25: The Fox in Disguise of a Snow Rabbit

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A/n: I'm sorry about the late update sunshines! ('Д)

"L-Liar! Your Majesty, do not believe in her words! Please seek justice for this official!" Official Cai kneeled onto the ground while kowtowing. However, the Emperor did not excuse him to stand up and instead, silently encouraged Jufen to continue.

Finally, several officials began to tremble in fear. They prayed to the heavens that she does not expose their history in front of the angry dragon.

Picking up another book, she randomly flipped a few pages and began to read, "Official Lee, second ranked on the right court, has a storage worth of over 1 million gold taels. Each month, his designated regions' collected taxes were always short by ten thousand goal teals. Because the citizens had not met the quota, thousands were driven out of their homes and had their belongings confiscated by him. In the Northern region..."

"Official Deng, second ranked general of the left court, had illegally passed information regarding to our country's landmarks, court matters, and military information. In return, he was promised large amounts of western opium drugs. Because of his aid, Kuju implanted a spy among Xia Duke's men during his mission to conquer the North gangs in the passed spring. Fortunately, Xia Duke had long noticed his traitorous behavior and mislead Official Deng with false information. Later, he brought victory home in the war of Ye and Kuju."

"Official Ping," she started before glancing at the now sickening white, old man. He had unknowingly started to shake his head and silently pleading her with his petrified eyes.

She only curled her lips innocently before continuing, "Third ranked from the right and associated with the trade ports. Last summer, Official Ping infiltrated with the imported from the southern part of our neighboring country. About ten cases of spices, ten chests of gold bars, and five of rare ginseng boxes—that was meant for the imperial family—were all stolen and completely erased from the records. Others are not specified. Additionally, he had smuggled at least fifty illegal slaves into his residence."

Jufen continued on and on. Finishing the last unread book, she closed it with a cheerful slam. The books were then brought up for the Emperor to review.

In a sweet voice, she taunted, "Your Majesty, your official courts needs some cleaning. Dust has collected overtime and their courage is as large as your greatness."

The mentioned officials all went onto their knees and wailed in wrongness.

"Your Majesty, we've been wronged! We're innocent! This girl has clearly spouted nonsense and attempted to frame us!" Official Peng cried out.

"Oh, really now?" Jufen slowly curved her lips into a frightening smile. She ordered that the witnesses from each case to be presented.

Over three dozens of men and women were brought into court. Immediately upon seeing the live witnesses, their hearts sank to endless void.

When the Emperor had personally interrogated them, they had admitted under duress and fear. The tensed court became so silent that a pin drop could be heard. After a long time, the tension in the hall snapped when the Emperor suddenly thrown a large stamp jade at one of the officials.

"Impudence! You actually dare to deceive me?" he roared furiously. No one dared to breath.

"Your Majesty, we—"

"Guards, have them dragged out and beaten with 30 strikes before imprisoning them. Zhen will personally deal with them later," the Emperor angrily instructed with clenched fists.

The crimes that Jufen mentioned were all forms of what Chen Qui was accused of. The Emperor immediately understood the situation and sent someone to release Chen Qui. Secretly, he let out a relieved sigh. Prime Minister Chen was his most trusted asides— even years before he became the great emperor, they were friends.

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