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this chapter is kinda long, it's my longest one by far. so get some tea or some food, because it's about to be a ride, shishters. i am not responsible if anyone chokes on anything while reading. lmao happy reading!!


it's nine at night, and of course i'm on the phone with, ian. he couldn't come over today, he went bow tie shopping for the valentine's dance. his mom wanted to come along and help him pick one out too.

"which color is better? lavender or teal?" he asks me.

i lay on my bed, "whichever one you like."

"thanks girl, you're a big help." i hear the sarcasm over the phone.

i giggle, "i'm not good with style."

"speaking of that, what are you wearing to the dance?"

"i'm not sure if i'm gonna go, i don't have anything to wear." i say upset.

"i got you, girl. i'll pick up a dress for you while i'm here, because you're definitely going."

i squeal, "really? thank you so much, ian! you're the best!"

"you're my best friend, you know i got your back on this," his chuckle fades, "but i do have something to tell you."

i become worried, "go ahead."

"i have a date to the dance!" he practically yells over the phone excitedly.

"what? i'm so excited for you!"

"oh my god, everlee, he's so cute you have no idea."

i laugh, "i bet he is."

"well, i have to go pay for the bow tie, then look for your dress. i'll talk to you later!"

"thank you so much for doing this for me!" i thank him again.

"what are best friends for? besides it should be fun."

"alright, i'll let you do your thing. love you."

"love you too, see you tomorrow!" ian lastly says, before i hang up the phone.

i think about how much fun, ian, and his date are going to have. i'm super happy for him, and i really hope they hit it off together.

i sit up, "does this mean i need a date too?" i mutter to myself. i know i can go by myself but he's going to be with his date the whole time, i would hate to be the annoying friend tagging along.

i think about asking matt if he would like to come with me just as friends of course, but i doubt he would say yes. he already ranted to me about how much he hates valentine's day, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?

i slide my window up, and yell as loud as i can, "matt! hey matt!" but still no one opens it. i grab an old eraser and throw it as hard as i can.

finally someone notices, and i see matt slide up his window, "what the hell are you doing?" he says annoyed.

"are the boys there?" i ask, before i ask him my question.

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