~Chapter 13~

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Messily throwing a jumble of clothes into her duffel, (Name) hurriedly wiped her brow. The heat never did her any good, any minute now she would become an inky puddle. (Name) quickly wrote on a yellow post-it, bidding a farewell to her parents. She placed the note on the dining room table, and exited her house.
(Name) couldn't believe her current predicament, it was close to five o'clock in the morning, and she was rushing to school. The summer heat was at its height, causing (Name)'s skin to boil.
(Name) jogged to the train station, hoping that she could catch the next train. She reached the train's terminal and continually jumped to wake herself up.
"Good Morning."
(Name) tilted her head, to come face-to-face with Todoroki. She sleepily grinned, "Hi—" (Name) placed a hand on her mouth to stifle a yawn, "Good Morning."
     Todoroki nodded, "And to you."

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      "Wild, Wild—" "PUSSYCATS!"
      After a very...bumpy bus ride, the students of class 1.A had been ordered to exit the bus. They stood atop a fenced cliff; perching over an ominous forest. When a couple of oddly dressed woman greeted the children.
        The two woman were apparently apart of a hero team called the, Wild Wild Pussycats. (Name) sleepily wiped her eyes, as she watched the spectacle before her.
       Aizawa, Mandalay, and Pixiebob (whom introduced themselves) conversed with the students, before eluding that they would no longer use the bus.
Kirishima released a piercing screech, as his feet pounded towards the vehicle, "Get to the bus!"
In (Name)'s dazed state she chuckled, he mind wandering to Arnold Schwarzenegger's classic, 'Get to da chopper!'
Pixiebob cackled, she winked (which somehow emitted sparkles?) and crouched down to the dirt. She placed her gloved hands onto the earth and wished the students a cryptic good luck.
      The terrain in which the students stood above rumbled, and quickly rose. Appearing much like an ocean wave, the dirt threw the students off the cliff, eventually folding back to its original shape.
(Name) ungracefully tumbled down the landform, soon crashing into the forest. By then, she was fully awake. She moaned out in pain, and seated herself up. She spat out several clumps of dirt, and grimaced.
"Crap..." (Name) raised both of her arms, failing to raise the right, as it had disappeared, "My uniform is stained..."
      "I have to pee—AAAAAA!!!!" Mineta, clutching his lower regions, ran to the class. Behind him, loud pounding footsteps were heard; belonging to a large dog-like beast.
      The students gasped in surprise, but a select handful rushed ahead; breaking the robust monster in seconds.
      (Name) started in awe, suddenly feeling so minuscule in their presence. She stumbled up, and followed behind the moving group.

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      "Phew..." (Name) staggered behind her classmates, heavily panting. Her vision was foggy; her quirk's drawback was taking affect.
      For the past several hours, (Name) and the rest of 1.A sprinted through the forest of beasts', fighting any foe in their way.
      (Name) chose to stay behind, defending herself and occasionally tying up the monsters. She used her remaining arm, transforming it into a shield, or whip, when necessary.
      A flicker of light pierced through the thick trees, a beacon of hope for the tired students. A clearing was seen, with the silhouettes of their teacher and his helpers.
"They've arrived quite soon...but they've missed lunch..." Pixiebob commented, "My poor babies were eliminated easily by those kids, not bad Eraser."
      Aizawa nodded, as he gazed at his students. Their uniforms were askew, and their faces tired. "Get yourself cleaned up, and get some dinner afterwards."
       "F-food...!" The words slipped off of (Name)'s tongue, the mere word slaying her hunger. She wobbled back and forth, weary from the day's exercise.
      "(Name), are you alright?" Kirishima wobbled towards the blonde, questioningly glancing at her missing arm.
       "I can't abide by damn heroes!"
      The friends pivot on their heels, to see a young boy punching Midoriya in his...lower area. (Name) chuckled, swaying back and forth. She blinked once, twice, and by the third she collapsed.
      "Sir...I think (Name) died!" Kirishima wailed.

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