~Chapter 6~

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      "(Name)-san's late..." Momo sighed, "I guess we'll have to start without her."
      At the sight of the crestfallen Momo, her study group immediately attempted to cheer her up.
      "Don't worry Yaomomo! We'll be extra studious because of her!" Mina cheered, "Pour some tea and let's get to studying!"
      "Mina's right! The mock test will be super easy, especially since it's just the robots from the entrance exam!"
Momo slightly nodded before smiling, "You're right, hopefully (Name) doesn't regret her choice."
"Stupid Warrod, and his stupid background checks...!"
       (Name) clutched her shoulder bag, until her knuckles turned white. She aggressively muttered curses, while her feet heavily stomped.
"Momo is one of Midnight's students! Isn't that enough!!!"
Once arriving at her destination, she fanned her cheeks. "Hopefully she doesn't think I stood her up..."
She meekly pressed the metallic buzzer, it emitting an obnoxious screech. It hummed for a minute or so, before a voice was released.
'Oh great! I'm happy you came, (Name)! Just let yourself in.'
      (Name) gently pushed the polished metal gates. She gazed at the giant estate her classmate resided in, and gaped. She knew Momo was rich, but this, this was crazy.
(Name) followed the cobblestone pathway until she reached the Yaoyorozu Manor. Finally she reached the large brick building; that was more like a palace.
"Follow me, (Name)! The rest of the group is here. Get yourself settled, while I serve you tea."
(Name)'s cheeks flared red, "T-thanks again Momo.!"
      Momo happily nodded and skipped off, leaving (Name) with the rest of the study group. (Name) meekly waved, before seating herself besides Ojirou.
      "I'm sorry for being late..."
      Jirou boredly twirled her ear-jack, "Why were you late?"
      "My Parole Officer was being a jerk...he wouldn't give me permission to leave until he did a thorough background check on Momo..." (Name) rubbed her cheek awkwardly, "Warrod is pretty resolute on the idea I'm a criminal mastermind."
      'That totally went well...'
Drenched in both tea, tears, and rain, (Name) sluggishly shuffled to the train station. She angrily wiped her tears, as she purchased a ticket for her train.
"Now boarding, Train to Musutafu."
(Name) lethargically entered the train, seating herself to the farthest corner. She groped through her bag, looking for her phone; though her mood dampens more at the sight of her soggy textbooks.
      "Bad afternoon, (Last Name)?"
      (Name) peers up at the voice, through her soaked locks. She sees Todoroki, whom seats himself next to her. "That obvious?" She dryly chuckled.
"I'm afraid so."
(Name) gazed at Todoroki with dumbfounded look, he has said that with such a monotone voice! "Um—er...so why Musutafu?"
Todoroki nonchalantly replied with a, "I live there."
"Ah, same. I'm surprised I've never seen you before...Why're you here?"
"I was visiting my mother..."
Silence ensnared the two, except the occasional sniffle from (Name).
"Would you like to talk about what happened...?" Todoroki quietly suggested.
"Are you sure...? I-I er—don't want to bore you."
"Midoriya has a habit of rambling to me, I'm all ears."
(Name) nodded, before beginning her long tale.
"I was at Momo's house for a study group, and the rest of the study group aren't very fond of me"
"Warrod is pretty resolute on the idea I'm a criminal mastermind."
"Well murdering some old guy does that to people's trust."
Kaminari snickered at Mina's retort, "She's gotta point, (Last Name)."
"I tried to ignore their snide comments...but it still hurts. I would never kill anybody. After that, Momo came in with some tea for me."
"(Name), I hope you like! I personally brewed the tear myself." Momo placed down an intricately designed teacup marginal to (Name). At the mere sight of the porcelain cup, (Name) felt inferior.
"T-thank you!"
"Being as stupid as I am...I well-tried to impress Momo, I should've asked for a plastic cup. Anyways, we started to study. I honestly was doing my own thing..."
"Now, do any of you need help with question five?"
"I'm so damn skittish...who knew me sneezing would scare the crap outta me...? Then again, my sneezes are like a bazooka going off."
"How about you, (Name)?"
The female meekly shook her head, before her face contorted. "A-ACHOO!" (Name) flinched in surprise, causing the teacup to hurdle to the ground.
"You can kinda assume what happened after that...it's really dumb, but hey! I'm a nervous wreck."
"It was an accident, what can you do?"
"True...but that teacup was probably enough to pay my bail..." (Name) wiped away her remaining tears, "Thanks for listening..."
Todoroki nodded, a ghost of a smile gracing his features, "No problem."
"Now arriving at Musutafu."
(Name) rose from her seat. She groped through her bag and retrieved some pocket change, "Now, how about some strawberry milk as thanks?"

Published- July 29, 2018

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