11: The Winter Banquet

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Before he knew it, he had lifted his own mask just enough to place a light kiss on her closed eyelid. Caught off guard, Jufen jumped back a little and gaped at Xu Jun. Her mind barely had any time to processed his actions.

He was expressionless as usual and not a single shame for what he just did. Jufen blinked a few times before glaring at him with anger.

"General Xu Jun! Do not act so brazenly. This—" she stumbled on her words. She did not know what to say but she had to lecture him on etiquettes and courtesy. She sighed, "This is not appropriate. As a man and a woman, we should keep a proper distance."

Just as she finished her words, Xu Jun had unexpectedly closed the gap between them. Taken aback, she retrieved a few small steps back. This time, he did not follow.

Jufen's eyes darted left and right, looking for anything to turn the spotlight to. Seeing the lantern still in his masculine hands, she impassively said, "Quickly light your lantern and make a wish so we can leave. Father would not be too happy if I return too late."

"My wish is already in the process of coming true. Worry not, I'll take you home in time." Xu Jun replied in a similar stoic tone as he sets his lantern afloat. The two lotus lanterns floated down the river along with the hundreds of others.

Jufen did not understand the meaning behind his word nor does she want to. She was too distracted by his bizarre actions to care.

During the ride home, the two had not spoken a single word. When Jufen had stepped out of the carriage, Xu Jun made sure she had entered the residence safely before departing.

Jufen's mind felt a bit restless after tonight. She did not understand her feelings towards Xu Jun. Clearly, she feels annoyed by him yet why did her heart fluttered today? Jufen hardened her heart as she reminded herself of what infatuation had done to her. She would not let another man make her fall into his traps, entrust him with her heart before shattering it. Not again.

'But he's not Ye Feng...'

She touched the white fox mask one last time before storing it away in a chest. After requesting Xiao Ru to prepare a warm bath, she disregarded her clothes along with her thoughts.

Just as she had planned, the public's new gossip was about General Xu Jun and Lady Chen Jufen. They had praised how loving the couple were and even set lanterns off together. They had also ridiculed the ones that previously shamed on the two of them. Hence after the fall festival, their reputation had boosted positively. Naturally, they were more supportive of Xu Jun and glorified his heroic actions in protecting his country while saving many lives at a young age.

Nothing eventful had occurred during the daily life of Jufen. It was always the same pattern: sleep, eat, practice, sleep.

The imperial family invited all families equal or above a third rank to attend the Winter Banquet in celebration for the upcoming new year. Meanwhile, the New Years Banquet was exclusive to the direct royal families only. With no ways to refuse, Jufen and her father, Chen Qui accepted the invitation.

When the Xu family was informed of such matters, Madam Weiyun had immediately prepared a stunning green dress, embroidered with gold linings of phoenix birds and chrysanthemum flowers for Jufen. She had also sent in a matching set of accessories, charms, and some sweet fruits. Her heart felt warmed by the madam's actions and she held back a large smile. She never had a mother figure in her life nor experienced what a mother's love was like.

Early in the morning, Jufen had already taken her scented bath and worn her dress. Albeit the color green she bears was uncommon, it did not look unpleasant on her at all. Instead, it seems to enhance her features and matured her face. The hardest and most crucial part was her hair.

Tied in an elegant knot and leaving the rest of her hair down to symbolize her unmarried status, Xiao Ru had placed a professionally crafted jade pin on each side. Then, she added a simple dangling jade on a gold pin on either side as well. It took a long time to make sure her hair stays in place.

As for makeup, Jufen rejuvenated her skin with a thin layer of osmanthus oil. While drawing her eyebrows into a soft yet defined shape, she had also lined them with a bit of red rouge. Her eyes were darkened with a similar hue. Since her lips are naturally rosy, she only soften them with some oil.

Her father had accompanied her the entire time. When they arrived, the two respectfully bowed in ceremony before retreating to their designated table. Jufen's table was stationed behind her father's, so she could stay away from the crowd's view. However, that did not stop the occasional glances towards her direction. Jufen was long aware of their eyes—especially from the imperial family.

Nearly two years had passed since she had attended a royal event. During these two years, she had matured into a lovely maiden who emitted aloofness and indifference. Attracted to her cold charms, the men wanted to get another glimpse of the delicate beauty.

Jufen quietly asked her father to leave for some fresh air and he eagerly agreed. He was long annoyed of the looks men were giving to his precious daughter. The only man who could look at her that way needs his approval and that was only for Xu Jun, his future son-in-law.

Jufen slipped away from the noisy banquet and adventured into the familiar palace. There was a pavilion near a pond that is rarely visited by people. She sat in her favorite spot as she stared at the starry sky. This was the same pavilion, same seat, and same sky from her last life. She often came here to comfort herself and secretly let go of her tears.

She laughed at herself. Truly foolish. A beautiful place had been tarnished by the painful memories.

"Why does your eyes look so sad?" an alluring feminine voice called out, disturbing her silence.

Jufen's face remained placid and unalarmed at the voice. She slowly turned her attention towards a very, very gorgeous woman in a blue dress. Her black hair fluttered in the soft breeze and her seductive eyes curved into a smile. Her skin was clear and pale while her red lips contrasted with its deep hue. Her perfect oval face was the ideal type.

She was none other than Zhao Bai Lan, another lady of the Ye nation's four beauties. She's the daughter of a low-ranked general connected to Concubine Lin in the imperial harem. Since she was naturally beautiful and likable, she was favored by her Imperial aunt.

Jufen recalls that Concubine Lin was a timid woman and was rather pleasant to be around. She was not really noticeable compared to the endless beauties in the emperor's harem so she had only receive his favor once or twice a year. Still, her fourth rank was not bad.

"Sky, an endless reach.

Yet stars, the souls of the dead

Scatter across to meet."

Jufen gently recited a poem that came into her mind.

Hearing her words, Bai Lan widened her eyes before sadness washed over them as well. She turned towards the sky and gazed in a longing way. It was well known that her parents had been murdered while trying to protect Bai Lan from kidnappers. Concubine Lin took her in as if she was her own child after that incident.

Bai Lan sat on the stool next to hers and accompanied her in sky gazing. Though the two had not said a word, the silence they shared was more than enough to convey their mutual feelings.

The two sat there for quite a long time before a bell rang. It was to signal that midnight has arrived and the last performance for the banquet is about to start. This, she could not miss or else she would be disrespecting the imperial family. While Bai Lan was considered a distant indirect descendant of the imperial family, she did not attend the feast. It was most likely because Concubine Lin did not hold a third rank status, thus was unable to attend.

Before Jufen returned to the banquet, Bai Lan called out, "Chen Ju Fen. If we meet again, let us be friends."

She smiled helplessly as she gazed at the beautiful woman in blue, "En. Zhao Bai Lan, let us be friends then."

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