13: A Pleasant Surprise

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Today was her eighteenth birthday. The age where she finally steps out as a full grown adult. In celebration, her father prepared a joyous gathering with some close friends and likable acquaintances. Of course, Chen Qui was unaware of the animosity between Jufen and Gu Meiyue so he had invited her to the lively feast as well.

Jufen did not respond to the announcement that Gu Meiyue had arrived and instead, sat quietly at her table located next to her father's. Many madams, concubines, and their daughters came forth to greet and wish her another peaceful year. She only smiled and thanked them in a docile yet distant manner while accepting their gifts. Meanwhile, she was more focused on the dishes from the dessert menu.

In comparison, the males had not spoken to her at all and had only greeted the lady before leaving behind gifts. Though they were entranced by her beauty, they dared not to mess with the woman of the Young General Xu Jun or his wrath. It was well known that Chen Jufen would marry into the Xu household within the next month. Xu Jun's reputation still stands as a rough man who is merciless in front of his enemies.

Obviously, the men preferred to keep their heads intact. Unless they were Prince Zheng or insane, they wouldn't dare to flirt with her.

Zhao Bai Lan had also came but quickly hid in fear after seeing Meiyue. She refused to step into the main hall for the longest time. Seeing the usual strong-minded woman born in a military family cowering in fear, she laughed heartily. In the end, Jufen had to come and personally cheer her friend up before persuading her to walk in.

Bai Lan gifted her a wonderful set of calligraphy brush, in memories of their first meeting under the dark blue sky. She wanted Jufen to, in return, gift her the same poem she had spoken that night.

Of course, Jufen agreed to her small request. Though she was awful in the arts of painting, she was considered quite 'decent' in calligraphy. Still, Bai Lan happily accepted without a single remark on her cute mistakes.

When two of the nation's beauties stood together, it was an unparalleled sight. They had blinded whomever took a glance at the two, completely overshadowing Meiyue.

Gu Meiyue gritted her teeth angrily while no one was looking. These two sluts are only staircases for her to reach into the dragon's lair. Wait until she becomes untouchable, then she'll laugh in front of their faces. So what if they were the nation's top four beauties and she wasn't? In the end, everyone respects power and status. Once she becomes the Wangfei of Ye Feng, and possibly the Empress, everyone would kiss and lick her feet.

Not only that, her father had started to ascend in terms of wealth and respect. He has a large amount of control over his trades and people. Even the Emperor has to give him some respect for his profoundness and wide ranged connection. Thinking of this, Meiyue felt delighted and only pitifully gazed at the two.

Bai Lan gently leaned over to whisper in a low voice, "Her venomous eyes are skin crawling. You would've thought that they'd crossed from being so spiteful for too long."

Jufen held back her snort with great difficulty and tears welled up as a result. She took a deep breath in and out while only revealing a soft smile.

Bai Lan knew that Jufen was holding back a laughter so she smiled teasingly and jokingly nudged her more. Bai Lan felt that Jufen's laughter was pleasant to the ears so she often feels ecstatic when she has the chance to make her laugh.

"Stop this LanLan, you'll make me look like a laughing fool if you continue," she secretly snickered and pinched Bai Lan's rosy cheeks.

Seeing how close the two were, Gu Meiyue glared at Bai Lan. In her eyes, Bai Lan had stolen Jufen from her. Although Meiyue never liked Jufen, she was possessive over her circle of friends. If she can't have them, then no one else can! She was Jufen's sworn sister, not Bai Lan.

Meiyue was similar to one of those children who abandons their toys once they're bored but when someone suddenly plays with them, they get extremely petty and angry.

So, what does she do? She came up to Jufen and tugged her free arm in an adoring way, "Younger sister Jufen, we have not talked much these days. I missed you so much. Let us talk, just the two of us."

She implied that Zhao Bai Lan was not welcomed. At the same time, Bai Lan sarcastically scoff inwards. Who was the one that tried to gain her favor recently? Now she's suddenly isolating her from her treasured friend?

Jufen said nothing and nodded softly. At first, Bai Lan frowned at being abandoned by Jufen. When they walked away, Jufen secretly sent a knowing look towards Bai Lan. Only then did she smiled in a cunning way and turned to drink her tea in a leisure manner.

While Jufen carried an aloof presence, she was much more approachable than Bai Lan who unconsciously emits an arrogant aura. Thought it wasn't far from the truth, Bai Lan was not snotty nor bratty. She was just confident in her attractive appearance and bold personality.

She has been taught martial arts the moment she learned how to walk. With a strong mind and body, she believes that those who cannot handle her, do not deserve her. Thus, the men had also not approached her.

Jufen spent some time with Meiyue and pleased her to a certain degree. She could not afford to have Meiyue's suspicions on her current behavior.

When she suddenly had to leave due to family business, Jufen saw her out before greeting the remaining families. The Xu family had apologized in their son's stead for not attending the celebration due to his mission in the North.

Speaking of Xu Jun, she was slightly disappointed that he was not present. Shaking her head, she thought to herself, "Fool. You already knew this. Why did you expect something out of nothing?"

Madam Weiyun gifted her a small kumquat tree, knowing well that Jufen love fruits. It was a simple yet thoughtful gift. Along with that, she had also handed her a large red box.

"Sweet child, you have now reached eighteen. This maroon set dress will suit your maturity. Although it's quite simple, it is surely made by the finest silk and tailor. I think it will flatter you flawlessly," she sweetly said in a motherly way. Weiyun patted Jufen's hand and lightly scratched her nose.

Jufen grinned bashfully and accepted the gift, "Simplicity goes a long way. Aunty, your gifts are the most considerate."

"Miss!" Xiao Ru exclaimed in an excited manner. Her eyes sparkled with happiness and joy while her smile stretched from cheek to cheek.

"En, what's the matter—" Jufen turned to the entrance when she abruptly stopped. In front of her was a slim, handsome man dressed in a scholar white robe. His hair was simply tied with an ivory jade Jufen had gifted before his departure to study abroad.

"Big Brother Ming Xi..." Jufen cried out in a soft voice as she head towards her blood brother's arm. Her calm mask had fallen but her tears had not. She could not cry at this happy occasion.

When her family was eliminated by Ye Feng, Chen Mingxi was the first to die in a surprise attack by 'bandits.' He was a brainer, not a fighter so he died in the cruel hands of Ye Feng's men. Though he resisted for a while, he could not defeat the skilled killers.

"Little sister, I have returned in time for your birthday," he whispered happily as he patted her head lovingly. Jufen nodded repeatedly and rubbed her face against his chest.

Mingxi had raised and played with her after their mother and sister died. He was forced to mature than most of the kids around his age; he was six years old, a tender age. Prior to the birth of Jufen, he had promised their mother that he would protect and care for her. Unfortunately in her former life, she was not strong enough to protect him.

"Little sister, forgive your older brother for not bringing a gift. I couldn't—" Jufen stopped him by shaking her head furiously.

"You being safe is already the best gift. You being alive and healthy, is all Jufen asks for..." her voice trembled. She held him tightly— fearing that if she let him go, he would disappear.

Chen Qui hugged his two children dearly in his arms. It was the only thing his loving wife had left behind for him in this world before she journeyed to the heavens with their eldest daughter.

After the reunion, the feast continued into the late night. When Jufen was sorting her gifts out to store them, she caught sight of the white fox mask. Falling silent, she just stared at the mask but did not reach for it. No one had an idea what went through her head.

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