30: Zhao Bai Lan's Confession

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Hi moonlights! This chapter contains heavily sexual content at the end so read at your own risks! Again, if you are uncomfortable with sexual contents, the exit is always okay :)

By the time they were done, it was already afternoon. She was exhausted, sweaty, and hungry. Additionally, Jufen was terrified to call Xiao Ru to help her get dressed.

When she took a bath this morning with Xu Jun, she happened to see her reflection. Completely appalled, she didn't want to look anymore. Her neck was full of hickeys and it trailed down to her breasts and back. Her wrists and hips were also slightly bruised from his formidable love-making.

In embarrassment, she had to slowly dress herself and wobbled her way out to her patio. However, it was all in vain.

Who in the entire residence did not hear their fierce and intimate night? Jufen fought hard to remain impassive but the way the servants blush whenever they look at her almost drove her crazy.

Even Xiao Ru did not spare her from her dilemma.

"Miss, drink this honey with chamomile tea. It'll help with sore throats."

"Not you too..." she cried out. Was she really that loud or were the walls too thin?

Either way, whenever Jufen sees Xu Jun, she would blush red and scowl meanly at him. On the other hand, Xu Jun looked refreshed and smug.

Occasionally, he would tease her by whispering teasing words in her ears when they're in front of people. One day, her left eye finally twitched in annoyance and she pushed him out of her courtyard.

He was left outside to pout and he whined the entire night, which prevented her from sleeping. When she couldn't handle it anymore, she finally let him in and he clung onto her. He laughed lightly and kissed her temple lovingly. Seeing his genuine smile and relaxed eyes, her heart softened helplessly while the walls around it crumbled into dust.

She pinched his cheeks and stood on her toes to peck his lips. He smiled sweetly against her lips and held onto her by the waist.

The next week, Zhao Bai Lan came over to visit. She was lively and blunt as ever. However, she seemed a little off today and more nervous than usual.

"LanLan, what's the matter?" Jufen asked with a small frown. Bai Lan hesitated and bit her lip worriedly.

"Fen-jiejie..." she paused, "I have something to tell you..."

Jufen did not speak and waited patiently for Bai Lan to finish her words. Her cheeks began to show a small red tint and her ears grew warm.

"I wanted to be the first to tell you that I'm getting...married in a year."

Jufen spat the tea out from her mouth as she coughed abruptly. She wiped the water from her red lips and stared in disbelief at Bai Lan.

"Please don't tell me it's that one kid from the Wei household whom your family has been pestering you about. I heard he licks leaves on random trees as a habit and smell ink in an obsessive manner..."

Bai Lan's face contorted into disgust, "Oh my god, no! No fucking way! Ew? I would rather die as an old maiden than to marry him."

She then lowered her head in embarrassment and mumbled quietly, "I won't be calling you Fen-jiejie anymore..."

It took Jufen a while before she finally understood her meaning. Zhao Bai Lan is marrying her older brother, Chen Mingxi.

"Since when did you guys...?" she slowly asked with raised eyebrows.

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