35: The Act of Love

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The following contains HEAVY sexual content. Moonlights are welcomed, sunshines' discretions are advised.

To respond to the sudden schedule change, I decided to upload this chapter as an apology. I hope that you guys have an amazing week! Enjoy!( )

Jufen knew that she was playing with fire when she had Xu Jun attend the morning court. She understands that while many wanted their protection and have them as their strong background, the Xia couple already has a large influence. If it continues to increase, the Emperor would only try to contain them and thus will affect the officials that are related to them.

He had already tried to reduce their powers by removing Xu Jun from his post in small camp bases. As long as Xu Jun cease from the audience, his influence would not be that powerful.

If Jufen did not have Xu Jun to act, the public would be displeased with their lack of consideration to the dilemma and rebel to have them removed. If she acted, the Emperor would feel threatened by them and the officials would keep a safe distance in front of the dragon. Either way, a small sacrifice must be taken.

However, Xu Jun was not as concerned as she was. No matter what, he had long brainwashed the soldiers into serving him only. Regardless of who has the military token, his loyal men would only answer to him.

The Emperor feared that Xu Jun would take over his throne but the thing was, Xu Jun was never interested in it. Even if he did express his lack of desire, the Emperor would not believe him so what was the point? The dragon that sat on the throne was worried about him but not about his children whom were planning to devour him when he's asleep. At this thought, Xu Jun shook his head in disappointment.

Perhaps it really was time to change the ruler.

Jufen was in a thin, silky red robe that was tied loosely onto her body. She sprawled across the mat and fumbled with a chess piece while deep in thoughts.

Xu Jun ran his fingers down her smooth skin on her exposed thigh, "What are you thinking about?"

Jufen answered mindlessly, "It's not going to be easy to unmask Ye Feng."

Xu Jun frowned and irritation was apparent in his voice, "Why are you mentioning another man's name in front of your husband?"

"Seriously, Jun? This is your concern?" she scoffed in disbelief.

He tighten his grip on her thigh and pulled her closer to him. His pink lips contorted in displeasure and his eyebrows were knitted. He looked as if he was pouting. Jufen lightly laughed and rested her arms on his shoulders before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Better?" she teased with a seductive curve on her lips.

Xu Jun tugged the corner of his mouth into an arrogant smirk and crashed their lips together, "Not even close."

Jufen slipped her hands inside of his robe and ran them across his muscular body. He pulled back a little from their passionate kiss, "You're getting more and more daring."

"Look who's talking," she quietly giggled before connecting their lips again as Xu Jun's hands were already roaming her body.

He switched their positions and laid Jufen down on the mat before pulling onto the ribbon that held her robe together. The silk fell from her body, exposing her smooth flesh for him to admire. Very slowly, he left kisses from her lips to her inner thigh. Without a warning, he suddenly licked her folds while two fingers slipped in.

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