9: Summer's Day

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A/n: I was wondering if I should put up a picture of how Xu Jun could possibly look like?

When the food arrived, Jufen did not have any appetite. Noticing her lack of attention, Xu Jun peeled and removed the seed from the lychee fruit. When he suddenly lifted her veil, she jolted back a little. Then, he placed the sweet fruit against her lips. At first, she didn't want it but seeing the white translucent fruit and smelling its tempting aroma, she gave in.

Since his fingers were close, Jufen had a wicked idea of biting them off. Thus, when she took the fruit, she also ruthlessly bit his finger. However, his expressions did not change so she bit even harder. She didn't really want to bite off his finger. That's just disgusting and bloody. It would not benefit her at all.

He should be screaming at her to let go; pleading her. Only then, would she feel satisfied after he pulled one of his tricks on her. But he didn't even utter a peep. Disappointment, she finally let go and humphed. No rush, she'll have plenty of time to get him later.

She had nearly forgotten about the two bitter-faced princes sitting in front of them. Not that it matters to her.

When Xu Jun lifted her veil, they had seen half of her face. Stunned, they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Xu Jun, you did not tell me that you took in a beautiful maiden. Makes this prince feels really jealous," Ye Zheng joked sullenly.

"Why? Just throw a dart at the name pallets and you'll have the bedwarmer for the night."

Xu Jun's words had caused Jufen to smile and let out a mellow, quiet laugh. Feeling embarrassed, Ye Zheng felt a bit of enmity towards Xu Jun.

"Hey now, spouting such words in front of a lady. You'll frighten her,"

In her head, Jufen had a ruckus laugh at the 6th prince. Who, in the entire country, does not know that he slept with countless woman? Frighten? More like disgust.

Xu Jun didn't bother to play along with his words and bluntly replied, "Why does it matter to this general whether or not your reputation is in tact? Especially when Xiao Hua is my fiancée?"

Why couldn't he just say her name properly? Though the princes didn't express their opinions on the nickname, she could tell that they were bewildered a bit.

Ye Feng had already guessed it. Otherwise, who else would he act so tender to and call so intimately? On the other hand, Ye Zheng had been too indulged in women that he had not heard of Xu Jun's engagement.

"Since when did you have a fiancée?"

"Sixth younger brother, General Xu Jun had been engaged to the Prime Minister Chen's daughter a year ago. If I'm correct, the wedding should be in the beginning of spring," Ye Feng said as a matter of fact. At first, he was interested in the girl until he had a hunch about her identity. Pity, she was already betroth to another. But even if she was not engaged, he would not marry her. A Prime Minister's daughter would bring suspicion to the Emperor if they did not marry for a good reason.

Previously, Jufen had given Ye Feng a reason to marry her. She declared her love for him in front of the Emperor, begging him to pass an edict for her to marry him. The Emperor was convinced that Ye Feng was harmless and gentle at that time. Additionally, the Emperor quite liked the girl so he hesitantly passed his decree.

Whenever Ye Feng spoke, Jufen fought back the compulsion to strangle him. She had said that she would not have anything to do with Ye Feng but seeing him and actually hearing him, she felt cold sweat dripped down her back. Perhaps the gods would not mind if she avenged herself. She clenched her jaw tightly and restrained herself. In her head, she repeated, "Not now. You'll have your chance."

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