~Chapter 15~

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Waking up at the crack of dawn was something that (Name) despised, but waking up early and starting treacherous training, now that was something everyone should hate.
(Name) popped her joints, she rolled her neck around, and finally left to catch up with her classmates.
      "Morning, kids." Aizawa greeted, "Today the real training camp begins. This week's training will help you towards your next goal, getting your provisional licenses." The male continued his speech boredly, before throwing a ball to Bakugou.
"At the beginning of the year your record was 705.2 meters. Lets see how much you've improved this year."
"Aw cool! I bet Bakugou can hit a mile!"
"Here we fucking go." Bakugou clenched the ball, and dramatically rolled his arm back. The previous comment inflating his ego, "Go to...HELL!" The sphere flies through the air, the force so strong dust kicked up and surrounded the explosive blond.
'H-hell?' (Name) involuntarily quivered, 'I hope I don't have to partner up for him with anything...'
"709.2 meters."
"The fuck?" Bakugou growled, turning on his heel to face Aizawa.
"Only your techniques and minds have matured, your quirks however have not. This training will help you improve your quirks."

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If  you were to ask someone what their definition of hell was, they'd probably respond with a "place licked with flames, with the devil being center of it all". Now, if you were to ask (Name), it was physical training with Tiger. Waking up early never seemed more appealing compared to this training.
      For the hundredth time she circled around the perimeter of the training area. The scorching sun hitting her back was in no way helpful. Yet, this was significantly better than getting pummeled by a pro-hero.
      If Tiger felt that her pace was insufficient, he would command her to repeat the torturous regime. (Name) shuddered at the thought. His bone-shaking smile had already been imprinted in her mind.
      This training was to supposedly increase her stamina, and ink's endurance to physical attacks. To her, however, she felt as if she was only entertaining her lethargic teacher.
      "Pick it up (Last Name)! Or you'll have to start all over!" Tiger grinned maliciously as he faced Midoriya, "Now, Midoriya are you ready!?"  
      Midoriya faintly nodded, he pulled his arm back and shouted, "Five percent, Detroit smash!" His attack had been dodged, and swiftly returned. Tiger stood over his bruised and beaten body, and told him to repeat the exercises.
       " Okaaay. Not quite sharp enough yet! It's proof you're not ripping those muscles apart!" The pro turned to face his other student, "Plus ultra, right? Then show me that ultra!"
        (Name) staggered forward, this was to be a very long week.

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Swift and efficient cuts penetrated a multitude of meats and vegetables; yet the slices held a perplexing variety of shapes and sizes. One would think an alleged murderer would know how to properly cut using a kitchen knife.
      "Ouch...." (Name) looked at her oozing finger, mentally cursing her lack of knife skills. She activated her quirk and allowed the miniature puddle of ink to conjoin with her finger. Unfortunately, though, the ink had dyed the once colorful ingredients a black.
      'Of all the jobs I could get...I have to receive one that requires a knife...' The artificial blonde continued to bitterly cut the ingredients for her dinner.
      "Waahhh! Bakugou, I'm really surprised! You're like...a pro with a kitchen knife!"
      "Why're you surprised, what the hell round-face! How can you be bad with a knife!" Bakugou accelerated his chopping speed, and glared at Uraraka.
      "There's someone I can name..." Kirishima groaned, "How can you all be so full of energy though!"
       (Name) blew a strand of her hair out of her face and gave Kirishima a pointed look, she caught onto his subtle remark. Once Kirishima took notice, she returned to her awkward chopping.
       "Do you need help?"
(Name)'s sulking figure halted her movements, she faced Todoroki and pouted. He carried several wooden logs, most likely for fire kindling.
"Is it that obvious...?"
"Yes." Todoroki's lips slightly curled into a smile.
(Name) rolled her eyes and nodded, "Can you...um," She repeatedly tapped her cheek, "Start a fire? I-I'm just about done with the meats and vegetables..."
        "Of course." Todoroki set down the logs and used his quirk to ignite them, "Why are you working on this pot alone?"
      "Oh...everyone chose to ignore my station." (Name) dryly chuckled, "T-they probably all are afraid I'll poison them. T-the thing is...there isn't enough food without my pot. A handful of us are going to have to eat this..."
      Todoroki glanced at the blackened assortment of food. "I'll eat some, I'm sure it can't be as bad as when Fuyumi first started to cook."
        (Name) half-heartedly smiled, "I'll take that as a compliment...I'll probably force Kirishima to eat some." (Name) lifted the chopping board and dumped the sliced ingredients into the pot, "He seems to enjoy my food."

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      (Name) seated herself besides Todoroki, and across from her Kirishima. She poked and prodded at her food, awaiting the verdict on her cooking.
       "Chunky and funky as always, (Name)!" Kirishima grinned as he continued to scarf down his meal, "I'm so happy I could at least have your food...!"
      Todoroki stared down at his dish. He prepared to murmur a false, 'it's very good'. Hopefully he could be as convincing as Kirishima. He scooped up some of the food and begrudgingly ate it.
      Kirishima was indeed right when he said chunky. The slices of carrots each varied in width...but he had yet to understand the funky bit. The sauce had a surprisingly perfect blend of spice, but what shocked him the most was the sweet aftertaste.
      "It's...very good." Todoroki mumbled as he continued to eat, "I'm not lying. I shouldn't have judged it's looks."
      (Name) grinned as she began to eat her serving. This girl was certainly an anomaly.

Published- September 2, 2018

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