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"friends? the two of you are friends now?" dom's eyebrows raise.

"is it really that hard to believe?" madison asks the boys.

merlyn leans in and whispers, "everlee, blink twice if you need help."

i nudge his shoulder, "oh come on, we really are friends."

the boys, madison, and i are hanging out at joba's house. romil, went out to pick up the pizza that we ordered, he should be back any second now.

"i think that's great!" joba says excitedly, "i'm glad that you both are finally getting along!"

"pizzas here!" romil bursts through the door, and rushes to the kitchen to hand out pieces of pizza to everyone. all the boys run to the kitchen to get the first slice.

madison, matt, and i stay in our spots. we three are sitting on one couch, i'm in the middle of the two. madison checks her phone and gets up, "i'll see you all later, i gotta head home."

"already?" i ask.

she nods, "my parents are wondering where i am. i'll talk to you later." she smiles right before she heads out the door.

i wave, "bye, madison!" she returns one also.

a couple of minutes later, my phone suddenly rings, i check the caller id and it's an unknown number.

"who is it?" matt asks curiously.

i shrug, "it's an unknown number."

he instantly sits up with excitement, "answer it, let's see what they say."

i answer it and wait for the person to say something. we sit in silence until the caller finally speaks, "everlee?"

"is that wesley?" matt whispers.

i nod. "wesley, what do you want?" i ask him.

"i know what you fucking did." he says angrily over the phone.

"what are you talking about?"

"i know what you and matt did. you two are the ones who snuck into my room and did all of that shit to me."

matt and i look at each other, he looks unbothered while i'm sure that i look terrified. i whisper over to matt, "what the hell are we gonna do?"

he sighs and takes the phone into his own hands, "we didn't do anything." matt denies.

wesley laughs, "yeah right, some girl named madison told me that everlee confessed."

are you fucking kidding me?

matt's eyes shoot me a glare, causing for me to let out a nervous laugh, "i guess i did tell her."

i don't remember saying a word to her about it, but i guess i did.

he rolls his eyes and continues with the call, "what are you gonna do about it?"

"i could report the both of you," wesley pauses, "or you two can help me out with something."

"is he trying to blackmail us?" i almost yell.

i thought we were all done with this whole blackmailing shit?

"fine, we'll help you with whatever you want." matt gives in.

"we can talk about it at school tomorrow, see you two then!" wesley says enthusiastically before ending the call.

matt, passes me back my phone and gives me a face of disappointment, "really, everlee? you told madison?"

joba walks into the room with a mouthful of pizza, and a glass full of soda. "what did she tell, madison?" he sounds concerned.

well shit.


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