5: To See, To Blind

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Just before the agreement finalized, Jufen spoke up from her hiding spot.

"Father, Old General Xu and Madam Xu," she started in a formal tone,"Jufen would like to propose a condition."

Though confused and hesitant, they motioned her to speak.

"Jufen will only marry if Xu Jun agrees not to take another woman after me. What I despise the most are soiled men. Jufen wishes to marry a man like admirable Father and Uncle Xu. Aunty Weiyun had been blessed with someone like Uncle Xu. Please fulfill Jufen's wish," Half-way, she had switched back in familiar terms to gain their favor.

General Xu had also only married one wife in his lifetime and that was to Li Weiyun. By using their own names, they could not refute. Otherwise, wouldn't they be called hypocrites?

The General laughed earnestly before giving his approval, "Of course, of course. If my son does not follow my footsteps, he is immediately not my son! Why do you think your father and I get along so well? Don't you agree, son?"

Though she did not look at him, she could tell that he gave a nod. He then shifted his gaze towards her and mocked her previous words, "What a coincident, this general despises loud, scheming women. Hope that Xiao Hua fulfills this general's wish."

Jufen frowned at first. Didn't he just implied that she was a shrewd woman? She was no snake—just a little sly, that's all. However, he still agreed not to take any concubines. Feeling a little satisfied, Jufen stepped back into her place. Seeing that both sides agree to their own conditions, the elders continued to discuss the details of the wedding.

In the end, she could not avoid him when she was called to bring forth her jade and perform the exchange. Jufen had already cleared her mind and decided to follow along accordingly. Xu Jun stood tall as he handed his black jade to her. Once she accepted it, she turned to retrieve her own jade to hand it over.

Just as she placed her jade into his open palm, his larger hands suddenly closed and captured the tip of her three fingers. His fingers were callused but they weren't uncomfortable. Jufen's eyes finally shot up in annoyance. His eyes were on her the entire time—she just refused to look at him. Xu Jun's face was vacant as he gently pulled her fingers discreetly before letting go to accept the jade. To anyone, he had made it looked like it was an accident.

She retracted her hand and let out a silent frustrated sigh. Regaining her composure, she kept herself busy as the meeting went on.

When the Xu finally left, she had made the mistake of looking up her. Xu Jun was staring right at her with a 'look' just before he entered the carriage and took off. It was the same look that says, "I know something that you don't,"

Her left eye twitched. Though she was young, she fears that this man will shorten her lifespan with his unpredictable behavior. She knew this marriage meant nothing to him but why would he spare effort to trouble her? Just as she thought he had changed and matured, she was proven wrong! He was still the Xu Jun who liked to taunt and annoy her.

"Fen-er, what do you think of that Xu Jun?" Her father asked in a satisfied manner. Clearly, he liked the young general. He was reliable, handsome, composed, and most importantly, the son of his sworn brother.

In the most deadpanned tone, she praised Xu Jun dully, "Young General Xu's temperate is calm and quiet. Sensible and competent."

He nodded with a smile, completely oblivious to Jufen's irritation and coldness.

"I'm glad you like him. It's been 5 years since the two of you talked, so do join him for lunch sometimes." Her father implied that they should develop more intimate feelings before marriage. Jufen half-heartedly agreed before being dismissed to her living quarters.

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