17: The Dread of A Withdrawal

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A/n: Morning sunshines! If you want to know the new schedule, it's on my page! ( '͈ '͈ )

"Isn't it funny? Chen, Xu, Xia...they're not spelt in same way nor have the same meaning. Chen, to be faithful. Xu, to permit. Xia, to be heroic. However, each one carries a word that sounds similar to itself. Those words happened to share a similar characteristic between the three; they're tied together by a single moment..."

After a long peaceful silence, he gently breath out, "Dawn."

"The beginning of a new day..." she whispered. The beginning of a different life.

"Fate has brought us together at dawn," Xu Jun grinned from ear to ear.

"Sweet talker." Jufen complained with a small smile. Such flowery words, when has he learned them?

"There's no point if you're not enraptured yet," Xu Jun said in a teasing, yet serious tone.

Jufen laughed and revealed her dimples, "What is this? A honey trap?"

"If that's what it takes."

Jufen only laughed again as if the one he's trying to woo was not her, "En. Let's call this the 'Dawn courtyard' then."

On the third day after their marriage, Xu Jun and Jufen paid a visit at the Chen residence as guests. Chen Qui and Chen Mingxi were like babies who cried and wouldn't let her leave. They tried to find any excuse for her to stay— even if it's just for a little longer. At the end of the day, she had to say goodbye to her tiny family. The Chen residence was so big so how could they not feel lonely?

She watched them with sad eyes, memorizing their every little detail. Jufen knew that she could not come back here unless there was a reason to. Coming back home would mean that a wife is unhappy with her marriage and would ruin the reputation from both sides of the family, so Jufen would refrain from visiting again.

Xu Jun had comforted her with food on the way back home, such as bird's nests, little almond cakes, and kiwi fruits.

Since they were newlyweds, the Emperor had given Xu Jun two weeks off to spend time with his wife and family. Hence, Xu Jun stayed by her side the entire time; never once leaving her side. At first, she was greatly annoyed by his presence but then she started to treat him like air. Later on, when she played with her board games, he would come and play too. She hates to admit it, but it was better than playing alone.

A game of chess can determine one's ability to think, strategize, and their confidence. While she had won the most—by a difference of one—she had also lost some against Xu Jun. This game alone allowed the couple to recognize that they stand on equal grounds in terms of thinking.

Whilst Jufen was not surprised by his impressive abilities, Xu Jun was intrigued by her intelligence. He rarely has the chance to play against skilled players so she was a challenge for him. It made him excited and eager to play again.

He hooked his lips into a seductive smile and turned to look at Jufen with a newfound respect, "Wife, you surprise me everyday. What's for tomorrow?"

"Nothing." Jufen coldly dismissed his jokes as she drank her tea.

It felt weird for Jufen to hear him call her 'wife' but she could not protest because...she is his wife. Whenever she comments about it, he would just shamelessly twist her words and then act dumb. By the third time, she had given up on arguing and allowed him to call her whatever he wanted. It was better than 'Xiao Hua' anyway.

The patio was covered in plum blossom petals but she did not mind it. Sitting here, drinking tea while playing chess with her husband, hearing the bell of the crystal charm, and letting the flower petals brush through with the light breeze...how long has it been since she felt this peaceful? But—

"How long will this peace last?" Jufen mumbled quietly out loud. Xu Jun looked up with his phoenix eyes and said nothing as his gaze softened at her. Moving gently towards her and leaning down, he knocked her forehead with his.

"Silly woman," he gently whispered with his eyes closed, tickling her face with his long lashes. This time, she did not push him away and allowed him to rest on her. Her heart was in a turmoil.

He did not answer her question. The two mutually knew that something was coming along the way soon and it must be dealt with. First, she must collect her debt from Gu Meiyue. Second, she has to sort her feelings out with this man. Thirdly, should Ye Feng ever cross her line...she'll just throw him into a fire pit along with Gu Meiyue.

Just like that, two peaceful weeks has passed. Xu Jun returned to a training camp near the East to continue his job as the commander. In the main city, he was known as the Young General Xu as well as a second-ranked Duke. In the military camps, the soldiers just calls him boss. Every one of them looks up to him and puts all their trust in him. Their loyalty is fierce and passionate.

Jufen continued her day as normal since her life did not change much after marrying in. She slept, ate, practice, and slept.

On the fifth day, Jufen woke up in a cold room. The sun has yet to rise so the courtyard was painted in blue. She walked over to her patio, and she sat at the edge by herself. She watched the once full-bloomed plum blossom tree now bare of its flowers and blooming leaves instead.

"Xiao Ru..." Jufen called out in a soft voice, almost empty.

"Yes, Miss?" She answered with a smile.

After a long silence, Xiao Ru thought that something was wrong. Just when she was about to call again, Jufen softly asked.

"Was the courtyard ever this quiet?"

Xiao Ru's smile slowly faded and she stared at Jufen who was watching the remaining flower petals blown away. Her lovely figure was leaning against the side of a pole. Though her face was apathetic, her eyes revealed loneliness.

Feeling tears well up at the sight of her desolated miss, she quickly ran into the kitchen to find something sweet. Her miss had always loved sweets and would always smile at the sight of them.

Xiao Ru ran back with custard tart, banana rolls, and guilinggao dessert on a wooden tray. Placing it in front of Jufen, Xiao Ru held out a pair of chopsticks optimistically.

However, Jufen only glanced at it and muttered a simple 'later.'

Xiao Ru's shoulders sank before an idea came into her mind, "Miss, this courtyard is not lonely. I'm here! Listen to the birds chirp, listen to the servants' footsteps in this residence."

Sensing some truths in her word, she finally turns toward her maid's smiling face. Noticing how she smiled so brightly, Jufen couldn't help but to smile as well. When Xiao Ru saw this, her cheeks pulled even more as she enthusiastically placed a custard tart in a small plate for her.

"Miss, don't worry. I already invited Lady Zhao over for some tea!"


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