~Chapter 16~

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      "Shouto...um—are you good?" (Name) halted her
current task and placed her full attention on a brooding Todoroki, "I-I don't think the onion is the cause of this..."
Todoroki sighed, he lifted his right arm and placed it on his scar. "You don't know about my story do you?"
      (Name) raised an eyebrow, "Am I...supposed to?"
      "No...I would just assume Kirishima would've told you."
        (Name) shrugged, and resumed cooking. She would've never pegged Todoroki as the oversharing type. Her red-headed friend rarely spoke with Todoroki, yet he knew his 'story'.
"I'm supposed to be the best...everyone seems to be improving on their quirks, except me."
"I need you to pop, lock, and stop with the negativity."
Todoroki stopped his monologue, and gave (Name) a dumbfounded look.
"No, too much? Well...um..what's something inspiring...?" (Name) fiddled with a strand of her hair, "Ah...someone is always going to be better than you at something. You aren't perfect, don't stress." She paused and released an airy laugh, "I'm such a hypocrite. I stress about not being able to compete with you all, but what keeps me going is that I want to surpass everyone."
      "I think you're right. I just, can't seem to accept that."
      "No one can. Let's finish this up, and get ready for whatever activity the Pussycats have planned for us."

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"Meow, Meow! Now that your bellies are full, and your licked clean let's reveal tonight's activity!" Pixiebob giggled, "Welllll...it's a—"
        "TEST OF COURAGE!" Mina happily jumped, oblivious to the pointed look she was given by Pixiebob, whom she so rudely interrupted.
      "Hate to break it to ya, remedial group. You have extra lessons with me now."
      Mina dramatically gaped, as she attempted to cling onto a tree. Aizawa sluggishly removed his scarf, and encased her ankle with the fabric. He nodded to the Pussycats to continue, while he dragged away the remedial group.
"Ouch..." (Name) winced, as she meekly waved Kirishima a farewell. However, she would not allow this minor setback to dampen her mood. This test of courage would allow her to thrive in her element. Hours of watching horror movies would now prove useful.
      "We'll have 1.B do the scaring first! So 1.A draw some lots!" Rag-doll shook a tin container, offering it to the students.
      "The objective is to get the other class to pee their pants more!"
      'Gross...' (Name) grabbed a slip of paper that held a bold red number two. She pleaded to whatever higher power there was that she wouldn't be paired with someone who despised her.
      She shifted her weight between her legs. Erratically searching through her class to see who was still left alone.
     "It seems that we are partners."
     "Oh thank goodness..." (Name) released a breath, as she pivoted to face Todoroki, "It seems I might actually enjoy this. Let's do our best!"
     "Of course..."
      "Why me?" Todoroki mumbled, "There's plenty of other students."

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      "You can hold onto me if you get scared."
      "Pfft—I'm sure I can handle this." (Name) stretched her arms back, popping her joints. "Are you sure you can handle this, Shou-to?" She skipped forward, singing his name.
       The pair sauntered down the dirt path. Idly chatting as they awaited their first 'scare'. Todoroki appeared as if he were a guard dog, tensing at any movement in close proximity of him.
      "Oh." Todoroki glanced down at the head that appeared before him. He flinched slightly, clinging onto (Name)'s t-shirt.
      "Samara rip-off." (Name) groaned, "Um—for a better effect, try flipping over your hair to cover your face. Your bangs aren't enough."
        (Name) tugged Todoroki's hand, she dragged him ahead. Giving one last pitying look to the failed scare attempt, she chuckled. "I think you're the one who needs to hold onto me."

Published- September 8, 2018

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now