♚ Girl meets 1961 ♚

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~ Outfit ~

~ Outfit ~

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~ Clara ~

{Song}Down - Dodie Clark

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Down - Dodie Clark

♚  ♚  ♚  ♚


"The 60's, man. Influential musicians like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez." Cory began the period.

The classroom were filled with kids that were bored, tired, or sleepy.

Ivy was falling asleep, because Lucas and she decided to have a Sherlock marathon last night, that
they haven't finished yet.

"Playing guitars and singing like prophets. The times, they were a-changin'."

Ivy lean my head back which was caught by a tired Lucas so her head wouldn't hit the desk.

The blunette rest her eyes
but still listened.

"The class, they are a-sleeping'." Farkle sassed.

"It's not your fault, Dad. It's just the stuff you're saying." Riley spoke.

"I'm talking about the 60's, man."

"Nobody cares about when you were our age." Riley replies to him honestly.

"Riley, it was over 50 years ago. How old do you guys think I am?" Cory said in disbelief.

"There's no right answer to this, sir." Lucas responded still holding his girlfriends head.

"You should teach us future class, you know, give us something we could use." Maya requested.

"Listen, Dad, you're doing a wonderful job up there and we're very happy that you're all jazzed up.." Riley starts.

"But history has nothing to do with us." Maya finishes.

"I'm gonna snap this chalk now." Cory states.

"Uh-oh." Lucas muttered.

"Snap." Cory breaks the chalk in half and bangs Ivy's desk loud making her jolt up out of Lucas' hands.

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