~Chapter 11~

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Reaching the entrance of U.A, Mirio lifted a stray uniform from the floor. He dressed himself, and nodded in approval, "You can uncover your eyes! Let's head to the lunch room now."
(Name) awkwardly complied. She followed behind, eyeing Mirio's features. It surprised her, who knew someone could look so...animated.
      "My friend can be, overbearing, while the other socially impaired. Don't worry though, they're really nice!" The loud chatter of the cafeteria soon surrounded them. Mirio cautiously waded through the ocean of students, worried he might lose (Name).
      "Alright, we're here! Sorry I was late!" Mirio placed his hands together, and meekly mumbled apologies to his friends.
Seated at the lunch table was a pair, which consisted of a girl, and a boy.
"It's fine! Hey-hey!" The girl of the duo stood and stalked towards (Name), "Who'd you bring with ya? Why is she really dark? How many times have you bleached your hair?"
The male of the duo held an intimidating presence, he glowered at (Name), before his menacing aura disappeared, "Hadou, p-please leave her alone. You're scaring her!"
"You're scaring her, Tamaki...! Buuuut, she's super cute, no?" 'Hadou' placed her hands on (Name)'s shoulders, "Can we keep her, Mirio?"
Mirio chuckled, "Hadou let her sit first! She's gonna join us at lunch from now on!"
"E-Excuse me?"
"She finally speaks!" Mirio patted the seat next to him, "C'mon!"
(Name) begrudgingly followed his orders. She watched the trio's interact, and became slightly jealous. They seemed to be a tight-knit group of friends.
      "Oh right!" Mirio dramatically snapped his fingers, "This is (Name)."
       "Ooo~ Aren't you the girl in the news?" Hadou tapped her cheek, "Hmm...you got placed in the hero course instead of going to jail!"
      "H-Hadou! You can't say that!"
      "It's fine, Amajiki-senpai...she's—well right! I'm in class 1.A, b-but I was framed!"
        Mirio smiled, "Alright! Well, I guess you're kinda lucky!" (Name) perplexedly stared at the blond, "I mean, you got into U.A because of it!"
      (Name) meekly returned his smile. She played around with her bleached locks as she thought about his previous statement, "I—um...guess you're right!"
      It was a strange group of friends, but (Name) felt at home. It went unsaid, but the big three had unanimously agreed to 'adopt' (Name). Lucky for her, she now had the big shots at U.A watching her back.

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      The final school bell had rang, promptly causing the students of 1.A to flock to their friends, and or to their lockers.
      Except this time around, everybody halted their movement to stare at the upperclassman before them. Murmurs erupted from the crowd, mainly questioning why their upperclassman stood in the corner.
      "Umm...Amajiki-senpai?" (Name) skillfully squeezed her way through the crowd, "Why are you.," (Name) chuckled, "In the corner...?"
        The elf-like boy muttered an indecipherable jumble, then angled his head towards (Name). "Mirio...told me to get you."
      "U-uh—lead the way?"
Tamaki pushed himself off the wall, before waddling out of the classroom. (Name) followed behind, leaving the impression of a duckling following its mother.
        Finally nearing the entrance of the school, the form of Mirio is seen by (Name). He energetically waved, causing (Name) to shyly return his gesture.
      "Let's walk home together! You head to the train station, right?" The blond pumped his fist up and down, "Hadou's internship is the other way, so she isn't joining us!"
"Why so nervous? Cat gotcha tongue?"
       "Amajiki-senpai...well—made is seem like something was up."
Tamaki rubbed his arms and heavily sighed, "I'm sorry I'm such a failure..."
(Name) skittishly faced Tamaki, as she erratically stuttered apologies, "I-I didn't—S-sorry!"
Mirio clutched his stomach as he laughed, he stumbled a few feet back; eventually gaining back his senses. "W-we should go!" He panted, "Sir...might get mad if I'm late!"
(Name) sighed in relief. She agreed with Mirio, and commenced her walk with the duo.

Published- August 17, 2018

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