~Chapter 20~

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That damn look. The look he that he long wished to forget, and bury into his past. A look of utter fear...a hopeless glower, hell it was a look that caused his demons.
He didn't care that he was covered in scrapes in bruises, he didn't care that he had leaves and twigs stuck in his hair, he didn't care that mud covered his form. The only thing he cared about is that she was gone. The girl he came to care for. The eccentric girl who stole his heart...
        He cursed himself over and over. How could he doubt her? How could he ignore her in her most hopeless moments... She always seemed to help him with his episodes... Yet, he couldn't just show her that he was on her side.
       "No—why...!" Todoroki collapsed onto his knees. He folded over, laying his head on his crossed arms as he sobbed. 
         The male felt numb. He didn't hear Midoriya's pained cries, or any of his classmates concerned voices. After what felt like an eternity, his sobs lessened. He slowly lifted himself up, noting that officers had finally arrived.
        "Oi, you, kid." A lean detective sauntered forward. In his arm was a large canister of coffee. He took a large swig before stopping marginal to Todoroki, "You with that group when (Last Name) left and the Bakugou kid got kidnapped."
"They were both taken against their will."
"You defending that inky wretch? She's a villain, kid! Aren't ya Endeavor's kid? Kinda disappointed with ya response."
Todoroki glared at the detective. He noticed the officer's badge, and read the name Warrod. "Sir....I should go get my injuries checked. Goodbye."
     Todoroki rose to his feet. He recollected all of the stories (Name) spoke of the cursed officer. He pivoted on his heel before murmuring, "Also, Sir, fuck you."

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        His window's blinds were drawn shut, and his lamp stayed off. Todoroki's room was void of light, except for the faux lighting of his phone. He held his phone in a tight grip, while several drops of tears landed on his screen.
        He stared down at the device, producing more tears as he saw the contact's name. He traced over each letters, eventually mumbling (Name) afterwards. He opted to re-read the last conversation for the nth time.
The buzz of his phone awoke the boy. He rubbed his eyes as he opened the message.  A small smile adorned his face as he realized who the sender was.
      'Totally random thought...but like...If Principal Nedzu had babies would they count as citizens or just mice?'
        Todoroki's countenance twisted into one of confusion. He lifted his thumbs, preparing to reply. 'I'm not sure...but aren't you tired? We were training all day with the PussyCats....'
        'Not really...oh and! Could Kouda use his quirk to control him?'
          Todoroki muffled a chuckle, '(Name), you should really put your phone down. Black light could prevent you from reaching the proper levels of sleep.'
'Lolol, Shouto you're so cute; but don't act like you aren't on your phone! Gn!! <3'
Todoroki's face lit up. He attempted to cool his cheeks, but in the end failed. His left side activated burning his clothes, and futon to a crisp.
"What the hell! You icy-hot bastard!!!"
Todoroki wiped his eyes after his reminiscing. He turned off his phone. He felt so...pathetic. All he could do is cry, while (Name) suffered in the clutches of villains.
The male lifted himself from his bed. He didn't know what time it was, and as a matter of fact what day. He lethargically stretched as he exited his room. Hopefully a quick walk through his residence would would help ease his mind.

Published- October 23, 2018

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now