~Incorrect Mishaps Quotes 2~

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(Name), getting down on one knee.
Warrod: Oh my god, it's finally happening!
(Name), falls over.
Warrod: The poison is kicking in
(Name): So what's your biggest pet peeve?
Momo: Seeing people attempt to sound smart by using lengthy words, and misusing them.
Kirishima: I totally photosynthesis with you.
Momo: NO
Todoroki: And this is my ex-girlfriend
(Name): I told you to stop calling me that.
(Name): I'm his wife...
Piña: How's the world's most beautiful person doing?
Saeyoung, blushing: You're so—
Todoroki, bursting in: YOUR DAUGHTER IS DOING GREAT! Thanks for asking!
Mina: All in all a 100% successful trip!
Todoroki: Mina, we lost (Name)...
Mina: All in all a 100% successful trip!
(Name): I'm under parol because I apparently killed someone...
Kirishima: That's so sad, Alexa play Despacito.
(Name): Todoroki you're a genius!
Todoroki: Yeah, I get called that a lot.
(Name): What, a genius?
Todoroki: No, Todoroki.
(Name), talking to Kirishima: Mirio texted me "your adorable"
(Name): So I responded with, "No. You're adorable".
(Name): Now he's adopted me. All I did was point out his typo.
(Name): Alright! Codenames, I will be Eagle One!
Momo: (Name), Wait, what—
(Name): Momo! You are Been There, Done That!
Momo, chokes.
(Name): Todoroki you are Currently Doing That!
Todoroki, chokes.
(Name): Mina! It Happened Once in a Dream!
Mina, chokes.
(Name): Hadou! If I Had to Pick Another Chick!
Hadou, chokes.
(Name): And Kirishima!
Kirishima, holds breath.
(Name): Eagle Two!
Kirishima, wheezes.
Todoroki: I have really high standards.
(Name), walking in and trips face first onto the floor: Ah shit, hi guys!
Todoroki: I want her, she has met all my standards.


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