18: Exchanging Letters

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"You like him," Bai Lan stated with a flat face.

Jufen frowned after hearing her accusation, "Do not."

"Do not? Who do you think you're lying to, Fen-jiejie? You're speaking to a Zhao here!" Bai Lan huffed while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Okay, Miss Zhao," she emphasized and said with an impassive tone, "I do not like him."

"Okay, Xia Wangfei," mocked Bai Lan, "what's wrong with liking him?"

"I do not like him," Jufen repeated more sternly this time.

Bai Lan silently studied Jufen before sighing, "Lie to me all you want, Chen Jufen. But do not lie to yourself because the only person you're hurting is you."

Jufen's hand that held a brush paused from writing. She's always hurting. Whether she gives her heart out to the someone or not, she has always been hurting. However, Bai Lan's words disturbed her steady heart and bothered her a lot more than she would like to admit.

Continuing with her writing as if nothing happened, she changed the target, "Let's not talk about me. How are you and big brother Mingxi?"

This time, she was the one to frown, "What about us?"

"He likes you."

"So? I already said that I don't like the gentle type. They're too weak for me," Bai Lan replied while crossing her arms.

"How would you know? Have you ever dated a gentle type before you judged?" Jufen challenged and tilted her head with raised eyebrows.

"I—" she stuttered as she tried to say something back but couldn't, "I..."

"Give my brother a chance. Maybe you'll end up liking him," Jufen suggested with a knowing smile.

"Look who's talking! You haven't even give Xu Jun a chance and here you are, telling me what to do?" Bai Lan scoffs as she pointed a finger at Jufen.

Jufen looked around the room before looking back at her, "LanLan, I do not understand? Who are you talking to? What are you talking about? Why is it so hard to comprehend?"

"Playing dumb again. One day, you'll really become one so stop that already," she sighed frustratedly and pouted her lips.


Xu Jun has been gone for three months already. Jufen has no clue of when he will return. Though it was estimated that it would only take another month or two so she patiently waited.

During this time, Xu Jun would send her letters. Each containing unique objects and a few poetic words. Sometimes he would write her a poem declaring his undying love—to which, she rolled her eyes—sometimes about the clear fields, and sometimes about the loud battle cries from his men, who were heavy with spirit.

He would send her a hairpin, pressed leaves, and a torn piece of...his cape? His letters gets weirder every time but she did not hate it. In fact, she started to look forward to his next letter.

Regardless of her excitement, she was always conflicted with herself about sending one back. On one hand, she wants to. On another, she wants to stop this foolishness before it's too late.

This afternoon, Xiao Ru came in with a package in her hands and a teasing smile on her lips, "Miss, young master had sent another letter with a large bag."

Opening the bag, she discovered that there was dozens of ripe lychee fruits inside.

Because her courtyard receives wind often, she had forgotten that summer had started. Feeling touched, she let out a melodious chuckle. She handed them back to Xiao Ru and told her to prepare some for her to enjoy while she reads his letter.

"Wife, did you miss me? It's hot here in the barracks and your husband is suffering under the scorching hot sun with these stinky men. You know your husband has a sensitive nose so how can he stand these smelly men? The chrysanthemum scent that your body emits is much more pleasant to smell," the first paragraph was cheesy and full of endearment.

"This fool only knows how to complain," Jufen wrinkled her eyebrows at his joking behavior before shaking her head in dismay, lightly jingling the crystal charm that was tied to a hair pin.

The second paragraph mainly talks about the military affair and things that happened inside the camp base.

Her eyes hovered over the last line for a little longer, "I hope you enjoy your fruits. They should be ripen by the time it gets to you. Your dearest, Husband."

Jufen fiddled with the letter while contemplating if she should send one back. Noticing her miss's hesitation, Xiao Ru decided to give her a push, "Miss, this is the fifth letter. I think young master would be very happy if you send one back."

"Why should I care if he's happy or not?" Jufen callously snapped. Xiao Ru stepped back and said nothing else but she did not apologize or try to coax her. She knew that her miss was not really angry; just in denial.

Jufen glared at the letter with a burning gaze and sighed loudly before picking up a brush and dipping it in the ink.

In the camp near the East, there was a large leathered tent in the middle. Inside, Xu Jun was solemnly reviewing the progress his men has made before looking over at the map of the Ye nation and the surrounding countries. Their current enemy, Kuju, is facing their Eastern camp base. It would take three days to travel by horse but the men and animals needs their rest. Along with the heavy supplies, it was extended to a week.

There was no doubt that they go into war after the disagreement occurred between the two kingdoms. The two reached an impasse with their conditions and the constant exchanging of letters prolonged with time. To get a head start, Xu Jun began to rigorously train his men to prepare for war. It's just a matter of when.

Suddenly, a messenger outside of the tent called for his attention. Xu Jun answered in a slow, smooth voice, "Come inside."

"Boss, Xia Wangfei has sent a letter."

His eyebrows raised and he smiled warmly while taking the letter of out the messenger's hand who went stiff after seeing his commander smile. When has Xu Jun ever learned to smiled like that? Who was this stranger and where's the real commander? The only time he smiles that widely is when he cut the heads off of his enemies.

Xu Jun dismissed him and quickly opened the package as he sat down at his desk. In addition to a familiar letter, there was a perfume sachet. The blue sachet was embroidered with skill, drawing a phoenix that almost looked alive. Judging by the work, it was embroidered by Jufen. The smell of chrysanthemum flower and other light herbs delighted him. It smells exactly like her.

Afterwards, he turned towards the letter and frowned after opening it. That Chen Jufen has sent his letter that he wrote to her, back to him!

Just when he was about to throw it away, he noticed that bottom of the corner was folded in a triangle. Xu Jun had not payed much attention to it before because he was too concentrated on the content of the letter that she 'supposedly' wrote to him.

When he unfolded it, his lips blossomed into a bright smile and laughed lightly in disbelief. Xu Jun leaned back in his chair while holding the paper high into the air as he happily stared at it.

On the corner, a word was printed with a soft font, "Annoying."

After that, she had badly drawn a little irritated face.

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