2: A Second Chance

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Chen Jufen's eyes shot open. Her long black eyelashes fluttered as her eyes wondered her surroundings in confusion. The familiar pink curtains, silk blanket, and cabins filled her sight. Her eyebrows furrowed and she slowly sat up. Her black hair stuck to the thin layer of sweat on her forehead and she sharply let out the breath that she have been holding. She swallowed hard. She quickly brushed away her hair and wiped the sweat.

She lifted her hands up. They're still in tact. She clenched and unclenched them, and then touched the silky sheets to test if the feeling in her hands was an illusion. A dream wouldn't be this real.

"Miss, you're awake. I've prepared a chrysanthemum bath for you, would you like to bathe?" Xiao Ru, her personal maid, smiled gently at her.

"Xiao...Xiao Ru?" Her usual sweet voice cracked, causing Xiao Ru to rush towards with a cup of warm honey tea.

"Miss, what's wrong? If you do not like, this servant will prepare a newer one with goat milk."

However, Jufen said nothing. She stared at her maid, who had a simple hairdo with a plain, silver pin. Her face was round and soft; she was very adorable. Though she wasn't wearing the best, she was still wearing one of the highest quality when compared to the lower servants. It was no surprise, because how would the household have face if their personal servants aren't distinguished from the lower class? Much less, Xiao Ru was serving the second young miss of the Chen household family. The current family head, the Prime Minister of the Ye Kingdom, is Chen Jufen's father who doted and pampered her greatly.


"Nothing. No need to change, I will bathe now." Jufen quietly said as she head towards the bathing room. She stumbled out of bed, the psychological pain still burning fresh in her mind. Though she appeared calm and collected on the outside, Jufen was brimming with hope.

In her last life, Xiao Ru was truly devoted to her. No matter what hardships she went through, she was always there. Unfortunately, she was schemed to die a painful death that was meant for Jufen by Gu Meiyue and her servant. She had sacrificed herself in vain. That night, Jufen had lost a true friend and had grieved 3 days and 3 nights. Now, she won't let Xiao Ru die and she would give her the treatment she deserves. She pinched the small area on the back of her hand to verify her suspicions of time traveling.

She was given a second chance.

"Miss, the Prime Minister requests your presence at the main hall after you're finished. He wishes to tell you something," Xiao Ru spoke in a gentle voice. She said the same thing 6 years ago. The gears in her mind clicked as she recalls the memory.

"En, tell father that I will be there." Jufen replied in a toneless matter. Once she was left alone in her chrysanthemum scented bath, she finally had time to process reality.

"If my memories are correct, today is the day father discusses my marriage with the Xu household..." she mumbled to herself. She remembers the vivid memories of rejecting the proposal. She was heartbroken and angry.

Today was exactly one year before she married into the imperial family as Ye Feng's Wangfei. Tomorrow, is when the Chen and Xu family announce their engagement and one month later, is when the two would have exchanged jades—if she haven't decided to run away last minute.

In her last life, she had been infatuated with Ye Feng since the age of 13 when she first saw him on the bridge by a small lake. His beauty was enhanced by the blooming plum flowers that floated down from the trees. The bamboo foldable fan was in his hand, while the other was behind his back.

However, her father suddenly announced that he decided to entrust his daughter to his old friend's son, Xu Jun. Chen Jufen and Xu Jun were childhood friends who met up twice a year until she reached the age of 11. The Xu household is a military-based family while the Chen household is a scholar family. Oddly enough, the two get along very well despite the stereotypes of the clashing sides. That was only because the two family heads were sworn brothers who had known each other since birth. Chen Qui could only entrust his precious daughter to his friend's son who was 4 years older than her.

The ignorant Chen Jufen had revolted against the idea since her heart already yearned for another man. She did everything she could to get out of the marriage and wed to Ye Feng instead. In the end, Chen Qui had given up for her to be happy. Before her death, her whole family had been eradicated by Ye Feng himself. He framed the Prime Minister for treacherous hidden motives and thievery for stealing commoners' taxes for personal use.

The Xu family attempted to find evidence to prove her father's innocence, but they only found the ashes. Ye Feng and his supports had also managed to overthrow the Xu household regardless of their tight hold on the military. It seems like he had conspired with a neighboring country to lend man power and weapons.

"Father, Xiao Ru... this time, you will not suffer. Jufen will be obedient. Jufen will marry..." she whispered as she sunk a little lower into the warm water that comforted her like a motherly hug.

When Chen Jufen arrived at the main hall, she noticed her father sitting on a chair with a book in his hand while casually sipping tea. When his eyes landed on the young beautiful girl in a light blue robe, his face immediately brightened.

"Fen-er, how was your sleep?" her father asked dotingly.

"En, Jufen slept well. Hoping that Father had a peaceful resting. Jufen heard that Father wishes to discuss about something." She didn't waste any time to beat around the bush. Chen Qui was slightly surprised at her sudden sharpness. Usually, she wouldn't bother to ask about his wellbeing or even speak before eating. This little girl only knows how to eat.

"Good, good. It looks like Fen-er sleep well. Father is glad. Come, have a seat next to Father. It's a serious matter." Jufen did as she was told, and obediently sat down before grabbing a small rice cake from the plate.

"Truthfully...Fen-er, you're reaching a marriageable age now. Without a doubt, my precious daughter deserves the very best and many asked for your hand in marriage. But your father said no to all of them because they were not worthy of my little princess. I... I have decided a suitable partner for you." He slowly explained with each word lined with uneasiness. At any moment now, he was expecting her to blow up and throw a fit. It is a dangerous path to thread.

"And who may that be, Father?" Surprisingly, Jufen kept a neutral face with no signs of a tantrum. Because of her sudden calmness, Chen Qui stuttered.

"Ah? W-well, Daughter, this may seem biased towards my dear old friend, Xu Tianying, but hear Father out first. His son, Xu Jun, is a decent man. Do you remember him? You two used to play together whenever I used to visit their household." Chen Qui expressed nostalgia on his face while recalling the memories, but in his heart, he was still worried that Jufen will refuse.

For a long time, he had a gut feeling that her heart skips for a certain man, and beats wildly like she was in love. And that man is not Xu Jun.

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