth created a half grin.
Even though she had ignored his help, and became an inky mess, Todoroki felt himself smile at her. She was indeed interesting.

(Name) the Muk:

Published- August 23, 2018

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Published- August 23, 2018

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now