31: Spoiling Jufen With Food

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[Warning] A small section of heavy sexual content. Don't worry, the story will return to the main plot line after this.

Yes, it's moonlights again! You know the drill :)

The nights of the past few weeks were exhausting. Sometimes Xu Jun would be gentle, other times he would do it his way. Everyday, she would wake up sore and tired. At some point, Jufen began to bolt to escape whenever she spots him. Unfortunately, it only got worse at night when he realizes that she has been avoiding him.

"No more, husband, please..." Jufen mewed against the wall while he pushed back inside of her. He hooked one of her legs with his hand and pulled it towards to her upper body. She could only desperately cling onto the wall with every thrust he makes. Xu Jun curved his lips charmingly and licked the shell of her ear in a slow, agonizing motion; completely contrasting with his intense love making from behind.

When he reached his ecstasy, he pressed her shaky body against the wall with his weight as he inhaled her scent. Jufen's supporting leg would've given out if he did not hold onto her. Xu Jun sweetly kissed her neck before pulling himself out of her heated body. She let out a surprised cry when she felt large amount of warm fluids uncontrollably slide down her trembling leg. No matter how hard she tries to stop it, it would't cease the leak. Her tinted red face flushed in embarrassment when she noticed him watching with an arrogant smirk.

"How cruel..."

He gathered her sticky body in his strong arms and led her to the bathing room, "I'll be gentle next time."

"Liar. You said that last time..." she mumbled sleepily.

She felt his chest rumble when he let out a dark chuckle, "Then don't run away from me next time."

A few days later, Xu Jun brought up an interesting question when they lounging on a couch while reading books.

"How are you not pregnant yet?"

Jufen raised her eyebrows, slightly perplexed. Her mind wondered off to her little troublesome peanut from her last life. He would always kick her when she's trying to sleep or eat. Only when she sings softly to him, does he quiet down. However, she dearly missed his kicks and punches. If she had to name one good thing about Ye Feng, it would be her baby.

When she had married Ye Feng, their sexual activities were not extremely rare but she never got pregnant until the age of twenty-one. She was currently nineteen in this life. Perhaps it would be the same?

Jufen stared blankly at her book before glancing at her stomach with a lonely gaze. However, she quickly shook it off and forced herself to smile.

Instead of telling him, she poked at his ego with a taunting smile, "Maybe your seeds just aren't strong enough. Who knew that even the Xia Wangye, the Great Young General Xu, can lack in strength."

He instantly narrowed his phoenix eyes into slits and got up to stride towards her with heavy footsteps. Clearly, he did not appreciate her awful joke.

"Oh shit—" Jufen cursed aloud before running towards the nearest exist. However, she was small compared to Xu Jun so she was easily caught by him.

With a deadly expression, he wordlessly brought her towards their bedroom. Jufen shrugged her shoulders helplessly and went along with it; rebelling would only bring more trouble.

On one lovely afternoon in the northern region, Xu Jun decided to take Jufen out for some fresh air and spoil her with food.

In the carriage, Jufen rested her head on Xu Jun's lap. The breezy wind would occasionally blow in through the window, making her feel extremely relaxed.

The light in her eyes began to dim a little as she thought about how peaceful she felt. When had the burden on her shoulders ever felt this light? How long will it stay?

Xu Jun's fingers traced the outline of her face and touched the two beauty marks under her eye. Her light eyes turned towards him and she raised her eyebrows innocently.

"Your eyes are so beautiful," he muttered with a poker face. His dark eyes intensely stared down at her with a trace of warmth.

Jufen curled her lips charmingly and turned to kiss the hand that caressed her face.

The carriage stopped and Xu Jun was the first to step down. His devilish appearance flabbergasted many young maidens in the streets. Even the men looked twice. Maidens would peek shyly at him before giggling secretly.

While Jufen was still inside the carriage, she could already heard their feminine calls and their drumming hearts. She remained impassive to their improper and vulgar upbringings.

Xu Jun cracked his neck on both sides and lightly stretched his shoulders. His face was arctic cold and did not have a single care for the world around him. His small movement with a cool face was sinfully attractive and hastened the racing hearts of those enticed by his allure.

However, their youthful hearts quickly broke when he turned out to help a beautiful, elegant lady off the carriage. She was dressed casually in green yet she had a noble and enchanting air. She was just as equally cold as the devilish man besides her.

The couple looked perfect together; in terms of appearance and attitude.

Keeping a hand behind her back, he guided her through the streets. It was only when the food stalls came into view did she reveal a small twinkle in her round eyes.

She eagerly tugged Xu Jun towards a station that sold glutinous rice dumplings with various flavors. Seeing how excited she was, Xu Jun couldn't help but to feel butterflies. It was indeed the right choice to bring her out for some food.

Though they could easily find chefs to make them all sorts of food, Jufen said that it taste better when it's from the streets and full of people's joy.

She tugged him to stall after stall until her hands were too full to carry anymore. She pursed her lips as she contemplated on what to do with the food in her hands.

Jufen's eyes were so focused and serious while deciding on such a trivial matter. Even lines began to form as she knitted her eyebrows. Xu Jun softly sighed and ordered one of the servants to bring in a basket that he had prepared.

Her doll-like eyes shimmered with happiness and she revealed her dimples at him, "You're very efficient and adaptive."

He said nothing and leaned down to kiss her forehead. She crinkled the corner of her eyes and her face glowed with appreciation. Helpless, he could only knock her forehead with his and pinch her cheeks.

"You look at food so happily yet you look at your husband with a frown. What is this discrimination?" he complained.

Jufen glowered at him and huffed, "Do the food I eat look at me with joy? No one wants to be eaten. Especially so ruthlessly like you do!"

She was still upset with him. He would not let her go and would tease her every night. When was the last time she had slept peacefully?

Xu Jun only hooked his lips and rubbed their foreheads, "En. Husband is wrong."

"Don't admit it so casually."

"Okay, husband will do as you say."

She rolled her eyes and groaned softly, "Don't just agree like that."

The couple continued on and on. When he just took the blame or agreed in a heartbeat, Jufen could not help but to shake her head. She didn't know what else to say and only speechlessly walked away.

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