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3 years later

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3 years later

"I'm standing here today looking into the eyes of the only man I've ever loved and committing my life to him. For years, I've only ever loved you," Arabella said, looking into Luke's eyes, her hands clasped in his. "I always though it would be difficult to find someone who will love me when I'm always scattered in a thousand pieces. It's like trying to complete a puzzle when you don't even know if you have all the right pieces. But then you showed me that every piece doesn't have to be in place to create something beautiful. That love can exist in the most imperfect, lost, and broken people. And I promise you that love will be just as beautiful, if you're in a thousand pieces or just one. Even with no memory, I fell in love with you all over again. You're my soulmate, my best friend, my one and only, you're mine, Luke. And I'm yours."

Luke swiped a tear from his face before smiling down at Arabella. He dug through his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, apologizing as he tried to unfold it with his shaky fingers. 

Arabella clutched his hand tightly, pressing kisses to his knuckles. He smiled, holding the paper up and meeting Arabella's eyes.

"Bell, since the day I met you, you were always mine," Luke said, his voice wavering at he looked at the girl he loved. "I make one sole promise to you. To be your lover when you need to be loved, your doctor when you're ill, your army when you go to war, your umbrella when life rains down on you, your rock when you get weary, your shield when you need defense, your pillow when you need to rest, your voice when no one can hear you, your ear when no one will listen, your comfort when you feel pain, your hero when you are under duress, your sunshine when darkness falls, your inspiration to overcome obstacles, your hand to hold when you are frightened, your kiss that wakes you every day, and your I love you each and every night. I promise to be yours each and every day and never stop loving you, Bell."

"Well, with the power vested in me by the state of California, I pronounce you two husband and wife, Luke, you may kiss your bride."

Luke took Arabella into his arms and pressed his lips against her hard and reassuringly, sealing their marriage.

"I love you."

"I love you too, babe."

2 years later

"I have to pick Jax up from Ashton's and then I'll be on the way home." Arabella said through the phone as she left work.

"Alright, I was thinking about ordering pizza and having a movie night, you down?"

"Oh hell yeah." She smiled, heading towards Ashton's house.

"Alright, see you then baby, I love you."

"Love you, Luke."

Arabella pulled into Ashton's driveway, knocking on the door to find Ashton standing there with her son in his arms, a smile on his face.

"Here already?" Ashton frowned.

"Sorry, Ash, got to spend some time with my child." I smiled, taking my son from his arms, Ashton getting the diaper bag for me.

"See you later, Bell," Ashton smiled, pressing a kiss to Jax's cheek. "Bye, little boy."

Jax giggled, making my heart swell with how good he took to him. "Say bye to Uncle Ash!"

Jax waved bye to Ash as he laughed at him. 


"Hey baby," Luke smiled, kissing her lips quickly before turning his attention to his daughter. "Jax, my boy!"

We ate dinner together, talking about our day and feeding Jax.

I noticed Luke had grown quiet, watching me from across the table. "You alright, baby?"

He blinked a few times, pulling a bigger smile. "Yeah, I just-I love you so much."

I smiled, reaching across the table and taking his hand. "Love you too, Lucas."

Luke and I always thought that the world was against us but maybe it was the other way around. 

Perhaps the world threw everything our way to show us that no matter what is thrown our way, it will show us that we're meant for each other. Put us through so many hardships just to show us that we can make it to the end together. 

To strengthen our love, to show that we were strong together.

Since we met, Luke and I were made to be together. Through everything, Luke and I always pushed through.

We were soulmates. Meant to spend the rest of our lives together, no matter what.

"It's you and me to the end," Luke smiled, kissing my lips as we laid together in bed. "I love you, Bell."

"I love you too, Lucas," I smiled, digging my face into his chest and closing my eyes. "Forever and always."

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