~Chapter 4~

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After the events of the race, and her relatively awkward encounter with her friend, (Name) stood alienated in the locker room. She awkwardly slipped her costume off, hoping nobody would stare.
"(Last Name), right? I'm Hagakure!"
'Hagakure' giddily jumps, "Holy cow! You literally threw our best student against Bakugou!"
"I should really say sorry..." An embarrassed blush coated (Name)'s cheeks, "And it was because I was scared..."
"Still, it is very impressive that you thought of doing that when you were scared. Your instincts are something to brag about!"
"O-oh...um, er thanks! I-I...the way you use your quirk is super elegant!"
'B-boobs and polite!'
"Why, thank you! I'm Yaoyorozu Momo, please feel free to call me Momo." Momo laughed into her hand, "You look quite cute embarrassed."
(Name) felt as if it were a heater. She twiddled with her bleached locks, "I'm (Name)."
"Hagakure's floating panties! Yaoyorozu's amble yaoyo-boobs! Ashido's slender waist! Uraraka's fine uraraka-body! The new girl's inky goodness! Asui's unexpected boobi—AAAAARGHHH!"
The female with the ear-jack lobes glared at a miniature hole in the wall; where the strange shouting was heard. One of her ear-jacks slithered out of the hole, after the screeching had started.
"Thank you Kyouka!" 'Kyouka' solemnly nods.
"H-he didn't say anything about me..." She moped, "Asshole..."
"I-inky goodness...? W-what?!"
Kyouka ran her hand through her asymmetrical locks, "The pervert on campus, Mineta Minoru. Welcome to class 1.A, (Name)."

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Seated in a rickety desk, (Name) twitched under the gaze of a bruised Bakugou. His eyebrows creased, as his nose twitched upwards in disgust.  How had he...lost to that?
(Name) clenched her fist. She focused entirely on her desk; observing each crevice and pencil mark. The discoloration of the wood, and the written message of, 'Lemillion x Suneater'.
A sudden thud of books snapped (Name) out of her reverie. The perpetrator being Aizawa, whom heavily sighed. He sleepily leaned on the teacher's podium.
"I know you each are eager to be dismissed...but I have to go over something concerning your new classmate."
Some students groaned, while others subtly glanced over at the new student. Even though it was an annoyance to stay after school, each were curious of (Name).
"If (Name) should show any strange behavior, or become hostile to any one of you...please contact any staff member immediately. You're now dismissed."
'Oh shit...I haven't been hostile at all! Why is he announcing that! And being nonchalant about it!'
The class erupted in chatter. Now their curiosity was peaked!
"W-wait! That means...she's that (Name) (Last Name)!" Mina spoke, "She murdered that poor old man! I always knew she was freaky...but this?"
      The class swarmed Mina, questioning her on Tanaka's case and (Name)'s middle school days.
      "Well, she murdered her neighbor in cold blood! She was always weird in middle school...always gushing about horror movies. And I think she," Mina pointed at Kirishima, "always hung out with Kirishima!"
      Kirishima visibly gulps, his eyes erratically moved side-to-side, "W-we are best friends! But shouldn't you ask her, instead of depending on the news?"
      Momo solemnly nodded, "I think Kirishima-san is right. After all, she was spluttering in the locker room about how she was sorry for throwing Todoroki-san."
      Mina awkwardly rubbed the back of her head, "You're totally right Yaomomo, Kirishima! I feel awful now..."
      "(Name)," Kirishima started, "Will you answer?"
(Name) clenched her eyes shut, already feeling her waterworks, "I did not." She firmly stated, "I-I would never kill anything! I was framed, and you should all be ashamed you believe what the news said." (Name) stood and retrieved her supplies, "I'll prove you all wrong...!"
"And Ashido-san, it's really rude to talk about someone when they're in the same room." (Name) quietly exited the classroom, leaving a stunned class.

Published- July 23, 2018

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