20: Husband Has Returned

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A/n: Story will be picking up at a faster pace now! Also, it's kind of cringy at the end so you've been warned.

After a week, Xu Jun left to travel into the far East with his men for war. Before he departed, he gave Jufen a long lasting kiss before running away with a huge grin.

She could only scowl at him with swollen red lips.

As for the Gu Meiyue who has rarely appeared in Jufen's life now, she had managed to meet Ye Feng and catch his interest. Of course, this was no coincidence. Jufen had mentioned that Chengdu was a famous place where nobles would hang out occasionally. As she predicted, the two vile creatures had bonded and cultivated their feelings.

As the 'gentle' fifth prince of the Ye nation, he could not be having any scandals so he hid his relationship with Meiyue from the public. However, her connection to foreign counties and powerful families was extremely tempting. Additionally, she held no power in the court and military so she was safe to marry. He could not let this chance go but he also could not draw attention to himself. Unfortunately for them, Jufen has long inserted her own people to observe their actions.

Of course, she would not share with the world about their adulterous acts. These informations are meant to be used as blackmails. However, since Jufen wants nothing to do with them at the moment, she did not bother with their personal lives and they do not bother her.

Meanwhile, Zhao Bai Lan seems to be a bit busier than usual. Very rarely does she even come over to chat. Her brother, Chen Mingxi was also coincidentally busy and became more involved in court matters these few months. It seems like the two were rather closer but Jufen did not dig into their personal affairs. She was not a nosy person. If their chemistry do not work, then she would not force it.

While Xu Jun was at war, he would sometimes send out a letter to her. Xiao Ru would catch Jufen reading his letter with a small smile and then read it all over again. On the same day, she would randomly sing a melody and rock on her swing outside in her garden.

Just like that, summer and fall flew by. On the last week of autumn, she had received unsurprising news that Xu Jun had successful led his men to victory and trampled the base of Kuju. Usually, this war would've taken at least six months to even advance one step. Due to the inspiration Xu Jun received from Jufen's game of chess, they had launched a brutal surprise attack.

The Kuju was forced to surrender and reluctantly agreed to be under the Ye kingdom's growing empire. The Emperor was benevolent and only required them to pay a yearly tax and specific resources at most. 

When Xu Jun returned, the main city celebrated their entrance and bowed deeply to him in gratefulness. The children would admire and wave at him for his attention. Noticing their tiny hands waving around frantically, he gave them a nod. Not only were the children excited, the ladies witnessing such peerless face had also squealed.

Seeing Xu Jun's remarkable skills, the Emperor has promoted him from 'Xia Duke of Second Rank' to 'Xia Duke of First Rank.'

After hearing the decree his subordinate reported, Ye Feng had thrown his teacup at the floor in anger. Detached and murderous, he had a stare that could kill a man. Xu Jun had a rank that was equivalent to a crown prince— one that he does not have. The whole room went blizzard with his icy aura.

"Brother Feng, what do you think we should do now? It's clear that Xu Jun is not on our side," Ye Zheng urged in a low voice before continuing, "If he were to side with the third or fourth prince, it'll be all over for us. His power is only going to multiply from here if we don't stop him."

Ye Feng rubbed the bridge of his nose and his stoic eyes stared at the sword on the table. Then, he glanced back at Ye Zheng, "Send out the Shu corp. to deal with them."


Jufen stood in front of the grand doors of the Xu residence for a long time to receive Xu Jun's arrival. Just when she was about to take out a chair to sit on, she saw the blurry figures of men on horses from afar. When they got closer, she noticed Xu Jun's indifference to the praises thrown at him on the way. His unapproachable air made him look like a sovereignty with a devilish appearance. When his sight landed on Jufen, he urged his horse forwards and jumped off smoothly while landing his feet silently in front of her.

Without a warning, he tightly embraced her while carrying her off her feet. Jufen had not expected him to display his affections so carelessly in front of his soldiers and the three high-ranked general. The soldiers gaped at their commander and their mouths were wide enough for flies to fly in. With a red face, she had punched his chest to drop her.

"Release me this instance! They're watching!" Jufen cried out quietly with embarrassment.

"Who is watching?" Xu Jun turned around and glared at his men. Reading the atmosphere, they had all turned to look at their feet and cleared their throat twice. Then, he turned back around to grin wolfishly at her, "See? No one is watching."

Unable to stand his shameless behavior, she rushed back into the residence and left him hanging at the door. After dismissing his men, he chased after the woman who was residing inside the Dawn Courtyard at the moment.

"Xiao Hua, are you angry with me?" he softly questioned as he played with the ribbon that tied around her waist. The two were currently sitting inside a room near a heater to prevent the cold. The room was filled with a minty scent after Xu Jun had his bath.

"Jufen does not understand, why would this one be angry?" Jufen dryly answered his question with sarcasm.

"Then why are you ignoring me?" he murmured while pulling her in with her back facing his chest. Frowning, she tried wiggling her way out but the grip on her only tightened. Giving up, she let him rest his head in the crook of her exposed neck.

He took in a deep breath and sighed, tickling her senses. He muttered, "You smell nice— like chrysanthemum flowers. You live up to your name; Ju fen, chrysanthemum fragrant."

Jufen said nothing as she thought about the night after she visited his residence to check Xu Jun's injuries. She indeed lived up to her flowery name. When Ye Feng no longer wanted the wilted flower, he had thrown it away— like how he had thrown her away.

"Men only cherish a flower

When it blooms at noon.

Wilting each day,

They'll soon be thrown away..."

Jufen repeated the same poem from the same night. How long will this happiness that she's experiencing last, she questioned.

Xu Jun quietly cursed 'idiot woman' before angrily biting a small area of her neck. She let out a yelp and instantly bent away from his grasp. It didn't really hurt but she was just embarrassed by his touch so she thrashed her arms around.

"Stay still," he quietly commanded in a dangerous tone. Not doubting that he would bite again, she reluctantly complied.

"Silly woman. Flowers only blossom when you smile. That itself, will never wilt. Don't you ever dare title yourself as disposable. Even if you do wilt one day, you'll still be my Xiao Hua."

After a moment of silence, she quietly grumbled, "Sweet talker."

"Are you captivated yet?" Xu Jun teased with a smile while soothing the red teeth mark on her neck with gentle kisses. Stirred by his touch, she felt an odd arousal bubbling in her.

Jufen only huffed and ignored him for the rest of the day.

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