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after matt left, i felt really lonely. i really wish he'd come back.

i sigh, picking myself up from the floor and deciding to check up on, ian. hopefully he isn't doing anything he's going to regret in the morning.

i walk out of the kitchen and look around the living room, until i see him sitting on a couch talking to some dude.

i quickly rush over to him, trying not to fall, "ian, how are you holding up?" i say out of breath. the kitchen is literally ten steps away from the couch, why the hell am i so out of breath?

he pauses his conversation, and looks over at me, "i'm doing great," his breath reeks of alcohol, "also, everlee, i heard that wesley is looking for you."

"what?" i say shocked.

ian shakes his head, "i shouldn't have drank tonight, we would be leaving right now before he finds you." his voice shows disappointment.

"don't worry about it, i'm gonna go hide up in a room or something." i try to make him feel better.

he gets up quickly, "i'll help you," he gets dizzy and falls back right onto the couch, "on second thought, you should go yourself. i might barf any second."

"i'll see you in a bit." i say lastly before i go up the stairs.

halfway up the stairs, i bump into someone, "i'm sorry." i apologize.

"everlee?" i hear the familiar voice.

fuck. it's wesley.

i panic, "what? who's that? is that a type of bird?"

wesley, wears a beanie on his head and sighs, "can we talk for a second?"

"how about no?" god, i'm starting to sound like matt now.

"please?" he begs, "i've been dying to talk to you all night."

"well, too bad. we aren't gonna talk." i try to go back down the stairs, but he blocks my way.

"it'll take five minutes, i promise." he stares into my eyes. those stupid eyes are the reason why i got into that messy relationship with him in the first place.

"you have three minutes, so go ahead." i cross my arms.

"listen, i'm sorry about snapping at you back at school. i was mad at everything. the night before that, two douches broke into my room and destroyed everything," he points at his head, "even my hair."

i want to burst out laughing, he really has no idea that, matt and i, are the ones responsible.

"i shouldn't have yelled at you, and all i want is to start over," wesley fumbles with his hands, he does that when he's nervous, "everything i've ever done to you was wrong, and i realize that now. can we please start over?"

"i'm not fucking stupid, wesley. do you think i'd really fall for this stupid little game of yours?" i snap, shoving him out of the way.

"i'm not playing a game with you, everlee. i'm done with that." he says softly.

i stop in my tracks and i turn around, "i've heard that from you a billion times, it's not any different this time." i tell him off.

"you're right," he admits, "there is no difference, but i'm just wanting to make things right with you. that's all i wanna do."

i don't say anything, i just stand there speechless. "even if i have to take one step at a time," he continues, "so listen, there's a carnival going on downtown tomorrow night, and i want to take you with me. it doesn't have to be a date, but the whole point is so we can start from scratch again."

this isn't good. not good at all.

"you don't have to come, but i-"

"i'll go." i cut him off.

wesley's whole mood changes, "really? you'll really come with me?"

i nod, "i'll meet you there tomorrow."

he smiles, "see you there." he walks down the steps, and continues off to the party scene.

i'm not completely sure if i should really go or not, but there is one thing i'm sure of.

i can't say a single thing about this to matt.

i'm currently laughing for no reason skskskskksks

anyways, a bitch is sleepy so i'm gonna go to schleep. also i hope you don't kill me over this chapter!!!

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