Update!! [part 2]

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Heyhey sunshines, moonlights, lightbulbs, glow sticks, and whatever alike!!

I've been doing some research and came to a small bubble of options about what I plan to do for this novel.

As of right now, my choices are Kobo or Lulu press. They're available in many countries and generally have positive ratings so c: It'll be available once it's done editing!! More info in the next update.

Physical printed books——
I'm thinking of working with Lulu press.

*Please comment on this section so I can predict how many people want a physical copy* gimme an emoji or something HAHAHAH

They're available worldwide and their printings/shipping is also good. The thing is, I kind of want to ship it myself..? I was thinking of adding a little thank you note to each print 👉🏻👈🏻 Since I also illustrate and make stickers occasionally, I was planning to put a couple in there as well! They're freebies in a sense, but more as a thank you gift for supporting me.ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*。

Of course, that's optional.

Shipping internationally will cost so, so much and I'm terrified of the double digit pricing. I don't think you should pay that much for shipping, especially since it's a small package. As of right now, it seems like it'll cost between $10-15 for IPA packages :c (depending on the country; i'm from the usa btw).

I'll have to set up my own website for you to place your print orders. Printing, packaging, shipping, etc. So it's a little stressful as this is my first time, but I'll learn to manage it!

I'll have to ask for a little more patience since I have to have it edited as well 🥺🥺💜 I'll give you guys a final update once everything is settled and in place. Maybe a couple months? It'll contain informations like what will be in the book, dimensions of the book, what will be in the package, which website to order from, link, pricing, pre-order date, etc.

Let's go on this journey together <3 I hope you're excited as much as I am!!

With lots of love,

Sunny Amui ✨

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