~Chapter 10~

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"Screw mom...I can't keep babysitting you."
"Suck it up, I'm running late...!" Scrambling to retrieve her bookbag, (Name) hissed in reply. She didn't wish to endure a commute with her terrible excuse of a brother.
      "Here." Abe dug into his bike's pouch, and grabbed a helmet, that looked like a turtle-shell. (Name) reluctantly took it, and clipped it onto her head.
Once done, (Name) seated herself behind Abe, "Ready..."
He nodded and drove off, eventually turning his radio on. The quiet sound of a piano was heard, causing (Name) to cackle.
      "The hell? Aren't you supposed to listen to rock...? You're on a bike!"
       "Why does it matter? My bike, my rules!" Abe rose his voice, the roaring wind slightly drowning it out.
      "You're such a damn loser...and speed it up! My parole officer is gonna freak if I'm late!"
"More the reason to take my time."

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      "C-crap!" (Name) quickly fixed her bookbag's straps, before rushing to her home room. Abe had unfortunately stuck to his word, and took his time. The final bell had resounded, and luckily, (Name) had entered just in time.
     A small group of students (four to be exact) held solemn faces, as they sobbed pitifully.
      "Everyone...I'm looking forward..." Mina wiped her eyes and hiccuped, "To a bunch of...awesome stories from the trip!"
      "M-maybe there will be a twist!"
      "Shut up, Midoriya!"
      The classroom's door slid open, and Aizawa sluggishly walked in. He began the cliché, 'Congratulations' speech, and then announced the failures,
      "Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sato, and Sero, have failed the practical—"
      "Gah! I knew it! Mineta and (Name) dragged me out..."
      "As such..." Aizawa's face dramatically shifted into a smirk, "You will all be going to summer camp!"
      The faces of relief appeared onto the failed students. They all cheered, and jumped into the air.
      "It was a rational deception."
      "A-again!?" Ida rose and gesticulated wildly, "U.A continually betrays their students trust!"
      Uraraka giggled, "Way to be a wet blanket, Ida."
      "Ooo- then we should all go to the mall!" Hagakure cheered.
        "What a great idea...!"
        (Name) slowly zoned out, knowing she wasn't invited. She doodled in her notebook, pondering when the lunch bell would ring. She laid her head between her outstretched arms, and sighed.
      "(Name), you're coming, right?" Kirishima seated himself onto her desk, grinning wildly, "You totally have to! Especially since I'm coming to camp!"
      "Eh? I really shouldn't, I wouldn't want to alienate you from your group."
      "Nuh-uh! You're going, and I'm forcing Piña-san to kick you out of the house!"
      (Name) allowed a small smile to grace her features. At least she had a great friend! After all, one close friend is better than a bunch of regular friends! "All right...but you better stick with me."

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The lunch bell's ring pierced the studious atmosphere of U.A. The many students flooding the hallways. (Name) groaned, today she wouldn't have anyone to accompany her lunch hour. Kirishima was with...the explosive demon, Todoroki was with his group, and Momo. Well, (Name) was still ignoring her since the study incident.
      'Guess I'm sitting outside...alone...' (Name) shuffled through the many hallways, carrying her lunch.
She plopped herself near a dumpster, that surprisingly didn't smell rancid. (Name) opened her lunch, and started eating.
Slurping a noodle, (Name) observes her surroundings; searching for the source of the sound.
"Down here."
Slowly, (Name) looked at the gravel surrounding her. About two feet in front of her, was the face of a—
"H-holy—! Fallout guy...Ghost, demon!" The face rose, revealing a majority of his body, "NUDIST!"
The male chuckled, as he hid his body with the dumpster, "Sorry about that! It was my quirk!" He smiled widely, "I'm Togata Mirio!"
"(Name)...(Last Name)."
"Why're you all alone? You should totally join me and my friends!"
"I-I'm—er ...Fine here."
"You're like...a genderbent Tamaki! You'll be quick friends!" Mirio sauntered towards (Name), promptly causing her to shield her eyes. He grabbed her wrist and began to drag her along, "C'mon, don't be a loner!"

Published- August 13, 2018

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