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I frowned as I looked into the mailbox, not seeing a letter from Luke

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I frowned as I looked into the mailbox, not seeing a letter from Luke.

Three weeks had past since our fight and I had visited his apartment twice, called and texted him multiple times, but he had really given up on me.

Told me he loved me and just walked away.

I walked back inside, deciding to visit one of his mates in hopes of understanding. I grabbed my purse, telling me parents bye.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked harshly.

She hadn't been too happy after I declined David's proposal. I knew they were punishing me by not letting me out.

"David's." I quickly lied, turning away.

"We know you're lying," my dad said. "We know you're not seeing him."

I stopped, turning around to look at them. "Who have you been seeing?"

I sighed, my shoulders dropping. "Luke."

"You've been seeing that boy? After we told you not to?" my mom yelled. "David was perfectly good for you to marry, not this Luke guy, he's an assh-"

"No, he's not!" I yelled, causing her to stop. "David fucking hits me, Mom, he tried to force himself on me, he's a conceited asshole! Luke loves me, Luke loved me."

"No, he does-"

"You see him hit me! You see him threaten me, intimidate me, snatch me around and you just stand there!" I yelled at them, tears falling down my cheeks. "You let him do those things when Luke is so gentle, he treats me with love, he loves me. Loved, he loved me."

"That boy took you from us."

"That boy loved me and you didn't like him so I cut you off," I said harshly. "You took me from you, you pushed me away, my entire life is literally fucking falling apart in front of you and you couldn't care less."


"Luke broke up with me because he doesn't think he fits in with you, he knows you hate him, he thinks his lifestyle isn't the high and mighty one that's enough for me, he doesn't think he's enough for me," I sobbed heavily, leaning against the counter. "I love him. I don't care if I can't remember who he used to be, but I love him now."

"Oh, sweetheart." My dad pulled me close to him as I sobbed into his chest. 

"Maybe that's for the best." My mom said.

I opened my eyes and stared at her. My dad scoffed and put his hands on his hips. "Really?"

I grabbed my stuff and spun on my heels, tears still falling from eyes as I left.

"Really? She loves that boy-"

I quickly got into the car and drove back to the apartment the boys threw that party at. I buzzed in, knocking softly on the door.

Crystal opened the door, her eyes softening at the sight of my tears stained cheeks. "Arabella? What's wrong?"

I instantly broke down at the words, her arms wrapping around me and pulling me into the apartment.

"What's wrong?"

I told her everything. How I was falling in love with Luke again and he didn't think he was enough for me. How my parents won't support us because they're obsessed with David.

She hugged me closer, just comforting me as I cried.

"Crystal, who was at the do-"  looked over at Michael, whose eyes were on me.

I quickly stood up, wiping my face. "I don't know why I came here-I shouldn't have come-"

"Arabella, calm down," Crystal said, setting her hands on my arms. "You need to calm down, babe."

"Is everything okay?" Michael asked me. "Is Luke okay?"

"Michael," Crystal said. "Shouldn't you be doing something?"

"No, I don't-"

"Yes, you should."

He nodded and turned away, leaving us alone.  

"I just wish I could forget everything or remember everything but I can't, I'm stuck right in the middle, lost." I sobbed as she rubbed my back softly.

"Do you want some alcohol?" Michael asked from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Michael, fucking Christ, go aw-"

"No, actually, that would be nice." I said and smiled softly at Michael.

He grinned, grabbing a bottle of liquor and some shot glasses before sitting down beside me on the floor. He poured us both a shot, clinking his glass with mine before downing it.

"Did you and Luke break up?" Michael asked about about four shots.

"Yeah," I sniffled, wiping my face. "Everything's a mess."

"I always thought you and Luke would be together forever," he said to me. "You two are so in love."

"We were," I frowned. "I just wish I could remember."

"Why'd you break up?"

I shrugged. "He doesn't think I'll ever be able to love him as much as he loves me. He doesn't think he's good enough to fit in my life."

"Luke always felt like that," Crystal said, pouring us another round of shots. "He eventually got over it because he knew you loved him."

I sighed and took the shot, my mind starting to become cloudy. "Maybe we weren't meant to be together forever. People aren't meant to be together forever."

Michael took another shot, rolling his eyes. "I think that's bullshit."

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