29: Exchanging Hearts

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The following contains heavily sexual content and is not appropriate for the ages below 18.

I'm a descriptive writer so if you cannot handle the vivid details, you are welcomed to leave. If you are disturbed or feeling uncomfortable, again, you are welcomed to leave. Viewer's discretion is advised and have been warned. Please be mature :)

On a lesser serious note, goodbye sunshines and hello moonlights! Yes, this is actually how I'm going to address the more matured audiences. I know you have been waiting, so here it is!

A peck led to a kiss. A kiss led to an intense make out.

Xu Jun lifted her up while she wrapped her legs around his slim waist. His feet guided him to the deepest part of their bedroom. With their lips still locked, he sat her in the middle of the bed and hovered over her.

Sucking her bottom lip before grazing it with his teeth, he cupped her face with his hands and knocked his forehead with hers.

His darkened eyes were laced with lust and sincerity, pulling her into an endless pit. He hoarsely asked while holding himself back, "Trust me?"

After a few seconds, Jufen closed her eyes and finally nodded.

The curtains closed and the candlelight blew out while the two bodies entangled themselves on the bed.

When she sleepily opened her eyes, it was still dark outside. She was currently resting in his embrace with her naked back pressing against his firm chest. She could feel him breath and his heart beat steadily. Xu Jun was extremely gentle with her and treated her like she was a precious pearl.

Just when she was about to go back to sleep, Xu Jun slowly opened his phoenix eyes and looked down at the beauty in his arms. Something flashed in his eyes and a smirk tugged at his lips. He rolled on top of her and pinned her hands by her head.

Jufen's heart raced in panic and she started to feel uneasy under his sensual stare. In her mind, she senses that something very bad is going to happen.

"What are you doing?" she nervously asked.

"You," he seductively answered before he lowered his head to take her lips. Twirling and sucking on her tongue, he spared her no time to breath. Her face flushed red and her brain started to melt into a puddle. He kissed her swollen lips and dragged his tongue down to her collarbones. Leaving wet trails on her skin, he sucked hard on her fragile neck.

Jufen inevitably let out a small moan. While he kissed her neck, he shifted both of her wrists above her head and held them down with one of his hands. With his free hand, he roamed the curves of her body.

He freed his lips from her reddened neck and lustfully stared in her eyes. Keeping his darkened eyes trained on her, the tip of his fingers barely touched the surface of her skin. From the crook of her neck, the valley between her breasts, down to her abdomen, and her inner thighs. His touch was like fire; wherever he went, he left a fiery sensation burning on her skin.

His slow movements caused her to arch her back and she bit her red lips. She has never been loved like this before. Because he was so gentle before, this sudden change scared her. In a shaky voice, she said, "Xu Jun, we just did it. Let me rest..."

His free hand grasped onto her ankle and rested it on his broad shoulder before lightly kissing it. He deeply chuckled and he curved his lips devilishly, "Have you forgotten? I've said I would discipline you..."

She hazily thought about the time she refused to kiss him when she was injured a few months ago, "That was long ago. You're so petty—"

Before she could finish her words, she felt his hard length plunged inside of her. She gasped loudly and squirmed underneath him. Because he had recently came inside of her, he slid in with ease. As he leaned down, he had pushed her legs wider and entered deeply. Jufen cried out lewdly as Xu Jun bit her earlobe and held it in between his teeth. She could hear his sensual breathing in her ear and his occasional groans of pleasure. It was simply too erotic for her.

"Be more gentle, Xu Jun..." she whined pitifully beneath him as he grind inside of her. He had penetrated her so deeply that she could feel his abs rubbing against her stomach. 

Without mercy, he roughly thrusted in deeply and corrected her, "Husband."

Her flushed face grew even more red. If she call him, she'll lose her pride. If she doesn't, he wouldn't be very gentle. Deciding that the former was the best option, she reluctantly complied.

"H...Husband, please be more gentle..." she shyly called out as she felt all her dignity go down the drain. To her dismay, he only grunted in a deep voice and turned her over her stomach.

He held both of her hands down by her head, spread her legs with his knees, and roughly inserted himself back in. Jufen yelped in surprise and her breathing became uneven.

With tearful, wronged eyes, she exclaimed, "You—you liar! You said you would—"

He gave her a diabolic smirk and leaned down to kiss her while chuckling, "Sweetheart, I promised nothing but this punishment."

Jufen felt a shiver down her spine and wanted to cry. She quickly muffled her scream with a pillow when he picked up the pace. She grasped onto the sheets as she felt his length ramming ruthlessly into her. Xu Jun pushed her hair aside and brutally bit the skin on the crook of her neck. The skin-slapping echoed inside the room and their hot heavy pants along with the sweet cries of Jufen filled the silence.

He released her hands to grip onto her hips and rapidly pulled her back while he pushed in her. He watched her hazy eyes roll back and felt her tightened around his manhood. Within minutes, she violently pulsated and she let out an intoxicating moan. Her alluring body shook uncontrollably and her grip on the sheets became tighter while her toes curled. Her cries were melodious and sensual— making Xu Jun groan with restraint next to her ear.

Unable to handle the obscenity, he thrusted himself deeply before she felt him throb intensely inside her as he filled her with his release. He rode off his high and collapsed on top of Jufen. To avoid crushing her under his weight, he supported himself with one arm as he panted hotly next to her ear.

"You're so rough..." she weakly whimpered. She was completely drained of energy and within seconds, she had passed out.

When Jufen woke up the next morning, her body was sore and her legs felt like jello. Her once pale body was now covered in red hickeys, bruises, and kisses. He really was merciless, she cried out. How will she leave the bed with any of her dignity left?

Their bare bodies cuddled and spooned each other. Because she did not face him, she pursed her lips and complained in her head. Just when she thought it was all over, she felt callus hands grope her sore body and his voice was deeper than usual, "Xiao Hua..."

Perhaps it was because they had just recently bonded so Jufen felt a little sensitive to his allure. His moan along with his husky morning voice had involuntarily stirred her tired body awake. Remembering how erotic they were last night, she blushed red while she begin to feel a little warm below her stomach.

His fingers began to travel down on its own. When he reached her core, it was already soaked wet. She felt him smile smugly against her neck and he slightly lifted her shaky leg up before pushing himself in.

"Not again..." she grieved in a raspy voice. It hasn't even been a full day and they're already doing it for the third time already.

He passionately thrusted himself into her while she mewed quietly. His hand gripped her waist while the other fondled her breast. Xu Jun kissed the side of her jaw and down to her neck and shoulders. Her mind became muddle while her body started to instinctively synchronize with his movements.

"It seems like your body is getting used to mine..." he whispered in an irresistible deep voice, clearly pleased.

"It's not me..." she cried miserably. The last shred of dignity has slipped out of her hand. She didn't really want to but for some reason, her body moved on its own.

She felt his chest vibrate from his deep chuckle. He pulled her earlobe with his teeth while continuing to make love to her.

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