~Chapter 18~

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      (Name) skittered back, luckily catching herself before she collided with dense foliage. She gasped and wheezed, all while she clenched her bleeding abdomen.
      (Name) chewed onto her lip, allowing her licorice-tasting 'blood' to fill her mouth. She was beyond scared at this point, she was never prepared to face the foes of heroes.
      The form quivered, and contracted against the black straitjacket it bore; all while its elongated white teeth moved it forward.
This battle felt as if it were being waged for hours, but in reality was only minutes. The students appeared to be fighting against all odds, and their battle seemed more and more like a game of cat and mouse.
"I-I'm fine..." (Name) hissed. She despised how she was feeling currently, so utterly weak and useless.
      Bakugou side-eyed the girl, before sending several minor blasts in the direction of the villain. Once the villain was paralyzed, he grabbed (Name)'s shirt and ran forward. It was extremely infuriating not being able to properly battle the foe.
     "Bakugou, stop using your quirk. It's blocking our field of vision—"
      "So is your damn ice."
      "And stop running in so carelessly."
      (Name) groaned at the duo's bickering, "He—um, looks very weak, but he's making...good use of the area's terrain."
      "No shit."
     The smoke from before appeared on the horizon, prompting the trio to halt their steps and re-elaborate their situation. The way the villain was maneuvering himself, it was an apparent trap.
      '—Students' A shaky and panicked voice resounded, 'It's okay to fight–' The voice crackled and fizzed, 'They are...looking for a student named Kacchan—I repeat Kacchan—...if you are Kacchan avoid combat.'
       A deadly look placed itself onto Bakugou's countenance, "Yap, yap! First it's fight and then it's not! Fucking make up your mind!"
       'As well as him they are looking for—(Name)! She is a suspected accomplice—, do not trust her...—'
(Name)'s eyes could be compared to saucers, a nervous sweat broke onto her form. Just when she thinks things were improving, it regards to her false villainy, it plummeted into—well, shit.
        "Now isn't that fucking great!" Bakugou maliciously licked his lips, "C'mere bitch!"
      What struck a chord within (Name) the most, was Todoroki's face. His eyes widened a centimeter, his eyebrows furrowed, and his lips threatened to quiver into a frown. Her heart plummeted at his expression; her only ally in this situation was now questioning his faith in her.
       "S–shouto...please I—" (Name)'s stuttering statement came to a halt because of a swift punch delivered to her jaw. (Name) stumbled backwards, before tripping over herself. Bakugou gripped her wounded waist, and roughly jabbed his thumb into her injury. (Name) screeched in pain, before choking on sobs.
        "Ready to die, bitch?!" Several sparks emitted on his palm that rested on her wound, "It's all your fucking fault, eh?"
       "Bakugou, stop." Todoroki adjusted the student of his back, "She isn't fighting back." A large crash is heard, "And we have bigger problems."
        "Tch–you better not run." Bakugou harshly pulled up (Name), forcefully dragging her behind.
         "Shouto...please, believe me—" (Name) hissed, "I would never...betray you."
      "Let's just focus on escaping this villain."

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"It's either helping Tokoyami, or going to Bakugou."
Midoriya smirked through his pain, "Shouji-san , I can choose both!"
Shouji nodded, concern decorating his features. The white-haired male lifted Midoriya, encasing him in a cocoon of his limbs.
"Just tell me what to do, Midoriya."
And so, after frantic mumbling, Shouji broke out into a sprint, zooming past the seemingly possessed Tokoyami.
Dark Shadow roared. It pivoted his figure , chasing after Shouji. The various plant-life was no hinderance to the beast.
       "Midoriya, you better be sure about this—!"

      Published- September 28, 2018

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