~Chapter 9~

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      "(Name), how was school?" Her mother, Piña, worriedly gazed at her sluggish daughter. Piña sat marginal to their mahogany table, skimming through the newspaper.
(Name) grunted in response. She shrugged off her bookbag, and trudged towards her bedroom. Piña shook her head in disapproval, sighing at her daughter's behavior.

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      Knock, Knock
      (Name)'s eyes slowly opened, she had collapsed onto her bed the second she entered her room. Loudly yawning, she straightened her form.
      "Dinner's ready, your brother came by as well." Her mother's voice spoke, "It's chicken parm, and we got some smoothies."
      "I'm coming." (Name) opted to remove her uniform. She began to fold her vest, and shirt, but gave up when she reached her skirt. She messily threw her uniform into her wardrobe, and retrieved a graphic t-shirt and shorts.
      She sauntered down the stairs, its creaking alerting her family.
      "Someone decided to join us." Her brother grumbled.
      "Shuddup Lard."
      "Don't call me that."
      "DoNt CaLl Me THaT."
      Abelard October (Last Name), or simply Abe, was (Name)'s older brother. He was a minor pro, with the attitude of a pompous nun.
      (Name) smirked at her brother's seething form, as she seated herself.
      "Dad set you up for a life of name-calling. He could've at least gone for a Korean or a Latino name."
      Her father, Saeyoung, warmly smiled, "I wanted to embrace our German side more...! Abelard means resolute, so you shouldn't be embarrassed."
      Piña grinned at her husband, love in her eyes apparent, "I'm terrible at picking names, if it were me you'd be Saeyoung Jr.."
      (Name) gagged at her parents, while she served herself. "I'm glad you were sensible enough to name me, (Name)."
      "You weren't sensible enough to not kill Tanaka..."
"Well compared to your entire hero career, I've been given more attention in three weeks."
The duo continued to bicker, as their parents ate their dinner. After many years of practice, tuning out the siblings quarrels was involuntary to their parents.
"At least I don't look like burnt toast."
"My quirk's more useful than yours, Doodlebob."

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"(Name), go to sleep...!" Piña begged, "You have school tomorrow..."
"I know...just lemme write...!"
Piña groaned in frustration, her daughter was as stubborn as a mule, "Fine! Have it your way." She slammed (Name)'s bedroom door shut, then stomped off towards her room.
Once her mother was a safe distance away, (Name) yanked one of her Supernatural posters down. She neatly rolled it, before returning her attention to where it once was displayed. A large cork board, with a rusted frame, rested where the poster was hung. Atop it were miscellaneous objects, pinned by thumbtacks. Each thumbtack had different colored yarn, connecting to another object.
      Articles on Tanaka's murder, photographs, gifts (Name) had received from him; to put it simply anything that held significance to Tanaka Ken was on the board. Honestly, it wasn't much. He was a frugal nobody with a simple quirk.
          Speaking of quirks...his was practically useless; unless he wielded it wisely.
      "Probability...Tanaka could've avoided the attack with his quirk, unless..." (Name) flipped through a notebook; until she landed on page labeled 'Possibilities'. She quickly scribbled, 'stealth attack', and added a quick description of his quirk.
'Maybe he was attacked from behind...or killed in his sleep...he could've used his quirk to manipulate the attack.'
      (Name) ruffled her hair, she was beyond aggravated at this point. All her leads were theories...and she had zero access to the crime scene, or actual evidence. Luckily, her mother was a lawyer. Even then, Piña was barely able to pull some strings, to access some information.
With a frustrated groan, (Name) harshly threw herself onto her bed, she was mentally, and physically tired. She could pick up where she left off after school.

Published- August 10, 2018

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