16: The Xia Newlyweds

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A/n: Hello sunshines! Tomorrow will be the last chapter before the new schedule starts(•͈•͈)

One was sitting, the other stood tall. Both never stopped staring.

It was cold; the looks that they gave to each other but was never really directed to one another. Jufen for being stubborn about her feelings and Xu Jun for suppressing his feelings.

After what felt like hours of constant staring, the heavy tension continued on when she started to sweat behind her back. When he was done admiring her beauty, he finally moved. Her senses heightened when he slowly walked closer to her and gradually leaned down. She did not breath.

The entire time, he had kept his eyes trained on her. Eventually lowering his eyes to reveal his long, black lashes that slightly curled at the end, he gently knocked his forehead against hers.

Jufen stiffened at their close proximity. If she dares to even breath, their lips would touch.

Seeing how nervous she was, he couldn't help but to feel helpless. In a low voice, he softly said, "I will not until you consent."

Then he headed to the bathing room.

After a long time, Jufen was still sitting in the exact same spot. Her thoughts had gone haywire. She didn't expect that she had a choice. A sudden thought came into her mind: did she ever expressed her gratitude towards him, if even at all? The lychee fruits, the mask, the crystal charm, and now this?

She pulled and tugged at her fingers in a muddled manner before calling Xiao Ru in to help remove her heavy dress and hair accessories. Jufen had also ordered her to call her miss in private. Xiao Ru did not question her or what had happened between the two couple. She knew where the line was drawn and did not cross it.

With her long hair completely down and in her sleepwear, she sat in front of the mirror for a long time— contemplating on her next move.

"What are you thinking about?" a cool voice echoed in the silent chamber.

Jufen lifted her head to see a refreshed Xu Jun with slightly damped hair lying over his shoulders. He wore a plain dark robe that loosely revealed his collar bones and firm chest.

Jufen kept her eyes from going down by focusing on his face. The words got stuck in her throat and she couldn't bring herself to tell him how thankful she was. It was like bearing her heart on her sleeves for him to see and she did not like that. So instead, she slowly asked, "About the bed..."

"We'll just share. Don't bother asking to sleep in another room or couch. Nothing happens unless you make it happen, Xiao Hua," Xu Jun answered in an unconcerned tone.

Jufen neither agreed or disagreed. She only silently let out a breath before walking towards the red framed bed and lying down on the bed. She rolled near the wall and ignored him. Xu Jun chuckled and poked her side before slipping under the cover as well. Because she's sensitive and ticklish, she jumped in shock before glaring at him.

When she woke up to the same chamber room, her clothes were in tact and Xu Jun was missing. She stared at the cloud patterned ceiling in silence.

She cannot believe that they really did nothing! Worst of all, why was she expecting anything anyway?

Jufen huffed in frustration and sat up. At the same time, Xu Jun in a dark blue robe had entered the room and saw Jufen fixing her tangled hair on the bed. With her hair down, she appeared to be more delicate and smaller than ever.

He squatted in front of her and she looked up with innocent eyes. Taking a small batch of silky hair into his hand, he let it slip out of his grasp as he pulled gently. Sensing her bad mood, he asked, "It's early in the morning. Why are you upset?"

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