21: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

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A/n: Hello sunshines, it's a longer chapter today!

The married couple grew noticeably closer; socially and physically. Occasionally, they would spend their time together playing chess and lounging on the couch next to a heater. Prior to this sudden change, they would sleep on separate ends of the same bed but recently, Jufen finds herself waking up in the arms of a certain culprit. When she eyed Xu Jun suspiciously, he would only look away indifferently as if he had nothing to do with it.

On one morning, he revealed that he would be leaving to train a large batch of men in the South. He said that the soldiers would be transferred to the northern region but why use horsepower when one can develop their endurance? So as their cruel leader, he's obviously going to make them run and suffer.

Jufen walked besides him in the corridor to see him out. Before they reached the end of it, she stopped walking and stated, "I will see you out from here."

"You wouldn't even see your husband walk out. This is just sad," he complained with a faint frown.

Seeing that he was bothered so easily, Jufen broke out into a smile that revealed her high dimples. She poked at him before grabbing his hand with both of her smaller ones. She placed a new purple perfume sachet in his hand.

"I made a light formula with your favorite chrysanthemum scent and pinewood. It's originally in powder form so it's quite strong if you open it."

Xu Jun had often cursed how sensitive his nose was to pungent smell, which is ironic since he's the General Xu who had no problem with killing hundreds of people on the field. He felt a little touched that she would remember the little detail, much less even create a perfume for him.

He had also noticed a similar sachet hanging on her belt, letting him know that they're wearing a matching set. A devilish grin blossomed on his face before he secretly pulled her into one of the storage rooms.

With an arm above her head as he leaned down to take her soft lips, the other arm encircled around her waist. At first, Jufen thought it was a simple kiss until she felt his tongue pry her lips open and invade her mouth. Wanting to deny his access, she bit his tongue but it backfired on her because he seemed even more aroused.

Helpless, she didn't know what to do as her knees grew weak and her face flushed pink from the lack of oxygen. When Xu Jun finally retracted from the kiss, he gently bit her bottom lip and pulled it before letting go.

Witnessing how breathless she became, he gave a diabolical smirk and peck her swollen lips again.

"No more," she panted. If this continues, who knows where that would lead them next...

Xu Jun only chuckled and tugged her out of the dark room. Feeling embarrassed, she coldly walked back into her courtyard and left him to see himself off.

A few days after he had left to the South, Zhao Bai Lan had sent her an invitation to visit a theater house an hour down the streets and said that she'll meet her there. Finding nothing suspicious about her letter, she agreed to the invite and prepared to leave. Since it was just Bai Lan, guards were unnecessary.

When she had arrived with Xiao Ru, the streets were already filled with people.

"This place is indeed popular. I never knew Bai Lan liked these noisy places," Jufen commented.

While she was walking, a beggar had very skillfully ripped out the gold hairpin out of Jufen's hair. Surprised, Xiao Ru ran after him while calling out thief.

Just when Jufen was about to call her back, someone had abruptly dragged her in a nearby alley way while covering her mouth with a cloth and forcing her to inhale the drugs.

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