1: Regrets

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In a dark damp room filled with the pungent rustic scent of blood, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the cold air.

"You despicable witch!" Chen JuFen choked out with a hoarse voice. She was in her last hour of life; right in front of the doors of death.

Gu Meiyue sat leisurely in an arrogant posture as she gazed at Chen JuFen with a smile full of wickedness. Her hair was oriented neatly, decorated with gold and silver. Who would've guessed that evilness lies behind this oval face, sparkling eyes, and red lips?

Chen JuFen let out another grunt as the rough whip lashed down on her already blooded and beaten body. Initially, she was screaming— thrashing for help, crying loudly, and pleading for mercy. However, the only pain she felt right now was the breaking of her heart. It was thrown to the ground, bruised and beaten, and stabbed a hundred times—over and over and over again.

Gu Meiyue was once her closest friend; in fact, she was her sworn sister. They both made a promise in front of gods' eyes. The first to break the vow is to be struck by lightning trice. Now, she had the audacity to marry into her husband's harem, plot against her loved ones, and even kill the unborn child in her womb!

At the last thought, Chen JuFen's eyes blurred with prickly tears. Her little troublemaker has yet to even experience the life outside of her tummy. Thinking of how the possible was now impossible, Chen JuFen clenched her only intact hand left. Gu Meiyue had been cruel with her torturing. She had burned her right arm with an iron bar before slowly cutting it off with a dull knife. Not only that, she ruined her face and cut off her proud, long hair. She fed the slow-acting poison to kill off her child while destroying her body simultaneously, leaving her in great agony.

"Why are you so cruel? We were sworn sisters...I loved you so dearly and treated you like you were my sister" Chen JuFen began to feel numb against the pain and reality. She was to die in her own pool of blood any moment now; she might as well know the truth.

"Why? Why! Chen JuFen, you truly are dumb. Even as the daughter of the most prestigious scholar family, you are just as stupid as a servant. From the very beginning, you have stolen everything from me. All the attention was always on you! Status, beauty, spotlight. With your family executed, you are no longer a noble. With your face now, you're no longer one of the beauties of Ye. And now, even your husband belongs to me. I'm only getting back what was mine." Gu Meiyue sneered with disdain.

So it was for this? For this, her unborn child had to die? For this, her father was wrongly convicted?

At the moment, Ye Feng entered into the dark room. The golden dragon robe dragged behind him, contrasting the dirty floor. Eyes cold and irritated. How did she confuse that indifferent look as love before? What had infatuation done to her...?

One would think that their own husband would uphold some face and justice for his wife, but not Ye Feng. He only glanced at the mess on the floor before embracing Gu Meiyue gently.

"Ye Feng..." Jufen gritted her teeth as she spat his name with hatred and blood. The glare in her eyes reflected off like the light reflecting off a blade.

"Audacious! How dare you speak of the emperor's name like that? Mu Xin, hit her." Meiyue feigned anger as she commanded her servant to whip her again.

"Don't be angry for the likes of her, my empress." While Ye Feng spoke in affection with Meiyue, he spared none for Jufen.

"So this is how it is? After being husband and wife for over 5 years, was it all nothing to you? I gave solutions to your national issues, helped you gain favor from the emperor and ministers, war strategies, music, shelter over your head and food on your table when you had none! I gave you a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen to, and I dug my heart out for you with my own pair of hands! Now you've thrown me out, eliminated my family clan, and killed MY child? Ye Feng, you've really grown into a fine man! Truly fitted to be the great emperor who soars through the sky!"

"You—" Meiyue stepped forwards but Ye Feng held her back.

"That was your role as my main wife. Consider the 5 years of our relationship as a favor. Now that you've achieved your dreams to marry me, this is the debt you have to pay. Since you're no longer my wangfei, naturally you're no longer needed. You were only there as a stepping stone, not to carry my child. Meiyue is more suitable to be my empress. Her benevolence, grace, and intelligence far surpasses yours. Her family still holds honor and power compared to you. Look at your face now. How can you compare to Meiyue? Else, how would you end up in this situation with your life hanging by the thread?" Ye Feng's voice was hard and cold as he spoke these thorn-like words. Each stabbing her bleeding heart like the rough edges of broken wood, digging into her flesh with splinters.

Chen Jufen finally looked at him. After all these years, how did she not notice the disdain in his eyes? The frown on his lips? The tiny scrunch of disgust on his face whenever he sees her? She had fallen for this monster. She had spend her entire life and sacrificed so many things, time, people— all for this man to ruthless kick her to the side on this day. Finally, she let out a psychotic and bone-shivering laugh. It was high-pitched and ear-piercing, shredding the silent fabric of space.

She was tired. Exhausted. Drained.

Nothing mattered anymore. Her vision was slowly slipping away from the tips of her 5 fingers. If she's going to hell for cursing one's life, she might as well drag them with her. With her last drink of air, she spat out words she's long been holding back.

"They say women are the dumbest when in love. It seems to be true, for I had given my life for a damned fiend who used my heart like disposable paper, mauled it like an animal, and stoned it death! In the name of god, you shall face retribution for your brutality! Gu Meiyue, should you be struck by lightening three times for breaking our oath in front of the heaven's eyes! Go fuck yourselves! I curse the two of you with eternal suffering and catastrophe—"

Before she could say anymore, Ye Feng had already silenced her as her head thumped and rolled on the floor.

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