8: Unexpected Encounter

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Jufen frowned behind her veil and tried to pry his fingers off of her. Still, he held her flushed body quite close to him.

Under the thin silk, Xu Jun could feel her soft yet toned body, letting him know that she has been working out.

Opening the veil so only he could see, he saw Jufen glowering at him. Over the year, Jufen had noticeably grew into a young maiden. Her eyes have now slightly deepened and turned upwards but still large. She had lost the remaining baby fat on her soft, flushed cheeks. His finger tips touched the two dots under her left eye. It was an affectionate move, stunning Jufen and the servants.

Then he let go.

She eyed him suspiciously. His face remained unchanging but his eyes carried a small hint of warmth. Out of nowhere, he pulled out a brown bag and placed it in her hand.

"What is this?" she asked in a softer, but still agitated voice.

"Open and see," he simply said.

Inside was at least two dozen of ripe lychees. Instead of contempt, she looked up at him in surprise. However, she was still suspicious of his actions.

"Why give it to me?"

"It was originally for you," he bluntly confessed without a single shame or blush, "I'm relieved that you still like lychee. Otherwise, it would have been in vain."

'So he remembered.'

Jufen couldn't stop hammering of her heart against her rib cage. In her mind, she told herself not to fall and be foolish. Ye Feng had never done anything for her, much less buy her favorite fruit. Thinking of Ye Feng, her pounding heart suddenly slows to a cold chill. Nevertheless, she felt a little touched by Xu Jun.

One year ago, he was as cold as ice. Today, he was vexing. Just now, he was sweet. What a confusing man. Should she expect him to be sour the next time they meet?

When she was about to give her thanks, a loud playful voice came from behind.

"Yo, if it isn't the Young General Xu!"

Young General Xu? The watching crowd gasped and took a few steps back. Who haven't heard of his savagery? They wouldn't have ever suspected that a young peerless man who is trying to court his fiancée on the streets to be the barbarous general.

Fiancée? Their eyes widen as they turned to Jufen, trying to take a peek at the face under her veil. The envious women grew more green. Not only does she has a handsome fiancé, she was also the Prime Minister's only daughter. Envy breeds hate. So Jufen wasn't surprised when they started whispering how she only worn a veil to hide her ugly features.

Truly two-faced, these people. They were the same ones who said Xu Jun was a hideous man. Now that they know the truth, they're suddenly in love with him and hateful towards her! What is wrong with them?

Instead of the whispering crowds, Jufen was more focused on the loud voice and turned cold. She has a very, very bad feeling about this.

"Greetings, your highnesses," Xu Jun's warmth had completely vanished when his moment with Jufen was ruined.

It was the sixth prince, Prince Zheng; immature, lecherous, and materialistic. Though he seems young and dumb, in her last life, he was one of the men that supported Ye Feng. He played the role of a wasteful prince well and when his enemies least expected it, he had already swooped in for the kill.

If she was not wrong, then the other royal prince is...

"Xu Jun, it is good to see you. What brings you here?" The familiar gentle voice stiffened her. Lowering her gaze a little, her eyes burned with emotions.

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