22: Chaos in Action

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Chen Mingxi had madly rushed to the private Zhao residence, only to find Bai Lan laughing lively on the bed with a bloody gauze around her exposed abdomen. Without a care about decency or reputation, he barged in and started to lecture her about safety and how stupid she was to act on her own.

"I don't care if you hate them! If you want to kill, at least be fucking smart about it and not get yourself injured. Look at your current situation; blemished and unkempt. Why the fuck did you even go when it's so sketchy? I swear to fucking god—"

Zhao Bai Lan stayed silent by pressing her lips together as she awkwardly smiled and scratched her head. The usual gentle scholar is currently spitting curses left and right while aggressively flinging his arms around.

"Gentle types are truly frightening when angered..." she whispered inaudibly to herself.

"What did you say about me?" Mingxi snapped with a twitching left eye.

Noticing that the two sibling shared the same habit when angered, she couldn't help but smile brightly. Seeing her smile in this situation, Mingxi was driven crazy.

"Why are you smiling? Is it that fun to be injured and sick?"

"It's only a small cut and a temporary cold. No biggie," Bai Lan carelessly replied while waving her hand to dismiss his seriousness.

Mingxi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "You're still an unmarried lady, Bai Lan. There's no doubt that it'll leave a scar. Even so, you could've avoided it in the first place."

Bai Lan pouted her lips and cried out sarcastically, "If no one wants this Bai Lan, she'll grow as an old lonely maiden. How sad."

"If no one is willing to marry you, I'll marry you." Mingxi said in a stern voice and with eyes so serious, Bai Lan couldn't not to believe in them.

The two stared at each other as the room fell into silence.

At the same time, one of the ten messengers had finally found Xu Jun and urgently reported the missing Jufen. When Xu Jun heard of the news, he dropped everything and ruthlessly grabbed the messenger by his clothes, nearly choking him.

Dark eyes crazed and lethal, he demanded in a dangerous low voice, "Where was she last seen?"

Trembling, the messenger didn't dare to answer any later and handed him a copy of the scroll Xiao Ru wrote on. Without wasting another second, Xu Jun took off on his horse at lightning speed. The messenger's legs finally gave out and he fell to the floor.

The second-in-commander and other two mid-ranked general had also finally exhaled a deep breathe that they've been holding in. They were so sure that Xu Jun would kill anyone in his pathway.

Jufen was confined in a damp, moldy room. Her hands were tied behind her back while her mouth was stuffed with a cloth.

When she regained her consciousness, Jufen did not open her eyes yet. Her calm facade was still and imperishable. With a steady heart rate, she sharpened her senses that do not require sight to scan her surroundings.

Two men breathing lightly, most likely acting as guards. Cold and damp, so it must be an abandoned area. Moldy yet there was a small hint of chrysanthemum powder. In the air, there was also a scent of huang lian nearby. Though it's not strong, it was enough to let her know that they were in the Eastside and not too deep inside the forest.

Through her closed eyelids, she could sense the sun setting right in front of her through a small gap in the broken cottage.

Her mind began to assemble an escape plan to the West. But first, she must deal with these two guards and find an exit.

After a few hours, the guards suddenly left and came back to dumped a cold bucket of water over Jufen. Slowly opening her light eyes that held no traces of fear, her lips turned blue from the cold and her skin raised in goosebumps.

"Get up," one of the guards commanded while roughly dragging her up by the arm. Jufen did not rebel and complied docilely.

They brought her to another dark room but with six more men. The leader sat on the largest chair in the middle. When Jufen had the chance, she glanced at every men before steadying her eyes on the big boss who had a cold gaze.

She zoomed her focus on the snake imprint that peeked from his neck. Without a doubt, they were the Shu corp. that worked in the dark. Although it seems like they're on their own, Jufen knew better than anyone who they really work for.

Ye. Feng.

In both lives, he still wanted her dead. Perhaps it was fate that their red strings were tied together.

Instantly, she figured out the reason why she was captured. That bastard must've felt so threatened that he had sent his secret corporation to handle Xu Jun and her. Even if she makes it out alive, she could not put the blame over his head because no matter how hard they investigate, they would not be able to confirm the relationship between the two. Because of this, Ye Feng had gotten away with a lot of dirty jobs.

"Chen Jufen, don't blame us for being rough and merciless. You can only blame your husband for not saving you in time." Shen Wen coarsely said. Though he seems to be the leader of this mission, he was actually just the vice commander of the Shu corporation.

Jufen stayed silent as she apathetically stared at him. Thinking that she was afraid, he ordered the two men to beat her and do whatever they want with her later. Then, throw her on the streets for everyone to see how the delicate Xia Wangfei really looks like. His goal was not to kill her, but to make her want to die instead.

The two men nodded and lustfully gazed at her before approaching her with their hands. The rope around her wrist has long been cut by the small edge of her bracelet.

So when one of the men grabbed her, she pulled out her a sharp hairpin hidden in her long sleeves to savagely stab his neck. Jufen spat the cloth out of her mouth and wiped her lips. Taking the moment of surprise to her advantage, she quickly pulled the dead man's sword and sliced through the other man.

Grabbing his weapon as well, she held both of them in her two hands. Her pale blue dress were stained by blood while the red fluid dripped from her cheek. She fearlessly stood in the pool of blood from the men she killed without remorse. There was not a single ripple on her face.

Shen Wen frowned before waving his hand to signal them to attack her. In a readily stance, she prepared to land her next strike.

Three down, three left. Though Jufen did not reveal her fatigues, she was starting to stagger. She had suffered a few light injuries but they were enough to slow her down. Even so, she remained as calm as the wind. Emotions are one of the biggest weapons an enemy can use.

Shen Wen finally gritted his teeth in annoyance and jumped in, "Step down. You couldn't even defeat a measly woman."

The two men grew red in embarrassment and glared at Jufen like they wanted to tear her apart.

With her two weapons, she braved herself for his heavy impact. Blocking his attack with one of her sword, she swiped at his stomach with the other. Dodging her attacks, he continued to advance forward.

Seeing the fight, one of his subordinate couldn't help but to sneak up on the back of Jufen. Catching her by surprise, he had split open her back diagonally. She let out a hiss before spinning around to quickly land a strike on him.

Her steps faltered and she was trapped in a corner by two men and one crippled. She breathed heavily through her mouth and wheezed through her now dry throat. Jufen's vision swayed and began to blur but she prevailed stubbornly.

Taking a deep breathe, she prepared for another charge. Perhaps, it would be her last.

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