3: Engaged

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Chen Jufen's hand that held the porcelain cup paused. She recalls a boy who was always taller than her, so she always had to look up. He had a teasing smile; one that said, "I've done something, but you don't know it yet." However, he was like a red spider-lily flower. Always attracting attention from young women, middle aged women, older women, and sometimes even men. He naturally had this alluring aura with his phoenix eyes and cunning smile.

With the looks of a devilishly handsome face and overpowering arrogance, even women cannot compare. However, he always treated Jufen differently than the others. One time, he played a prank on her, which resulted with a lot of crying; she scowls at the memory. But she soon remembers when he snuck into her room afterwards. She was still crying when he came to give her a bag of sweet fruits dipped in honey, along with some badly picked chrysanthemum flowers.

"Honey fruits for your sweet mouth and chrysanthemum flowers for your sweet scent," he said in a childish voice. Jufen lightly shivered from the cringe.

Now that she thought about it, Xu Jun isn't too bad. While she was lost in her own mental conversations, Chen Qui waved his hand in front of her delicate face.

"Fen-er? Jufen?"

Recalling her senses, she calmly responded as if nothing happened, "En, Jufen remembers."

He let out a breath of relief before nervously asking, "Really? That's wonderful. So what does Fen-er think? Does daughter agree to this marriage with Xu Jun?"

Jufen did not say anything for a minute, making it seem like she was seriously thinking about the proposal. However, Jufen had only done this so her father can take her words seriously and thus, would not worry her father.

"Jufen agrees and will comply to father's wishes." She gently answered with a clear look in her eyes.

Baffled, Chen Qui could not believe this. Not only was his daughter calm and collected, she had seriously considered his words. Because of this, his smile grew more pronounced as he laughed heartily with joy.

"My Fen-er has grown into a calm, intelligent young lady. However, father will not force you. If you have any dissatisfaction, tell father immediately!"

"En, father should not worry. Jufen thought about your words and knew that father only wants the best for this daughter. I have no doubt that father looked thoroughly for the perfect suitor and believes in father's abilities. After all, it is better to marry familiar than stranger."

Chen Qui did not catch the deep hatred that resonated in her last sentence. She truly did not know the true face of Ye Feng. As for Xu Jun, based on her previous life, he had tried to help her father in courtesies to their deep friendship. Only because of this, she was willing to marry him. Marriage is nothing but a political agreement between high families.

Her father praised her endlessly and placed more snacks on her plate in happiness. "Tomorrow, we will announce your engagement. Anyways, Fen-er, since you are mature and considerate, tell Father your wishes. Father will give you anything you want!"

Chen Jufen paused for a second before continuing to eat her cake. She didn't really need anything. She has a famous guzheng in her study room, countless supplies of books and painting sets, and plenty of beautiful clothes. Half of those aforementioned remains untouched till this day.

"Father, Jufen would like to learn martial arts," she said seriously. This time, her eyes held stubbornness and resolution. It was like a lake that could not be disturbed, no matter what falls in or how hard the wind blows, it falters not.

Chen Qui's face fell ashen and he set down his pair of chopsticks. The sound was crisp and sharp. His voice became grave, "Martial arts? Jufen, have you truly thought about thus? Why the sudden change? You had no interest before."

"Jufen would like to learn how to protect herself. We may have guards and skilled people, but who would be able to protect me if I were to be in a situation that would be disgraceful?" She had no choice but to pull this card out against her father. Before he could refute, she attacked again, "Father cares about Jufen's reputation, right?"

Chen Qui could not say anything. She was right. Besides, what could go wrong? He sighed and nodding slowly, "Fen-er is smart. However, father is worried about possible injuries. You're a lady from the highest minister of scholars. Are you not worried about what others will say?"

"Jufen will be careful. As long as it does not leaked out, it should not affect us."

He thought about it before sending a servant to find a suitable teacher for her. Jufen stood up to thank her father.

Chen Jufen had decided. Within the year before she marries off, she would take advantage of her known knowledges and skills. Just because she learned how to cook, embroidery, play instruments, and studied many strategies in war and court for Ye Feng does not mean she will not take advantage of it. She had suffered many sleepless nights by studying, sewing and playing the guzheng until all ten fingers of hers bleeds, and learning how to cook delicious meals until her apron turns black from the smoke— all to please him. She despises herself for being foolish. But this is what a second chance is for. She's here to correct her mistakes.

In all honesty, Chen Jufen had grown tired of schemes and jealous women. The countless amount of concubines Ye Feng took was truly traumatizing. Thus, she hopes Xu Jun would not be the same. She does not want revenge, for she had exhausted herself. If she could, she would stay away from Ye Feng; well, as far as fate allows it. He had no relations with her to begin with, so it would be easier to avoid him. But she still have to settle scores with Gu Meiyue.

The next morning, two of the most powerful families announced their engagement, stunning the whole nation. If the family decides to rebel against the imperial family, there is no doubt that they will succeed. As a result, the emperor grew wary and called the Old General Xu and Prime Minister Chen into court.

The outsiders didn't know what was discussed in the court, but the two head families remained alive and intact when they left. The emperor seemed reluctant but satisfied. Not one single peep was uttered, so Jufen did not know either.

"Xiao Ru," Jufen smiled genuinely at the little maid and motioned her hand to come.

Seeing her master smile so beautifully, Xiao Ru could not help but to smile happily as well, "What does miss want this servant to do?"

"Close your eyes and take your hand out."

Though she was confused, she did not disobey and did exactly as she was told. It wasn't long before she felt a cold metal hairpin gently resting on her opened-palm. Jotting her eyes open, Xiao Ru tried to hand it back to Jufen.

"Keep it. I think this silver pin with a lily flower suits you very much. Think of it as a gift from me. Leave me some face and accept it, Xiao Ru." Jufen smiled mischievously, giving no chance for the maid to refuse.

"Then...Then this servant thanks Miss for being generous and kind."

Though Xiao Ru lowered her face, no one could miss the happiness that radiated from her. Wanting to return the favor, she quickly offered to bring in some cold almond jelly to cool down the heat. The ending of summer was still hot and she loves sweets, so Jufen nodded in excitement.

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