28: Bearing One's Heart on the Sleeves

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A/N: Short chapter today but for the matured readers, you're going to enjoy the next chapter :)

Jufen sat by the edge of her patio while watching the way stars twinkle brightly against the dark blue sky. Along with the plum blossoms, the crystal charm blew gently in the wind with its soft jingle. She slowly closed her eyes and breathed in the cool air.

These days, it had been raining nonstop in the North so it was a rare night for the sky to be cleared of gloomy clouds.

She stared blankly at the sky and her mind wondered off to Gu Meiyue. The Paradise City should be receiving large amount of rain. Along with the heavy rain from the North, snow would melt by the time the weather warms up. When the time is right, natural disaster will take its course.

Xu Jun watched her from the side. The moonlight illuminated her forehead, the bridge of her nose, and her soft lips. She gave off a serene vibe; it was enchanting.

Jufen was suddenly lifted into a strong embrace and placed into a warm lap. Xu Jun rested his chin on her bare neck and kissed her gently. The two said nothing while they enjoyed each other's presence.

The dark blue sky was scattered with stars of all sizes. Some dimmer than others and some brighter. Together, they formed a beauty view of the universe.

After a while, he broke the silence, "I love you."

She stiffened at his words while her eyes shot open. Her heart skipped a beat but her expression did not change. When she did not say anything, he tightened his grip on her.

"I know you feel the same. So why don't you trust me?" he softly asked.

Jufen sighed and turned around to face him. Her gaze was empty and distant while she coldly replied, "You don't love me. Words like 'love' are used so frequently that we cannot distinguish them from the temporary, fleeting feelings. They have lost their meaning."

He did not give up and asked again, "Okay, I enjoy everything about you and what you do. So why don't you trust me?"

Startled, she did not expect him to be so determined. Blinking a few times, she rebuttal, "You do not enjoy everything about me."

Xu Jun frowned before answering, "Perhaps they annoy me sometimes but at the end of the day, it's still you. If it is apart of you, then I will accept it."

Her heart hammered against her rib cage and she swallowed hard. Her thoughts ran a hundred miles per hour in her head. She confessed, "I'm mean, selfish, and crafty."

"With reasons."

"I'm boring and cold."

"This duke disagrees."

"I accuse you everyday and is pessimistic."

"Then this duke is wrong."

"I'm horrible at painting and calligraphy."

"I'll paint for you."

"I don't apologize for my mistakes or give frequent thanks."

"It's cute."

"I don't believe in love."

"I know," he whispered as he pulled her down towards him, "I know."

"Then why—" she frustratedly asked before he kissed her ever so gently. It was a kiss that was filled with sincerity and adoration.

"I don't need you believe in love. I need you to believe in me."

How long had she desired to hear these words?

She looked straight into his dark, honest eyes. They shimmered like jewels when illuminated by the moonlight. The entire universe was reflected in his eyes: the sky, the stars, and the moon. When she looks into them, her heart stirs and she feels like her soul is being sucked in. The noise in the back fades into nothing and everything around them no longer matter. As long as she look at them, everything will be fine; everything will be peaceful.

His hand caressed her cheek and he pulled her in for another kiss, "You're kind. You think ahead to protect yourself and your loved ones. You're cold because you're scared others will find out how fragile you are on the inside. You accuse me because you've been lied to so much that you doubt everything around you. So what if you're horrible at art? I don't need you to be talented in arts to appreciate you."

"Don't say any more..." she mumbled with a choked voice. Jufen pushed against his chest to no avail. His grip was simply too strong compared to her own strength.

He softly continued, "You pull at your fingers whenever you're conflicted. When you wanted to bare your heart out, you would hesitantly play with your hands and purse your lips. You don't need to say thanks or apologize when your eyes says it all. And the reason why you don't believe in love, is because no one has shown you what it really means to be loved."

He felt a drop of liquid on his cheek. In her cold empty eyes, lies the reflection of a fragile girl. For the first time in this lifetime, she let herself cry.

He used his thumb to gently wipe away her fallen tears and kissed her softly. The two stayed silent as she sniffed her tears away.

After a while, her cracked voice echoed, "A woman is the most foolish when blinded by love."

Xu Jun frowned as he tilted his head to the side. His long, black hair followed his movement and swayed in the wind. His deep voice was flat yet serious, "Then use your other senses. You have five for a reason."

Jufen was dumbstruck and stared at him in disbelief.

He...he can't possibly be serious? Looking into his stern eyes and straight face, she knew he wasn't joking around. She sighed and rolled her eyes, "What if I become foolish?"

"Then I'll be foolish with you."

Jufen couldn't believe what she was hearing. He said such heavy and committing words without hesitation. She lightly scoffed, "You're so stupid yet it's so endearing."

"En,"—he pulled her in slowly—"I'm stupid for you."

Unable to stand his honey dripping words, she finally revealed a helpless smile and leaned down to peck his lips.

Perhaps she doesn't mind being foolish or blind. 

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