23: The Chrysanthemum Trail

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A/n: Here's an even longer chapter! Enjoy sunshines ◟(๑•͈ᴗ•͈)◞

Xu Jun passed through the same street Jufen was last seen in. His deadly cool gaze surveyed the area and entered the same alleyway to search for additional clues.

As he silently ventured deeper into the alleyway, a very faint familiar scent lingered on the road. There was no way that Jufen's smell would remain on the streets after so long. Xu Jun bent on one knee to lean down and touched the ground with the tip of his fingers. Among the rough patches, there were also thin powdery spots that aligned into a small pathway.

"That little woman," his deep voice echoed and was carried off by the cold wind.

Closing his eyes, he forced himself to heightened the senses of his smell and followed the trail Jufen had left behind.

At the damp cottage house.

Shen Wen let out a battle cry as he charged forwards with his sword tightly held in his two hands. Jufen quickly shifted to the side and aimed for his throat for a quick kill. He quickly blocked her sword, causing the strong vibration to shake her sore arms. It was now a battle of strength, to which Jufen does not have. Her open wound on her back was gushing out blood and she was slowly weakening. Her pale lips quivered as her skin began to turn white. Wheezing through the pain, her tired eyes began to close.

When she was so sure that she reached the end of this lifetime, a small dagger drilled through Shen Wen's shoes and into his right foot.

Shen Wen roared in pain and immediately tried to pull the knife out of his foot. Before he had the chance to, another dagger pierced the hand that reached forward. Blood squirted from his wound and rapidly dripped down his shaky fingers.

His subordinates fearfully around looked for the source, only to find a tall, handsome man standing by the wall. His long fingers twirled around a third knife while he coldly gazed at the men with a bit of haughtiness. The sinful smile that did not reach his eyes was demonic and domineering.

Before they even had the chance to process his presence, he had already thrown the weapon in his hand through the throat of the non-cripple, silencing him immediately. He gapped like a fish for air afore dropping to the cold, blood-stained ground.

The young man suddenly appeared before Shen Wen and threw him to the floor. At the same time, he brutally yanked out the two daggers before stabbing through his tendons with them. His strength was so formidable that the daggers had actually bore into the ground. Shen Wen hollered with agony and begged hysterically for forgiveness.

As for the crippled subordinate, he had long wet himself from fear. Trembling from top to bottom, he kowtowed in his own fluids, hoping to be spared from his wrath. The young man drew his sword across the subordinate's eyes, instantly blinding him.

"That," he quietly resounded as the man cried with blood dripping down his face, "was for looking at my wife with your vile eyes."

Afterwards, the young man ruthlessly kicked his bloody face before swiping his sword through the subordinate's crotch without mercy. He screamed aguishly like a pig as he held himself with his hands.

"And that," he continued, "was for having such repulsive thoughts towards my wife."

Throughout the entire time, the man's eyes dulled from boredom and did not even blink twice at the crippled man dying painfully.

"Xu Jun..." Jufen faintly called out with a raspy voice. The last thing she saw was blurred image of him rushing forwards to catch her before she passed out.

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