~Chapter 8~

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The piercing starting horn blared, causing the entrance gate to promptly open. Midnight sauntered out, her eyes half-lidded. She winked as she twirled her whip in her hands. With a final lick of her lips, she continued towards her students.
      "Alright, (Last Name), Mineta, let's do wel—"
      With flabbergasting speed, Midnight had allowed Sero's helmet front to whip open. Midnight held the boy in place, as her quirk performed its task. Yet, before Sero's triangular eyes closed, he used his quirk to allow his partner's a safe escape.
     (Name) skittered back (safely keeping her balance), while Mineta unceremoniously crashed onto his backside.
The once semi-confident team now ran amuck. Mineta continually spouting curses, as (Name) nervously twitched. Mineta tightly clutched the remnants of Sero's tape to his chest, bawling over their fallen comrade.
      The duo hid behind a large boulder; several minutes passed with the announcements of passing students were heard.
      Throughout, Mineta continued to quietly sob, as (Name) hurriedly thought of a plan.
"P-put the tape on your nose!"
"It'll slow down the pace of her quirk...you should have it since I have a mask!"
      Mineta eagerly nodded, "You have a plan?!"
      "Well—er I guess." (Name) fidgeted with her costume's rim, "Aim at Midnight's feet with your quirk, while I try to bind her with mine."
      "Wouldn't you have to be close for that?"
      (Name) allowed a small smirk to play on her lips, "I have a move not many know of."
Mineta reluctantly agreed to her plan. After he did so, (Name) raised the sleeves of her coat and pressed her palms to the ground.
The prominent white tattoos on her arms faintly glowed. Two tattoos, in the form of Chinese dragons, slithered off her hands.
The two inky beasts hovered before its creator, its miniature forms glowing.
"Alright, we'll follow them."
Her two creations flew off, allowing the team to begin their pursuit.
      Upon the horizon, Midnight's seated form was seen, and on her lap was an unconscious Sero. She winked at the two incoming students, as she stroked Sero's head. She spoke taunting words, hoping to anger her students.
      "How dare Sero betray me!" Mineta halted his movements, as he scoffed, "What a great friend! I'm so jealous, that I'm crying blood! If he hadn't saved me, that would be me!"
      "Mineta, lets just try to pass the exam! Be a hero!" (Name) desperately shook his form.
The freshly-picked hero eyes glazed over, until they suddenly sparked with determination. It seemed he had overcame an inner conflict.
      "For the ladies!!!" Mineta began to pluck his grape-like spheres as he sprinted towards Midnight. Once he had a smaller distance between them, he threw his quirk. "GRAPEEE RUSH!"
      (Name) cringed at his outburst, but nonetheless allowed her dragons to constrict Midnight.
      (Name) followed Mineta, eventually aiding him in carrying Sero. The trio exited the exam's grounds and collapsed in relief. The gaudy entrance gate buzzed, as the principal's cutout excitedly waved.
      'Sero, Mineta, and (Last Name)'s team have passed!'

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      Soft streams of sunlight flooded into U.A's grand building. Some highlighting (Name)'s facial features. Said female crouched against the hallway's wall, enjoying the satisfying taste of victory.
She removed her hockey mask as she leaned her head back. Her adrenaline had long faded, and now fatigue was ensnaring her.
She begrudgingly rose, and payed a quick glance to her phone. Her curfew was fast approaching, so she began her trek home.
Thankfully, summer had arrived. Hopefully she could find evidence in aiding her cause.

Published- August 6, 2018

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