~Chapter 17~

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"Can't fucking believe I'm stuck with you extras."
      "Bakugou, you left Midoriya. I'm positive you could do the same with us."
        The team that once consisted of two now held three members. Two blatantly annoyed, and the third petrified.
(Name), whom opted to walk a pace slower, looked at the duo. She sighed at their antics, but refused to mention anything; after all she was still petrified of Bakugou.
      "Why are you so quiet?"
      (Name) flinched, afraid of the glare she received from Bakugou, "Says the one who only bickers or says, 'Oh'."
Todoroki's steps hasten, as he sees a sprawled form on the ground. He crouched before the form and placed his middle and pointer finger on his neck. "We have to leave."
      "Finally something differen—holy...is he okay?!" (Name) scurried to Todoroki as she inspected the comatose boy on his back, "He's from class B, right?"
      "Hell—fuck no! If he jumps at me I'll fucking kill him!"
      "B-bakugou...I think he actually passed out. We should head back towards...um—camp."
       If Bakugou's look could harden any more, it did. He loudly growled, "You aren't in any fucking position to—"
      "Bakugou, watch it."
      "What's it to ya, Half-and-Half??" The duo, quite literally, butted heads. Giving one another looks of challenge.
"Um—some ominous gas is coming near us, and I don't think the phantom of the opera is gonna come out," (Name) anxiously shifted her weight, as she pointed forward, "It's coming from where Rag-doll was..."
      "(Name) let's go." Todoroki adjusted the student on his back and began to jog opposite of the gas. "Bakugou you should stick with us."
"Don't tell me to do shit, you bastard."

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      The unknown was always scary, but facing it with Bakugou Katsuki besides you...now that's terrifying. Trepidation filled (Name)'s being, prompting her to tense at the slightest noise. An extreme difference from her persona during the test of courage.
      Her two companions, Bakugou and Todoroki, would not halt their petty quarreling. She wished to shout at them to stop, but the two were rather intimidating when agitated.
      (Name) could've sworn they passed the same rock several times. The trip seemed to me walking in circles. They had chose to avoid the main path, yet this decision seemed to be their downfall.
      'Hell no—' (Name) stopped her steady jog, "G-guys I heard something..."
      "Course you did, bitch."
      "You should hold your tongue, Bakugou. (Name), I'm sure it's just your nerves."
       "...AhHhh...ahhHh" Loud thudding resounds throughout the surrounding forest. The trio erratically gaze at the leafage in their peripheral vision, hoping to find the cause of the sound.
      "FLESH!" A white blur pierces through multiple tree trucks. The wooden debris scatters through the air, while the white object grazes (Name)'s abdomen.
(Name) screeches in pain, as she tumbled to the ground. Droplets of her ink fly through the air, while (Name) feebly attempted to repair herself with her quirk.
"(Name)!" "Bitch!"
Todoroki created an ice wall, before worriedly looking at (Name), "Are you alright?"
"Focus on the damn villain!"
"He's right..."
All their attention is steered towards the ice wall, at an agonizingly slow pace, it began to crack. Ever so slowly, a black form peaked out.
"All...yOUR, flesh looks gooOd!"
"What the—"
(Name) stumbled to her feet, "Let's g-go!"
"Fuck off, we fight!"
"We can't!"
Bakugou glowered at the blonde, he dangerously smiled, "And why is that?"
"We aren't—um...licensed!"
      "Unlike you, I'm not a convicted murderer...you better not be apart of this fiasco, bitch." Bakugou allowed his calloused hands to emit several sparks, "I ain't some coward."

Published- September 21, 2018

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