27: Spending Time with a Sweet Talker

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Now that Gu Meiyue no longer needed Jufen to climb the social ladder, she had completely vanished from her life. Meanwhile, Ye Feng and his men kept a close eye on Jufen. He had started to notice how dangerous she really was: clever, cunning, and hard to read.

However, Jufen kept a low profile and rarely showed herself in the public. In her courtyard, they would only see her idle on the couch, eat desserts, or be pestered by Xu Jun.

How could the great general of Ye, Xu Jun not have noticed? He deliberately let them see their daily life and even gave them a good show to watch when he kissed Jufen. Since she was not as skilled as Xu Jun, she did not notice their presence until he discreetly pointed them out.

Jufen grew bright red and smacked his firm chest. She hissed at him quietly, "You knew they were watching yet you dare to act so coquettish with me?"

"So what? We have to entertain our guests. That is the basic rule of many family traditions."

"Guests are welcomed, spies are not."

"En, wife is indeed right. I'll chase them out later," he smiled nonchalantly.

While Xu Jun was clingy closely onto her body, the two spoke quiet to each other. Albeit he wouldn't miss this chance to hug her, he also had to secretly discuss important details with her.

"We've been married for a year now. Since we're targeting the same enemy, naturally we're in the same boat. Hence, I will not hide from you."

Jufen raised her eyebrows and her heart felt a little touched. Since the beginning, he had not hide much from her and completely trusted her. She does not know why he puts so much faith in her. In front of her, he would reveal his tiredness and distress. In front of her, he would smile and laugh.

This warm feeling bubbled inside her and shaken the high walls around her heart. Perhaps, it's not too bad to trust him.

"Do remember the day the Emperor summoned our family heads into court because of our engagement?" he started while Jufen nodded.

"The reason why the Emperor allowed our marriage is because of the fight for the throne. By marrying the two of the most powerful official families together, the princes do not have a chance to expand their influence through our status. Although it was a risky decision, it would save His Majesty future trouble from picking the wrong heir."

Seeing her lack of response, Xu Jun continued, "Unfortunately, the two wolves disguised as little lambs have been discovered. Naturally, we cannot be having that."

In other words, Ye Feng and Ye Zheng needed to be dealt with. Jufen was in no hurry to hunt those two down. The only thing she was most concerned about, was the great Emperor.

Xu Jun's eyes narrowed coldly as he thought about the day Jufen was kidnapped.

Since these two roaches harmed his precious flower, why would he let them off easily? Not only that, they wanted her to be stripped of her clothes—beaten, battered, and bruised—before throwing her into the streets. He, himself and the husband of Jufen, had not even seen her ankles. How could he accept that other people would see her naked before he does? Even if he had seen them, he would still ruthlessly kill anyone who dares to lay their eyes and fingers on her. For every strand of hair she loses, they will pay back with a portion of their body.

When he had interrogated Shen Wen, the vice-commander had finally spilled some information after Xu Jun viciously ripped the layer of his skin off, inch by inch. After learning the truth of their goal, he killed and disposed him. With their vice-commander gone, the Shu corp. was enraged while Ye Feng stayed silent.

In order to avoid the limelight, Ye Feng turned a blind eye to the death of a companion that followed him for ten years. A sacrifice must be made.

He could not act as rashly as before, especially since the Emperor was starting to pay more attention to him. Although the Emperor was suspicious of Ye Feng, he did not really want to believe it. After all, he's the Empress's son— the woman he chose to have by his side to rule with him.

From the start, the Emperor favored this son of his a bit more. Ye Feng was always gentle and wise, so how could he possibly be the wrong choice?

"Do not worry, their thick skin will naturally shed. We just need to push and pull on a few strings before sitting back to relax," she smiled gently at Xu Jun. Since they dare to offend her, she'll just throw them into the fire all together.

"Cunning flower. Are we going to play another round of chess?"


In apology, the Emperor granted both Xu and Chen family to take two months off. Along with the vacation, he had also sent carriages of treasure. Thus, Xu Jun had a lot of time in his hand. What better things to do than to bother Jufen?

As for the spies Ye Feng placed in their household, Xu Jun had already handled them. In a very discreet manner, he had set loose some snakes and dogs to bite them. One of them was injured and had almost fallen out of the tree. Since the dogs follow wherever they go, they had to leave or else they would be discovered.

"Boring. They ran away so quickly. How else would this general entertain himself now?" he tsked and crossed his arms. Hearing this, Jufen's hands that held a chess piece stopped moving and she began to slowly tiptoe away from him. Just when she was near the door, a pair of strong arms wrapped itself around her waist.

"Wife, where are you going?" he whispered with a deep voice and blew into her ear.

"To...to the bathroom," she lied awkwardly while averting her eyes.

In a sarcastic voice, he taunted, "Ho? I never knew that a bathroom was in the southern side. I'll have to check it out."

Since she was caught in a lie, she no longer bothered to conceal the truth. Jufen groaned loudly and complained, "No, I don't want to sit for hours anymore. You already painted enough! Go find someone else to be your model."

"Why would I look at anyone else? My wife is beautiful and a blessing. If you're the only thing I can see in this world, then so be it."

Jufen lowered her head in embarrassment. This man is such a tease and a smooth talker. The thing is, he says it with a straight face. When he looks at her, his eyes hold honesty and fondness. Xu Jun is blunt so he would say whatever is on his mind. Whether if it was embarrassing, cruel, or too direct— none of that exists in his dictionary.

There was a time where the couple were going out on a date and a maiden had fallen for Xu Jun's earth shattering looks. Since the two rarely go out, she did not recognize their esteemed identities. The maiden butted in their conversation and began to shamelessly flirt with Xu Jun. Jufen's heart felt bitter and her expression became sour. Before she even had the chance to kick her out, Xu Jun had beaten her to it.

He ruthlessly said, "You're too ugly for this duke. Unrefined, shrewd, and totally not cute. I would say that your position is suitable as the horse stable cleaner but that would just be an insult to our servants. If you stand by Xiao Hua, you'll just dampen her beauty. Leave immediately, you're polluting the air."

The poor maiden left wailing in her hands and Xu Jun turned to casually sip his tea while continuing to put food in her plate as if nothing had happened. Jufen was baffled and could not say anything for the next few hours.

So when he flatters her with words, she knew he said it from his heart. The worst part is, she can't help but to feel her own heart flutter every time.

Wiggling in his embrace, she mumbled shyly, "Stop with your honey words, you sweet talker."

"Honey words? No, they are just the truth."

The tip of her ears grew red and she finally broke out of his arms to run away.

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