40: Finally.

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The next day, a bulletin was put up around the nation to inform the public of the changing dynasty. Cities, towns, and even the small villages near the bottom of a mountain were made aware of the recent announcements.

Ye Feng, Ye Zheng, and Wei Huilang were removed from their positions while Ye Feng's execution date is set in three days. Meanwhile, Ye Yuan was selected as the Crown Prince and his Wangfei was promoted to Crown Princess. Naturally Chu Ran, as his mother and highest concubine status below an Empress, was promoted to Empress status. Though she is not currently well, her health was slowly improving.

In the middle of the night of Ye Feng's cell, the metal clanged against each other and the sound of doors unlocking echoed quietly in the cold, damp room.

He heard light footsteps heading his way and he slowly raised his head to see the visitor. A silhouette of a slim woman stood before him. She unlocked his cell, ducked her head, and stepped in.

She was none other than Chen Jufen, the very woman that ruined his plans, life, and mind. Yet for some reason, the anger that was pent up because of this woman suddenly vanished when his eyes landed on hers. It immediately softened, gazing at her delicate visage.

Her expression was empty as always and her eyes held no pity nor emotions.

He didn't need to guess that she bribed the guard to let her in. She held large amount of power, money, and could even order his death, so why would he refuse?

She approached him without fear and kneeled down before him. God, was she beautiful up close. For once, he really wanted to touch her soft face.

The shackles around his hand shook as his slender fingers grazed her smooth cheek. With quick swiftness, she cut the tendon of his hand without hesitation. Ye Feng did not react and let his hand fall to the cold floor as blood pooled.

"You resent me?" he suddenly asked, out of curiosity perhaps.

She raised her refined eyebrows and gave a half smile that did not reach her eyes.

"If you did not harm my family, I would've left you alone," she simply replied. It was the half truth. She truly did not want to run into trouble in this lifetime. As for what he did in her last life...it didn't matter anymore. With Xu Jun, everything will be alright—everything will be okay.

However, he made the mistake of crossing her line. Ye Feng revealed a bitter smile, "I had no choice..."

"I regret not marrying you three years ago. You are indeed a magnificent woman. It's a shame," he sighed tiredly.

"No..." she shook her head slowly, "Your greatest regret was to misuse my trust and affection. In our last life, you pointed this same blade to my throat. Now, it's only right for me to return the favor."

Ye Feng did not understand her words but his will to live dissipated from his eyes as he began to closed them, accepting his fate. The ache in his chest pounded and pounded, so ever loudly and harshly. Like a knife being twisted in his heart, he clenched his jaws. She smiled as she passed the sword through his neck.

Suddenly, his eyes shot open in shock. Clouded with confusion, anger, and coldness— the very same ones that once looked at her when she was twenty-two. However, it was too late for Jufen to analyze what that look in his eyes meant. She had already ended his life.

Jufen was not a cruel person. To torture before ending one's life was not her style. For an honorable woman like her, she prefers to get the job done as quickly as possible. She whipped the sword through the air a few times, flinging the remaining blood off its blade before sheathing it. Then, she quietly left as if she had never came.

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