14: The Melody of a Crystal Charm

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A week later, Jufen received some alarming news.

"Miss! Miss!" Xiao Ru called out in a hurry.

"What's the matter? Slow down and take a deep breath," Jufen leisurely replied as she played with her favorite dagger.

Ignoring everything, Xiao Ru cried out, "Miss! Young General Xu Jun had been ambushed by spies and was heavily injured!"

Jufen stopped twirling the dagger in her hands and stood still. She inwardly frowned. Something wasn't right. This was not supposed to happen.

In her last life, Xu Jun returned victoriously without a single injury before taking the title of 'Duke of the Second Rank.' Why was he injured? What had gone wrong?

In a steady voice, she calmly asked, "How is he now?"

"This servant does not know. Only knows that he's currently in the Ying residence," Xiao Ru answered worriedly. If anything were to happen to him, how would her miss marry? Would she remain as an maiden for life?

Jufen did not express her opinion or thoughts as she kept her stoic face. It would not be appropriate if she visits him now. For sure, he would survive...right?

Three days later, Jufen decided to pay a visit to the Xu Jun's private residence with some herbs and a handmade bracelet charm as a gift. The gold plaque that greets the visitors reads 'Ying'—which meant strength—stood proud and tall. The servants had welcomed her in before guiding her to Xu Jun's private quarters.

The room reeked of medicine and blood but it did not bother Jufen at all. The head servant sneakily dismissed everyone else and left her alone in his living quarters.

As Jufen walked closer, she noticed a muscular body lying face-up on a large, blue bed. With white cotton gauz stained with blood wrapped around his shoulder and thin waist, it revealed his toned body from hips up. His face remained impassive as his phoenix eyes were gently closed.

Jufen averted her eyes away from the drooling sight and only focused on his face, which unfortunately was also quite attractive. His serene eyes suddenly opened and his dark pupils slowly followed to Jufen's figure. The slow movement was seductive and agonizing, making her feel an itch on her skin.

However, her placid face persisted as she stared back at the sinful man.

"You're alive..." she spoke in a soft, lyrical voice.

"No, I'm dead," Xu Jun said it with such seriousness and in a deadpanned voice that even Jufen started to believe in his words.

She closed her eyes in frustration and opened them again. He was lying half-dead on his bed and now he still has time to joke about being dead? Does he really not fear Yama, the god of the dead?

"This son of a— forget it. I came to see how you are and it seems like you're very alive and kicking. I left some herbs and a protective charm, hence, I will take my leave now."

Just as she turned away, he reached out for her wrist and gently pulled her to sit down near his bed as he deeply chuckled, "What's with the rush?"

Jufen did not reply as she refused to look at him. Then, he took something out from a box and waved it in her line of sight.

It was a...charm? It looked like a charm yet at the same time, it looked like a hair ornament. There was three uneven strings attached to an open-ended hole that can be manually adjusted. Two of the strings held some sort of ivory crystal stone shaped in a flat sphere. In the middle, was another unidentified metal in a similar shape. When moved, it creates a light jingle; it was a clear, soft sound.

Jufen was noticeably absorbed within the charm that was now in her hands. Hearing the soft bell, she felt quite tranquil. However, she quickly stopped herself and thought: What would Xu Jun mischievously do this time to tease and taunt her?

Her face immediately frosted with coldness and her eyes shot up at him, "Is this your way of calling me a pet?"

Xu Jun was enjoying her fascinated eyes until she suddenly turned chilly. His lips turned into a frown at her question, "Can you not look at everything I give you so negatively?"

"Whose fault is that?" Jufen quickly fired back.

He sighed involuntarily, "It's a birthday gift. When I saw it, I thought of you. The distinctive yet delicate jingle is supposed to symbolize your laughter, not a pet."

After hearing his explanation, Jufen looked down at the crystal charm and mumbled an 'oh' as she guiltily played with it in her hands. She didn't mean to accuse him and belittle his considerations. She was just not used to his unusual behavior— his kindness. He had even complimented her. Her lips pouted and her eyelashes quivered while she continued to tug and pull at her small fingers.

Seeing her silently sinking in her own guilt and struggling to apologize, Xu Jun felt like the girl in front of him was very similar to the young Jufen. She used to be very expressive with her face and words—either laughing or crying, and always blabbering. It was awfully easy to read her thoughts; she was like an open book. What had happened while he was gone?

Looking at the charm in her delicate hands, he remembers how he continuously ran his hand over her white jade that hung by his side while he was in a carriage on the way back to the main city. He had successfully conquered a large gang that controlled an area near a river. That gang had long caused the Emperor a headache so he sent Xu Jun to deal with them. What he had not expected, was a neighboring country's spy among his men. Distracted, he did not managed to catch the spy in time before he had the chance to inform the assassinations about his location. Though he was carelessly injured, he was able to protect the two jingling accessories that swung around his waist as he quickly eliminated his enemies.

He faintly smiled and patted her head before lightly pinching her squishy cheek. Jufen let out a muffled yelp and rubbed her now red cheek. She gave him a heated glare before returning her eyes back to the charm in her hand.

"I missed you," he suddenly blurted with a straight face.

Jufen froze and stared at Xu Jun with big eyes. Silence filled the room after his confession. Her left eye started to twitch and she stood up abruptly, almost knocking the short stool over. She clenched the charm tightly in her hands while opening and closing her mouth. She almost looked like a gapping fish. Stunned to the core, Jufen was driven speechless.

"What nonsense— I'm leaving. Rest well," Her stoic face could not hide the haste in her nervous tone. As she dashed away from him, Xu Jun laughed in a deep, low voice.

"Run away as long as you can, Xiao Hua. In time, this general will catch you."

Hearing the dangerous voice from behind, Jufen felt a shiver down her spine and picked up her pace to leave as quickly as she can.

The three hour ride home did not calm her down either. When she came back to her private quarters, she had Xiao Ru to immediately prepare a refreshing, minty bath.

Jufen is not dense. She could tell when a male likes another one, especially if it's that person is her. However, Jufen doesn't want to believe nor face it. She stared absentmindedly at the yellow rose petals mixed in with the mint leaves, both floating sluggishly without a care in the world.

"Men only cherish a flower

When it blooms at noon.

Wilting each day,

They'll soon be thrown away..." she mumbled a poem to herself.

"Jufen-ah, Jufen. How ironic is it that you're named after a flower? Beauty is only a facade that hides the withered petals, diminishing with time."

In truth, she fears falling once more. What if it's the same? What if history repeats and she's just in a continuous, cruel cycle that fate decided to spin?

She cannot be foolish. She cannot trust. She cannot. Cannot. Cannot. Cannot—

What if?

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