4: Exchanging Jades

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A month quickly passed by since the announcement. Today, the exchanging jades will seal the deal made between the two families. A child's name is engraved on a jade before given to them at birth and usually exchanged during marriage. This can also be considered their identity tablet.

Chen Jufen is currently soaking in orange chrysanthemum flowers and pink roses while fiddling with a white, translucent, circular jade in her hand. At first glance, one can tell that the jade was carved by a skilled master. Each line, so detailed and so intricate, came together to form a blooming chrysanthemum flower. In contrast, the name 'Chen Jufen' had been etched in an awkward curve at the top. Obviously, it was not by the same skilled person.

Leaning back in the tub, Jufen clenched the jade tightly in her hand. When she was still gullible and forgiving, she had carelessly pardoned Meiyue when she accidentally broke her jade. The white shards scattered across the floor, making it impossible to fix. It wasn't until years later, she discovered that the sloppy characters were chiseled by her mother when she was pregnant with her. It was her last gift from her before she passed away while giving birth.

Though Chen Qui was heartbroken, he never took another wife. She remembers very clearly how he said, "Your mother will always my first and last."

Jufen took her time to dress up and get ready. Her hair was styled in a simple half up-do held by a gold pin that dangled rubies at the end. Jufen found it unnecessary to apply makeup, so she just dabbled on a little osmanthus oil on her skin and lips which made her skin look dewy. Though she's only 16 (physically), she was starting to lose some of her baby fat, hence her slightly matured look.

Dressed in a simple pale pink robe, Jufen left her living quarters to greet the Xu family. She haven't seen the family since she was 11 in both of her lifetimes. In her first life, she had snuck out to avoid meeting her betroth. In this life, she will face them.

On her way to the main hall room, she noticed the large quantity of gifts wrapped in red paper and silk in front the main doors.

"Steward, what is the occasion?" Jufen asked in a neutral tone as she picked up a small red box and opened it. Inside was a white jade, carved into the shape of a snow rabbit and paired with ruby eyes. She quite liked the adorable rabbit.

"To answer second young miss's question, the Xu family have sent betrothal gifts," the man replied in a respectful tone while lowering his eyes. It was inappropriate for the lower class to look directly at their superiors. She nodded and waved her hand to signal him to leave.

"We have yet to get married. What's with the rush?" She mumbled to herself before putting down the red box. When she looked up, a tall lean man in a dark purple robe was leaning against a door frame several meters away. Though he was quite far from her, there was no doubt that he was handsome.

His eyes, void of emotions, stared at Jufen who was equally neutral. Without saying a single word, they continued to study each other. Since he made no plans to confront her, she ignored him and turned to the direction of the main hall. In this lifetime, she will not blindly chase a man.

Time have indeed passed since they last talked; around ten years for Jufen and five years for Xu Jun. Though he's usually emotionless and cold, his eyes would still hold a teasing gaze. However, just now, they were empty and the glint didn't flash like they used to. She wasn't surprised and thought nothing of it. After all, he had just recently returned from serving in the military as a young general who followed his father's footsteps. What haven't he seen already?

Before she even entered the main hall, she could hear loud laughters echoing down the hallways. In the room, was Xu Tianying and his wife, Li Wei. It seems like the three are having a good reunion.

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