~Chapter 21~

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The smell of freshly cleaned tatami always seemed to calm Todoroki. The herbal scent of the matting, and of linen always reminded him of happier times. Yet, now...it placed him on edge. Every footstep that resounded through the hallways sounded too ominous for his liking. The lights were off; the moon being his only light source. Shadows danced about, each appeared as if it were its only entity.
      Todoroki slowly dragged his feet towards the kitchen. He momentarily paused, as horrid memories flashed in his mind. He groaned, as he seated himself. The dark encased him. The lack of light being a great way to ease his incoming headache, though the comfort of the dark was ripped away from him.
"Shouto..." His sister, Fuyumi, groggily entered the kitchen. She flicked the light switch, ignoring her younger brother's groan. "Why're you up?"
"I can't sleep..."
She sighed. Fuyumi pinched the bridge of her nose as she slid into the seat marginal to him, "Is this the whole villain thing? Shouto...you've dealt with worse foes."
"It's not that. I feel useless..."
Fuyumi massaged her temples. "Why is that?"
"I couldn't save her..."
      "Shouto, it was beyond you. I'm sure you tried your best. You'd be helping her if you got some rest, and prepare to welcome her back." Fuyumi tied back her white and red locks. She rose from her seat and began to shuffle through the kitchen.
"Shouldn't you go back to sleep?"
        Fuyumi placed a miniature pot onto the stove. She poured some milk into it, before allowing it to warm up. "I want to, but you're more important."
          "Can I also have some strawberries?"
          "Alright, you big baby." She laughed. "Who knew the warm milk trick I use on my kindergarteners would appeal to you..."

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The looming threat of rain never seemed to irk Todoroki more. He tapped his shoes against the concrete, the sound falling in rhythm with the rain that started to fall. He squinted as he saw a yellow-clad figure bounding towards him. Clutching his monotone colored umbrella, Todoroki slightly waved at the form.
       "S-Sorry about the wait...didn't know that it would rain!"  The figure, now revealed as (Name), loudly panted. "Anyways, we outta get to the cafe before we get drenched!"
      "...you're already sopping wet."
     "Damn—" She pouted, "didn't notice..." She flicked her sleeve in his direction, giddily smiling when droplets of water landed onto him. "But thanks for deciding to tutor me!"
Todoroki hummed in response. He walked forward, leading (Name) to the direction of their study date.
Todoroki's eyes snapped opened at the sudden light that entered his room. He groaned in annoyance as he shifted in his bed. His dream seemed to be mimicking one of his cherished memories with (Name). It was after the whole studying fiasco at Yaoyorozu's residence. He had offered to tutor (Name), and she had gratefully accepted. That specific day she ended up falling asleep mid-equation.
"Oi, baby brother. Wake up. Fuyumi wants you to bring mom some flowers."
Todoroki grunted at his brother as he sat up. "Natsuo, why does she want me to visit so suddenly?"
The older-Todoroki shuddered, "She was...extremely adamant on it."
"I already was going to the hospital...I'll just make another stop."

Published- December 1, 2018

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now