34: Southern Problems

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Hello sunshines! Unfortunately, I've ran out of stocked chapters. The weekends are really the only days where I can sit down and type my story. I'm very sorry to announce that there will be a dramatic change in schedule ('∩`。). I will only be updating once a week. 

Again, I'm so sorry, but please understand that school is very time consuming. Look for my posts on my page for more details! Thank you, sunshines <3


Days passed and the national crisis did not diminish. The South was completely closed off from outsiders to prevent the spread of the contagious disease. The ministers of the imperial court nearly ripped their hair out from stress and tension. The Emperor was no different.

Jufen spent her time in her room, loitering around and staring aimlessly at the sky. By the tenth day, she finally stepped out. She was slightly surprised to see Xu Jun standing in front of her door.

He tugged a corner of his lips up as he tilted his head to the side with his long hair following his movement. In a soft voice, he asked, "Better?"

Jufen pressed her lips together and smiled weakly. Xu Jun stepped a little closer and bent down to knock her forehead with his. He stayed there for a few more seconds before swooping down to take her lips. She let out a small giggle and pushed lightly against his chest.

"It's good to see you smile again," he whispered as he peppered her face with light kisses.

"En," she quietly agreed as she closed her eyes, "unfortunately, the Ye nation is still in a dilemma. We can't just laze around here all day, can we?"

"Yes. Yes, we can. We're in the northern region, why should this duke be concerned about the southern region? It'll naturally disperse by itself."

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "Xia Duke of First Rank and General Xu Jun, please show more concern to your dying country."

To be honest, Jufen was not in a rush either. The disaster naturally die down after a while before vanishing completely. Within several months, everything will return to its natural state. It was as if nothing had ever happened. However, if they don't make a move, then others will start to question their loyalty to the nation.

Xu Jun said nothing as he continued to hold Jufen in his arms and lightly swinging her side to side. She sighed once more before stepping out of his embrace and seriously looked at him, "You know the public would not like this."

When Xu Jun reached out for her, she stepped back. Finally, he nodded ever so slightly and groaned out, "I'll try to participate."

She curled her lips into a knowing smile and reached up with her hands to squeeze his cheeks. Slipping her hand behind his neck, she pulled him down until their lips were an inch away from touching. In an entrancing tone, she whispered, "Your wife has a suggestion."

"Ho? Let husband hear it," he smirked seductively as he encircled his arms around her waist and pulled her body closer.

"We pulled enough power on our side so don't advance anymore. However, it's not guaranteed to be stable. When you go to the morning courts tomorrow, casually mention a method but do not invest in it. It's okay if others bloom in glory from your ideas. We're currently standing on a double-edged sword. Be careful."

Xu Jun thought about it for a few seconds before nodding and knocked their foreheads together, "En, husband will do as you say."

She rolled her eyes, "When do you not?"

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