7: Irritating Man

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"Miss, I heard that rare lychee fruits has been imported into Paradise City. Along with some of your favorite rose tea and fine silk from our neighboring country. Would you like to send this servant to retrieve you goods?" Xiao Ru asked excitedly as she puts down the pot after pouring a cold cup of herbal tea for Jufen. She then picked up a large fan to directly fan Jufen.

"Lychee? There's still some?"

"This year, one of the neighboring country suddenly had a late summer thus its goods had also postponed harvest." Xiao Ru answered eagerly. It was obvious that she wanted to go out and see the blooming city in the South.

Late summer? The corners of Jufen's lips curved upwards in a sly matter. Though she had changed her story, mother nature did not. Gu Meiyue, your end would come soon.

Since she's in a good mood, she decided to grant Xiao Ru's wish to travel outside, "En, I'll go as well. I want to personally take a look at the exotic silks."

Even though it was still hot, amazingly, Jufen's body had been accustomed to extreme weather so she was not that affected.

Jufen put on a breezy pale green silk skirt paired with a light blue sheer-like jacket. In a simple yet elegant braided hairstyle, she pinned in a blue butterfly pin with sapphire crystals. Everything was light and casual, but it did not hide the noble air around her.

Inside the carriage, they had placed an ice container to keep the inners cool. Jufen lazed on the cushion and fallen asleep with Xiao Ru fanning her. By the time they had arrived, it was already high noon.

Jufen had placed a white veil hat over her head and stepped out of the carriage. With two guards following from a distant, Jufen and Xiao Ru roamed around the lively streets. Ever since Paradise City ascended in popularity, many high statuses would also visit this city. Hence, she had recognized some nobles.

Paying no heed to their presence, Jufen walked in a slightly rushed manner into the direction where the lychees would be sold. The higher rankings had also noticed Jufen's appearance, but because she rarely goes out, no one had identified that she was the infamous daughter of the Prime Minister.

Turning into a corner of an alley way, she had suddenly bumped into a hard wall. She had noticed the smell of redwood tree and a hint of mint. Stumbling, she was steadied by the 'wall' she bumped into.

Looking up, Jufen's eyes widened in surprised.

Xu Jun stood proud and tall above her with a small raise in his eyebrows. With a cool gaze, he tilted his head to the side and a deep, smooth voice echoed, "Xiao Hua."

Though it was only two words, it brought a light red tint to her face. Again with that childish name. Only children below the age of ten gets called that nowadays. They had long outgrown them so why can't he let it go already?

Taking a step back, she gave a wordless greeting before turning her heels to walk past him. Before she could even advance, she was stopped short by the man. Jufen took a deep breathe and maintained a composed face.

She moved to the left. He stepped to the left. Right. Left. Right. Left.

He moved forwards, she moved back. By this point, she was already beyond annoyed. Time was limited and her lychee fruits were selling out fast.

Finally, her calm facade cracked. With a twitching left eye and a deep frown, she glared hard at Xu Jun. This time, he smiled in a provoking way.

Xu Jun had loved to tease her. Sometimes he would see her kitten claws and glares, other times she'll giggle adorably. He was unsure of what had happened to her during the five years they had not met, but he could tell that her calm demeanor was not something that anyone can easily crack.

Seeing that he broke her disguise, he felt quite satisfied. Meanwhile, Jufen wanted nothing more than to punch his unrivaled, handsome face.

"Young General Xu Jun, please move out of the way," she said in a bitter tone.

"Young General? You used to call me Jun-gege and followed me everywhere I went," Xu Jun teased while continuing to block her pathway. Xiao Ru and the guards were hesitant to stop him. Their master, the Prime Minister, wanted the couple to interact more anyway so they could not interfere.

Jufen's face was red. It is unknown whether or not she was embarrassed or mad—perhaps both.

"Perchance, if you were to call me once more, I may let you go," he said in a taunting voice. Jufen was furious and ultimately snapped as she shoved Xu Jun to the side before dashing away from him. Obviously, she guessed that he had let her go on purpose because he's undoubtedly stronger than her.

What she didn't expect, was for him to casually follow after her. Due to the fact that he did not bother to hide his flawless appearance, he attracted many admiring and envious eyes.

By the time she arrived at the store, it was all sold out. A breeze of cold wind fluttered between the couple. Jufen spun around to face him before angrily pointing her delicate finger at him.

"You! If not because of your childish acts, I wouldn't have missed my opportunity!" Even through the veil, he can see her wronged eyes. One would imagine that there was tears as well.

Xiao Ru was astounded by her miss's future husband. During the entire year, Jufen had an extremely good and likable temperate. She was always calm and almost never raised her voice. Inside her heart, she applauded him for his bravery and ability to make her young miss disarranged. On another hand, she pitied her miss very much.

"Me? Perhaps if you had cooperated and have stepped to the left when I was going right, then you would've gotten your opportunity," Xu Jun shamelessly said with a smug and twinkling eyes.

Jufen's blood boiled until steam came from her. Absolutely shameless! Who stepped left and who stepped right? It was clearly him that blocked her pathway! She let out a frustrated groan before scoffing in a sarcastic manner.

She swung back around and angrily walked away. Jufen would've calmed herself and reversed back to her usual demeanor if not for the fact that Xu Jun was still following right behind her!

"General. Xu. Jun. May I ask why you're still following me?" Jufen spat every word through her gritted teeth.

"Following you? No, you misunderstood. You're simply walking in the direction I'm heading towards to," Xu Jun said in an apathetic tone but he could not hide the small smile on his lips.

Jufen rolled her eyes at his lying, shameless ass. Right ahead of them was the silk store— for women! Just before she was about to make a run for it, Xu Jun pulled her by the waist towards him. This intimate action had attracted some attention. Actually, the public's eyes had long drawn towards the couple when they started to fight. A godlike man had just shamelessly spouted nonsense to a veiled, noble lady. No one could resist shaking their head.

"You. Mind where your hand is at please and consider our reputation," Jufen coldly responded as she attempted to step away. He had not even budged when she had stepped on his foot with full power. Annoyed, she knew Xu Jun was playing with her. She felt weak in this situation and she did not like it at all. She had trained for months to strengthen herself yet this man had completely disintegrated her efforts within seconds.

"We're engaged anyway. If you feel wronged, worry not. I'll take responsibility." Xu Jun said in a somewhat playful tone. While Jufen spoke quietly so only the two can hear, Xu Jun did not conceal his voice.

Ah, so they are engaged, the audience thought. Some had even bluntly pulled out a chair to watch the good show untangle in front of them.

The ladies watching grew green with envy and directed their sword-like glare at Jufen. Unfortunately for them, Jufen had long familiarized that look and thought nothing of it. As long as they don't cross her line, she couldn't care less.

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